Guideline 22. Working with employers and providing them with quality services
To ensure the rapid return to work, the competent institutions ensure effective cooperation with, and offer quality services to, employers.
To ensure the rapid return to work, the competent institutions ensure effective cooperation with, and offer quality services to, employers.
The competent institutions inform and advise jobseekers about the services that are best adapted to their profile, career ambitions and needs.
The competent institutions support the professionalization of the function of job counsellors and case managers in line with the needs of the various clientele.
The competent institutions develop specific approaches to increase labour participation by vulnerable populations.
To facilitate the professional reintegration of unemployed persons, the institution develops a profile of jobseekers’ qualifications and both hard and soft skills, to determine their needs and to guide them towards the services and programmes best adapted to their situation.
The competent institutions profile, inform, advise and guide jobseekers in their search for employment. They collaborate with employers and provide them with quality service to achieve this.
The specific guidelines in this section are:
The institution facilitates access to benefits and services by simplifying administrative formalities, better coordinating with other institutions and developing a clear multi-channel strategy.
The competent institutions clearly and proactively inform jobseekers and workers of their rights and obligations.
The competent institutions inform workers of their rights and obligations in the event of unemployment and simplify procedures that facilitate access to programmes and services. All stakeholders should fulfil their responsibilities in full.
The specific guidelines in this section are:
A worker’s need for support is identified as soon as possible after an individual or mass lay-off is announced and before the worker becomes unemployed.