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France: Compte pénibilité - les derniers décrets publiés au Journal officiel monitor

France info (31.12.2015) Deux nouveaux décrets d’application du compte personnel de prévention de la pénibilité ont été publiés jeudi au Journal officiel. Ils ajoutent six critères reconnus pénibles au quatre déjà en vigueur. Ce compte vise à faciliter les conditions de départ à la retraite des salariés ayant eu un métier pénible.

published france
America’s big spending on health care doesn’t pay off monitor

The Economist (16.11.2015) America remains the world’s most profligate spender on health care, according to a report published on November 4th by the OECD, a club of 34 mostly rich countries.

published Health United States
Pakistan: Sehat Sahulat programme: K-P to get social health protection monitor

The Express Tribune (16.12.2015) A social health protection scheme, Sehat Sahulat, was launched in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa by Chief Minister Pervez Khattak.

published Health pakistan
Lutte contre la pauvreté - La Banque mondiale et la protection sociale au Gabon monitor

Gabonreview (18.12.2015) Mettre en place un système de protection sociale efficace». Ainsi s’intitule la troisième et dernière partie des Cahiers économiques du Gabon, publiés par la Banque mondiale. D’entrée, l’institution financière internationale justifie sa démarche par la nécessité de protéger les moyens de subsistance des ménages à faibles revenus, car «une importante proportion des ménages gabonais est confronté aux faibles revenus, au chômage, à la maladie et peine à protéger leurs familles contre les chocs». La Banque mondiale estime que les politiques de protection sociale et de promotion de l’emploi ont vocation à protéger contre les chocs conjoncturels. «Cela est particulièrement important pour un pays tributaire de ses ressources naturelles», note-t-elle. «Ces politiques et programmes permettent de créer des opportunités essentielles à la survie, la réduction de la pauvreté et la promotion de la croissance inclusive», ajoute-t-elle.

poverty, published gabon
France: La révolution des complémentaires santé obligatoires monitor

France Inter (21.12.2015) Au 1er janvier, tous les employeurs de France devront proposer un contrat collectif de couverture santé à leurs salariés. Une mesure pas forcément évidente à mettre en place dans les petites entreprises

extending coverage, published Health insurance, Extension of coverage france
St. Kitts And Nevis: Social Protection Interventions Provided for the Poor and Vulnerable Under the 2016 Budget‏ monitor

The St. Kitts And Nevis Observer (16.12.2015) Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris, has assured that several social protection interventions will continue in 2016 during his Budget presentation on December 15, 2015.

poverty, published
Gambia: Gov’t Highly Committed to Social Protection Agenda monitor

Daily Observer (17.12.2015) The Director of Social Welfare has stressed that the Government of The Gambia is highly committed to its social protection agenda and has ensured that social protection intervention and programmes in its policy are inclusive and responsive to different dimensions of exclusion especially for persons with disabilities.

published gambia
France: Un sans-abri sur dix n'a aucune couverture sociale monitor

mutualite (01.12.2015) En France, 10% des sans-abri ne bénéficient d'aucune protectio0 sociale et 25% n'ont pas de complémentaire santé, indique une étude publiée le 17 novembre par l'Institut de veille sanitaire. De ce fait, ils recourent moins aux soins malgré "un mauvais état de santé, physique et psychique".

poverty, published france
The road to universal health coverage - a case study on Gabon monitor

WHO (12.12.2015) Mobile phones are becoming one of the world’s most important health tools, used in many countries to track exercise, ensure medicines are genuine, and even to read blood glucose levels. In Gabon, they’re being used to raise revenue for the national health system.

extending coverage, published Health, Health insurance, Extension of coverage gabon
Australia: Turnbull government to compromise on paid parental leave 'double dipping' monitor

The Sydney Morning Herald (16.12.2015) The Turnbull government has confirmed it is backing away from unpopular changes to paid parental leave proposed under Tony Abbott that saw new parents who claimed work and government entitlements accused of being "double dippers".

published Family benefits australia
[Report] The state of social protection in ASEAN at the dawn of integration monitor (25.11.2015) The ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection channels a growing consensus in the region that the establishment of Social Protection Floors is fundamental for reducing poverty and inequality and promoting inclusive and sustainable growth.

extending coverage, published Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes Asia
The Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors monitor (25.11.2015) In the wake of the International Labour Organization’s adoption of Recommendation 202 in June 2012, the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors was created. But that was not the start of the unique network of today more than 80 NGOs and trade unions of which 16 form the Coalition’s Core Team from all parts of the world committed to join forces for one single goal: to achieve social protection for everyone.

OIT: Panorama Laboral 2015 - 1,7 millones de personas ingresaron a las filas del desempleo en 2015 en América Latina y el Caribe monitor

ILO/News (10.12.2015) El Panorama Laboral 2015 de la OIT indicó que la desaceleración económica causa un aumento del desempleo e indicios de aumento en la informalidad. Sube el desempleo de mujeres y jóvenes. La situación es preocupante y plantea desafíos de política a los países de la región. En 2016 el desempleo podría aumentar nuevamente.

megatrends, published Unemployment, Inequalities latin america
Togo: Le combat pour l’emploi des jeunes monitor

République Togolaise (14.12.2015) Victoire Tomégah-Dogbé, la ministre du Développement à la base, est en tournée dans le pays pour apprécier l’impact des différents programmes mis en œuvre en faveur de l’emploi des jeunes.

youth employment, published Employment of young workers togo
Australia: Private health insurance rebate likely to stay as system reformed monitor

The Australian (14.12.2015) The private health insurance rebate is tipped to remain in some form in the federal government’s shake-up of the sector as industry heads warn its removal will destabilise the public and private ­systems.

managing reforms Health, Health insurance australia
Nepal: Thousands deprived of social security allowance monitor

The Kathmandu Post (13.12.2015) Hundreds of senior citizens, Dalit children, single woman and differently able people have been deprived of social security allowances for past six months in the eastern districts.

poverty, published nepal
Publicada la Decisión ISA2 que dará continuidad al esfuerzo de asegurar la interoperabilidad entre las administraciones públicas europeas monitor

administracionelectronicaPAE (09.12.2015) La Decisión ISA2 (Abre en nueva ventana) establece un programa relativo a las soluciones de interoperabilidad y los marcos comunes para las administraciones públicas, las empresas y los ciudadanos europeos (programa ISA2) como medio de modernización del sector público.

published Information and communication technology, Governance and administration european union
España: Las nuevas leyes administrativas suponen una Administración totalmente electrónica, interconectada y transparente monitor

administracionelectronicaPAE (18.11.2015) El Ministro de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas ha hecho estas declaraciones en la clausura de las I Jornadas sobre las nuevas Leyes Administrativas, organizadas por el Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública (INAP).

published Information and communication technology, Governance and administration spain
Namibia: Key Conclusions of First Namibia Social Protection Conference monitor (11.12.2015) At a social protection conference hosted by the Social Security Commission earlier this year, six key conclusions were reached regarding social protection.

extending coverage, published Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes namibia
South Africa's Cabinet Approves White Paper on Health Insurance monitor

Bloomberg Business (11.12.2015) South Africa’s cabinet has approved a policy white paper on a compulsory health-insurance plan.

brics Health
Finland: Contrary to reports, basic income study still at preliminary stage monitor (11.12.2015) There have been misleading reports in the media about the Finnish experimental study on a Universal Basic Income. Only a preliminary study to explore possibilities has begun.

extending coverage, published Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes finland
Epidemie in Westafrika: Gesundheitssysteme vor dem Zusammenbruch monitor

Handelsblatt (02.12.2015) In den nächsten Monaten gehe es vor allem darum, Daten zu sammeln, auszuwerten und dann die notwendigen Programme zu schaffen. Viele Spätfolgen müssten entweder mit Psychotherapie oder Medikamenten behandelt werden. „Wir brauchen Spezialisten“, erklärt Hilde De Clerck.

published Health Africa
China denkt über höheres Rentenalter nach monitor

FAZ (04.12.2015) Mit 50 Jahren ist in China das Arbeitsleben oft schon vorbei. Doch weil das Milliardenvolk schnell altert, werden die Rufe nach einem späteren Renteneinstieg immer lauter.

managing reforms, published Old-age pensions, Population ageing china
Poland to lower retirement age in mid-2016: minister monitor

Reuters (09.12.2015) Poland plans to lower the retirement age in mid-2016 as part of a broader social agenda put forward by the ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party, Labour Minister Elzbieta Rafalska said on Wednesday.

published poland
[Opinion] UK: Cutting disabled people’s benefits won’t help anyone return to work monitor

The Guardian (08.12.2015) This week’s parliamentary review by crossbench peers and disability charities of cuts to out-of-work sickness benefits gives an insight into the thought the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has put into taking £30 a week from cancer patients and paraplegics.

published Disability, Unemployment