Guideline 37. Use of an in-house training centre
The institution develops its own in-house training centre in order to better meet participants’ expectations of training quality, effectiveness and efficiency.
The institution develops its own in-house training centre in order to better meet participants’ expectations of training quality, effectiveness and efficiency.
The institution ensures that both in-house and external trainers are properly qualified and have professional occupational safety and health and industry experience.
The success of training activities depends not only on the content and infrastructure of training but also, and above all, on the competence of the trainers.
The institution conducts training in prevention as a means to develop prevention skills and knowledge.
Effective prevention is not possible without knowledge of hazards and how they can be addressed. This principle applies to all stakeholders in occupational safety and health: employers and managers; specialists such as safety engineers, safety representatives, occupational physicians and skilled workers such as blasting engineers; as well as the personnel of social security institutions.
The institution communicates the results of research and development to the general public and to the operational level of member enterprises to facilitate up-to-date prevention activities.
The institution cooperates with national and international institutes to share research and development work and establish global research and development networks.
The institution supports research in occupational safety and health, and research related to innovation and improvements in products, production processes and other relevant matters.
The institution maintains a “risk observatory” in order to identify new and emerging occupational risks and enable it to demand political, administrative and technical support that ensures high levels of safety and health at work.
Innovation at the workplace, changing work processes or the use of new products and materials at work can lead to exposure to new risks. Research in prevention plays a crucial role in identifying and addressing these risks. Research and development, including evaluation research, ensures constant improvement in the quality of provision of occupational safety and health services.
The institution provides measuring services to monitor and document the impact on the workplace of chemical or biological factors, exposure to hazardous substances and elements such as noise or vibration.
The results of valid measurement provide a solid basis for monitoring preventive action and the need for improvements, for research projects on the impact of workplace exposures and for the setting of threshold limits. The results of measurements also provide a basis for fair compensation in the event of an insurance claim.