Cameroun: Annulation des pénalités de retard de paiement des cotisations sociales

Submitted by mmarquez on (30.04.2020) La CNPS a décidé l’annulation des pénalités de retard de paiement des cotisations sociales dues à la CNPS, sur demande justifiée

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Cameroun: Suspension temporaire des contrôles sur place de la Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance Sociale (CNPS)

Submitted by mmarquez on (30.04.2020) La CNPS a décidé la suspension, pour une durée de trois mois, à savoir avril, mai et juin, des contrôles sur place de la Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance Sociale (CNPS).

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Myanmar: Quarantined workers will receive paid sick leave and the maternity cash benefit

Submitted by mmarquez on (06.04.2020) During the period of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Social Security Board (SSB) and the Ministry of Laboyr, Immigration and Population (MOLIP) have issued notifications in relation to social security benefits for the insured workers who are quarantined or are sick (including COVID-19 cases). The benefits that can be availed of by the insured workers under the Social Security Law, Rules and Notifications issued by the SSB and MOLIP are as the following: sickness cash benefit, and the maternity cash benefit.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Cash sickness benefits


Document Type

Myanmar: Dismissed workers will continue having access to social security benefits

Submitted by mmarquez on (20.03.2020) On 20 March 2020, MOLIP issued Notification No. 64/2020 stating that employees who become unemployed arising from redundancy or temporary/permanent closing of factories such as CMP, hotel and tourism and SMEs, will get one year free medical treatment, medical costs and travelling.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Medical care
Health insurance


Document Type

Myanmar: Extension of deadline for social security payments

Submitted by mmarquez on (23.03.2020) The Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population issued an order (No. 63/2020) dated 20 March extending the deadline for social security payments from 15 days to three months in accordance with the Article 100 of Social Security Law (2012).

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance


Document Type

UN Secretary-General Policy Brief: A Disability-Inclusive Response to COVID-19

Submitted by pmassetti on

Already facing exclusion in employment, persons with disabilities are more likely to lose their job and experience greater difficulties returning to work during recovery. In most countries social protection systems offer little support to persons with disabilities and their families with much less access to social insurance. Only 28% of persons with significant disabilities have access to disability benefits globally, and only 1% in low-income countries.



Document Type

Belgique (SPF):COVID-19 mésures de prévention et réglementation du travail

Submitted by btreichel on

Le Service Public Fédéral Emploi, Travail et Concertation sociale (SPF) a publié plusieurs guides sur COVID-19 qui traitent les questions suivantes: Quelles mesures de prévention l’employeur peut-il prendre ? Et quelles sont les conséquences en matière de réglementation du travail ?

Regions / Country
Employment policies
Prevention of occupational risks
Document Type

Colombia: “Orientaciones para la reducción del riesgo de contagio de Covid-19 en actividades industriales en el sector minero y energético”

Submitted by btreichel on

El Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social de Colombia ha expedido varios documentos técnicos para la emergencia sanitaria generada por el Coronavirus COVID-19.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks
Document Type

Peru (INACAL): Guía para la limpieza y desinfección de manos y superficies en los hogares

Submitted by btreichel on

El Instituto Nacional de Calidad (Inacal) de Perú, organismo público adscrito al Ministerio de la Producción, aprobó la Guía para la limpieza y desinfección de manos y superficies, aplicable a nivel doméstico, como medida para prevenir la propagación de infecciones en los hogares del país.

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Document Type

UK: Information campaign ‘Keeping Britain’s energy flowing’

Submitted by btreichel on

The UK Energy Networks Association (ENA) has launched a public information campaign entitled ‘Keeping Britain’s energy flowing’ as a response to the coronavirus. To learn more about the campaign, please visit


Regions / Country
united kingdom
Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks
Document Type