Internal impact

Internal impact

Institutional responses    

​Virus has created different economic system, says Finnish pensions chief

Submitted by pmassetti on

IPE (31.01.2022) The chief executive officer of the State Pension Fund of Finland (Valtion Eläkerahasto, VER), said the economic conditions brought about by the pandemic will stay with us, and with digitalisation and medicine as the key drivers of this new system, that is where governments need to allocate resources.

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Information and communication technology


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
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China eager to embrace tech to meet overflowing health care demands

Submitted by fabbri on

 South China Morning Post (02.07.2018) Patients need to have plenty of patience, especially in China’s under-resourced health care system where rural parents often travel with their sick children to seek treatment at Beijing’s Children Hospital but end up having to literally camp outside because of a shortage of lodgings in the city, or where the needs of the ageing population are rising with more than 200 million people aged over 60, equivalent to the entire population of Indonesia.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Information and communication technology


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Internal impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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ISSA Technical Seminar on social security and the future world of work

Submitted by massetti on

March 2018 - Brussels, Belgium - The main topics that will be addressed are the new forms of work and their impact on social security schemes as well as the need to achieve adequate coverage and levels of benefits and at the same time guarantee financial sustainability.

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
External impact
Labour market
Societal Impact
Internal impact

Digital Transformation of Italy

Submitted by massetti on

Forum OECD (24.05.2018)  The “operating system” of the Country, a series of fundamental blocks upon which services for citizens, the Public Administration, and enterprises are built.

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Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
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Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Re-booting government as a bridge to the digital age

Submitted by massetti on

 OECD (2017) Digitalisation has already been under way for about half a century, yet it is only now that everyone is talking about a digital revolution. Why?

Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
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Jordan: Ministerial taskforce formed to handle social safety network

Submitted by fabbri on

Jordan Times (07.01.2018) Prime Minister Hani Mulki on Sunday formed a committee to handle all affairs related to the social security network, the term referring to the funds allocated to ease the impact of lifting subsidies in the 2018 budget.

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Information and communication technology
Social policies & programmes
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Internal impact
Service delivery
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Going Digital - OECD

Submitted by ruggia on

The ongoing digital transformation of economies and societies holds many promises to spur innovation, generate efficiencies, and improve services, and in doing so boost more inclusive and sustainable growth as well as enhance well-being. But these benefits go hand-in-hand with disruptions.

Information and communication technology
Technological transition
Old_Global Challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Internal impact
Document Type

UN glimpses blockchain future with eye scan payments for refugees

Submitted by monitor on

Zilient - Reuteur (21.07.2017) Thousands of Syrian refugees in Jordan's Azraq camp don't pay for their food with cash but by a scan of their eyes. Purchases are then recorded on a computing platform based on blockchain - the technology behind bitcoin. The U.N. agency launched the futuristic system in May as a one-month pilot involving 10,000 of Azraq's more than 50,000 inhabitants in a bid to explore blockchain's potential to cut costs and bottlenecks.

Information and communication technology
Service quality
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Internal impact
Service delivery
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

[Report] India: Social Protection : State of Aadhaar

Submitted by monitor on (2017) The Government of India aims to provide a comprehensive set of safety nets to India’s poor, including food subsidies, employment guarantees, and targeted cash transfers. Financial leakages and service delivery issues, however, reduce its effectiveness. The government aims to use Aadhaar’s authentication and fund transfer capabilities to address these problems.

Regions / Country
Information and communication technology
Service quality
Social assistance
Old_Global Challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Internal impact
Service delivery
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

Social security goes digital: Quicker and easier exchange of social security information throughout the EU and beyond

Submitted by monitor on

Europa (03.07.2017) Today the Commission launches the Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information system (EESSI), a new IT platform that will connect electronically around 15.000 social security institutions of EU Member States plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland

Regions / Country
european union
Governance and administration
Information and communication technology
Service quality
Social policies & programmes
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Internal impact
Service delivery
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags