
[Report] OECD: Changing world of work needs new jobs strategy

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OECD (04.12.2018) Governments need to do more to help workers and firms adapt to the fast-changing world of work and drive inclusive growth, according to the new OECD Jobs Strategy.New evidence in the report reveals that countries that promote job quantity, quality and inclusiveness – such as Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden – perform better than those which focus predominantly on market flexibility.

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Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Economic impact
Labour market
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Perú: Presidente Vizcarra se compromete a mejorar sector laboral

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Agencia Peruana de Noticias Andina (30.11.2018) El presidente Martín Vizcarra manifestó que el gobierno se compromete a trabajar en las soluciones a los problemas que afectan al sector laboral, con la finalidad de contar con un marco dinámico que permita aprovechar el máximo potencial y talento de los trabajadores. Indicó que una economía competitiva requiere que el mercado laboral funcione de manera eficiente, generando los canales para que el trabajador encuentre un espacio óptimo donde pueda desarrollar sus capacidades.

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France: Livraison de repas : la justice requalifie un travailleur de plate-forme en salarié

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Le Figaro (28.11.2018) La Cour de cassation a établi mercredi un lien de subordination entre la défunte société de livraison de repas Take Eat Easy et l'un de ses coursiers à vélo, une décision inédite qui pourrait entrouvrir la porte du salariat à certains livreurs travaillant pour des plateformes numériques.

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Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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OECD Labour Force Statistics 2018

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OECD (November 2018) This annual edition of Labour Force Statistics provides detailed statistics on labour force, employment and unemployment, broken down by gender, as well as unemployment duration, employment status, employment by sector of activity and part-time employment. It also contains participation and unemployment rates by gender and detailed age groups as well as comparative tables for the main components of the labour force. Data are available for each OECD member country and for OECD-Total, Euro area and European Union.

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[Report] Asia-Pacific Employment and Social Outlook (APESO): Persistent decent work deficits in Asia-Pacific cast a shadow on the region’s growth, says ILO

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ILO (16.11.2018) Working poverty, informality and vulnerable employment are amongst the persistent challenges of Asia-Pacific labour markets according to a new ILO report. The report calls for coordinated policies to promote decent work as the link to translate economic growth into sustainable development in the region.

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Basic Income ‘Made In Italy’ And Unpaid Work: Two Sides Of Same Coin

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socialeurope (01.11.2018) Italy’s draft 2019 September Budget Law, which will enter into force in January 2019, has been defined as a “courageous manoeuvre” for change by the political forces which have designed and implemented it very recently. Indeed, it may indeed take much courage to introduce a measure of basic income (the so-called ‘reddito di cittadinanza’) which is conditional upon undertaking ‘unpaid work’ in community-based services.

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[Opinión] América Latina: Trabajo decente

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La Razón (01.11.2018) E l 7 de octubre se celebra el Día Internacional del Trabajo Decente, fecha que es aprovechada para evaluar los esfuerzos de los actores laborales (trabajadores, Estado y empleadores) destinados a materializar los objetivos que impulsan dicha conmemoración.

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latin america
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América Latina y el Caribe: CEPAL y OIT recalcan importancia de transitar hacia un modelo más sostenible de desarrollo para generar nuevas oportunidades de empleo

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ilo.org/americas (23.10.2018) América Latina y el Caribe es la región más biodiversa del mundo, pero está perdiendo su riqueza natural con el deterioro ambiental que provoca el actual estilo de desarrollo. De allí que resulta urgente una transición hacia un modelo más sostenible tanto desde el punto de vista medioambiental como laboral, lo que permitiría acceder a nuevas oportunidades y mejoras en el empleo, señalan la CEPAL y la OIT en una nueva publicación conjunta.

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latin america
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Deutschland: Digitalisierung der Arbeit: Wie gelingt der Blick in die Zukunft?

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vorwärts (11.10.2018) Im Bundesarbeitsministerium wird ab sofort in einer Denkfabrik Digitale Arbeitsgesellschaft zur Zukunft der Arbeit geforscht. Ziel: Kluge Vorschläge an die Politik.

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Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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