Extension of coverage

[Report] Extending coverage: Social protection and the informal economy

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European Commission (2017) Many of the workers in the formal economy can take certain things for granted: a regular income, health insurance, unemployment benefits if they lose their jobs, and a pension when they retire. Such things are a distant dream for workers in the informal economy, who in many countries make up most of the workforce.

Extension of coverage

Pathways to a universal basic income in low- and middle-income countries

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developmentpathways.co.uk (20.09.2017) The idea of providing a periodic, unconditional cash transfer to all residents of a country – a universal basic income – has rapidly gained traction in recent years. However, the debate about basic income often seems curiously divorced from the wider debate about the expansion of social security systems, writes Rasmus Schjoedt.

Extension of coverage

EU seeks more protection for Uber-style jobs

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Reuters (25.09.2017) The European Commission wants more social protection and rights for casual workers, such as those in the “gig economy”, and others with non-standard contracts to try to tackle growing social inequality.

Regions / Country
european union
Employment policies
Employment of young workers
Extension of coverage
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Why the Digital Economy is Key to Formalizing Africa's Informal Sector

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 allAfrica.com (14.09.2017) With the commodities crisis crippling the economies of countries like South Africa and Nigeria, it's become more important than ever that Africans develop the blueprint for their own start-up nations. While industrialization is an appealing path to growth for countries like Ethiopia, more nations should value the developmental potential sitting in front of them: Africa's large informal sector.

Regions / Country
Employment policies
Extension of coverage
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Societal Impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

The Distributional Impact of Taxes and Transfers: Evidence from Eight Developing Countries

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worldbank.org (18.09.2017) The current policy discussion on fiscal redistribution in low- and middle-income countries focuses on the power of fiscal policy to reduce inequality but less on the impact of fiscal policy on the standard of living of the poor. However, a new World Bank book—The Distributional Impact of Taxes and Transfers: Evidence from Eight Developing Countries—reveals that although fiscal systems are always equalizing, they often reduce the actual consumption of goods of the poor.

Extension of coverage

Sénégal: Couverture maladie universelle - Un projet de loi bientôt sur la table de la nouvelle législature

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Le Soleil (18.08.2017) Les 165 députés issus des élections législatives du 30 juillet dernier pourraient examiner en priorité le projet de loi sur la Couverture maladie universelle (Cmu). Une volonté du gouvernement sénégalais de donner un encadrement législatif au droit à une santé pour tous. L’assurance a été donnée, vendredi dernier, par des acteurs des mutuelles de santé réunis dans la capitale du Saloum.

Regions / Country
Health insurance
Extension of coverage

Turkey among high achievers in universal healthcare

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Daily Sabah (13.09.2017) Turkey, along with China, Rwanda, Cambodia, Equatorial Guinea and Laos, recorded the biggest improvements in universal health care between 2000 and 2016, which translated into better vaccine coverage, as well as fewer child deaths and malaria infections, according to a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-sponsored study published by the medical journal Lancet yesterday.

Regions / Country
Health promotion
Health insurance
Extension of coverage

[Opinion] Universal healthcare in the US is possible. We already have proof

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The Guardian (15.09.2017) Speaking to opponents of universal healthcare in the US today is much like speaking to a moon-landing denier or any other conspiracy theorist – they insist on arguing impossibility in the face of proven reality.

Regions / Country
United States
Health insurance
Extension of coverage

Protecting Poor Thai Families from Economic Hardship

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worldbank.org (31.08.2017) Thailand recently announced that it will put into action a national social assistance program for poor families. Such a program can help reduce poverty significantly. It would also move Thailand into the growing ranks of middle-income countries, such as China, Malaysia, Brazil, Turkey and the Philippines, that provide the poor with a ‘safety net’.

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Extension of coverage
Document Type

France: RSI - le plan du gouvernement pour remplacer le régime social des 4,6 millions d’indépendants

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Le Monde (05.09.2017) Très contesté, le RSI disparaîtra le 1er janvier 2018. Les indépendants seront adossés au régime général de la Sécurité sociale à l’issue d’une transition de deux ans.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage