Going Digital - OECD

Submitted by ruggia on

The ongoing digital transformation of economies and societies holds many promises to spur innovation, generate efficiencies, and improve services, and in doing so boost more inclusive and sustainable growth as well as enhance well-being. But these benefits go hand-in-hand with disruptions. Our interactions with one another and with society more broadly are being transformed, as are the nature and structure of organisations and markets, raising important issues around jobs and skills, privacy, security, and how to ensure that technological changes benefit society as a whole, among others.

Some countries and some groups are better placed than others to harness the benefits of digital transformation. To bring about stronger and more inclusive growth from the digital revolution, it is essential to build a coherent and comprehensive policy approach. This is the essence of the OECD's Going Digital project.

The digital transformation is affecting all areas of government policy making This page presents OECD work on digital issues in many of these areas. Yet the essence of the Going Digital project is to foster new cross-cutting thinking and a whole-of-government approach that the digital age requires, where silos are broken down to enable more effective policy making. 

To this end, the project will leverage the latest evidence and data across domains within a new framework for policies towards the digital transformation.

Document Type
Old_Global Challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster