Government announces new stimulus measures as Coronavirus impact escalates
Overview of country tax policy measures in response to COVID-19 crisis.
A compilation of tax policy measures taken by governments has also been produced by the OECD Secretariat and can be found at
India: EPFO income dips as deposits are deferred, withdrawals rise (08.05.2020) The Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) is set to face an income crisis, which will have a direct bearing on millions of its subscribers’ PF earnings in 2020-21. A million workers have already withdrawn their EPF savings in last five weeks to tide over income loss caused by the ongoing lockdown imposed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
EPFO has settled almost ₹3,000 crore of claims by now; this could double by internal estimates
Cameroun: Augmentation de 20% du niveau des anciennes pensions (30.04.2020) La CNPS a décidé l’augmentation de 20% du niveau des anciennes pensions n’ayant pas bénéficié de la revalorisation automatique survenue du fait de la réforme de 2016. Cet ajustement a été accéléré compte tenu de la détresse économique actuelle due au Covid-19.
Cameroun: Augmentation du niveau des allocations familiales (30.04.2020) La CNPS a décidé l’augmentation du niveau des allocations familiales de 2 800 FCFA à 4 500 FCFA.
Cameroun: Continuation du paiement des prestations familiales (30.04.2020) La CNPS a décidé le maintien, pendant les trois prochains mois, à savoir de mai à juillet, du paiement des allocations familiales aux personnels des entreprises ne pouvant s’acquitter des cotisations sociales ou ayant mis leurs personnels en congé technique en raison de la baisse conjoncturelle d’activité, notamment dans la restauration, l’hôtellerie, les transports.
Cameroun: Étalement sur trois mois du paiement de la dette des cotisations sociales (30.04.2020) La CNPS a décidé l’étalement sur trois mois du paiement de la dette des cotisations sociales des mois d’avril, mai et juin 2020, sur demande justifiée.
Lithuania: For the self-employed: how to get a subsidy during the period of quarantine?
Employment services (31.03.2020) During emergencies and quarantine, the state provides support to the self-employed. Applications for benefits are available to the self-employed from 5 April.
One benefit is granted and paid to one self-employed person, regardless of the number of self-employed activities.
The benefit will also be available to persons exempt from social security contributions: pensioners, the disabled who have started their activity for the first time.
Lithuania: Subsidies to employers during downtime
Employment services (31.03.2020) If the employer declares downtime during the quarantine and the extreme situation, employees should be paid no less than the minimum monthly salary, which will be partially offset by the state. The employers can apply for subsidies to Employment Services from the 5th of April.