Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
US: The gig economy needs a new bargain for workers | monitor | Financial Times (23.05.2016) America’s middle class is losing ground. Wage stagnation, economic insecurity and rising inequality have become the defining issues of the presidential campaign. Yet as politicians search for a response, they must also grapple with the changing nature of employment. The “fight for $15”, the nationwide campaign for a big rise in the federal minimum wage, is of little relevance to the growing numbers working without the traditional relationship of employer and employee in the so-called gig economy. |
published | United States | |
UK: 92,400 Scots now working beyond retirement age | monitor | The Scotsman (26.05.2016) The number of people working beyond retirement age in Scotland has almost doubled since 2004, new Scottish Government statistics show. |
published | ||
[Opinion] The IMF has not lived up to its own hype on social protection | monitor | The Guardian (25.05.2016) The International Monetary Fund claims to support health, education and welfare programmes. Yet our research shows enforcing fiscal austerity remains its real concern |
extending coverage, poverty, published | Extension of coverage | |
France: La « Sécu » veut revoir l’aide à l’installation des médecins dans les déserts médicaux | monitor | Le Monde (25.05.2016) L’aide financière – baptisée « option démographique » – actuellement allouée aux médecins pour les attirer dans les déserts médicaux « n’est pas suffisamment attractive ». Tel est le constat dressé par l’Assurance-maladie dans un document, qu’elle doit présenter mercredi 25 mai aux syndicats de praticiens, lors d’une nouvelle séance de négociations pour la future convention – et que l’Agence France-Presse a pu consulter. Pour remédier à la situation, l’organisme souhaite recentrer l’aide versée à ceux qui s’installent dans les zones sous-dotées à travers une somme forfaitaire de 50 000 euros. |
published | Health, Governance and administration | france |
Suisse: Médecine ambulatoire - Tarifs médicaux, un bras de fer à 4 milliards | monitor | TDG (23.05.2016) La nouvelle grille doit, demande Berne, réduire les rentes de situation et ne pas coûter plus cher aux assurés. |
published | Health, Financing | switzerland |
Suisse: Assurances sociales - Les nouveaux pères doivent avoir au moins un mois de congé | monitor | TDG (25.05.2016) Après l’échec du congé paternité au parlement, les syndicats lancent leur initiative populaire. |
published | Family benefits | switzerland |
Maroc: Retraites : Le déficit de la CMR passera à 6 milliards de dirhams en 2016 | monitor | (23.06.2016) Le retard accusé dans la réforme des retraites accentue chaque année le déficit de la Caisse marocaine de retraite. Il atteindra fin 2016 six milliards de dirhams selon le directeur de l’institution. |
published | Pensions | morocco |
WHO: Uncovering health inequalities: A path towards leaving no one behind | monitor | WHO (May 2016) Having a skilled health professional during childbirth can save the life of a woman and her child. But, in many parts of the world and within many countries, the presence of a health worker during childbirth is often a luxury. If a woman is poor, she is even more likely to deliver without support, putting herself and child at risk. |
poverty, published | Health | |
WHO Director Advocates Strong Health Systems, Warns Against Profit-Oriented Mechanisms | monitor | ip-watch (23.05.2016) The World Health Assembly opened today with World Health Organization Director General Margaret Chan repeating that this year has a record number of agenda items and over 3,000 participants. She slapped at profit-seeking mechanisms leading to “slow-motion disasters,” which put economic interests above concerns about well-being. In particular, she underlined the lack of research and development for antimicrobial treatments and the rise of chronic non-communicable diseases. |
published | Health | |
Nigeria: NSITF seeks expansion of social protection mandate | monitor | Daily Trust (22.05.2016) The acting managing director of the Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF), Ismail Agaka, has said that NSITF Act is presently going through the legislative process of amendment at the National Assembly to give clout to execute other aspects of social protection programmes. He said the trust fund has, in this regard, begun aggressive training of its staff in readiness for the expansion of its mandate. |
managing reforms, published | Governance and administration, Social policies & programmes | nigeria |
Tunisia Moves to Modernize its Social Protection and Labor Policies | monitor | World Bank/News (20.05.2016) In 2011, Tunisia set itself on a new trajectory, peacefully ousting a 30-year dictatorship. In the five years that have followed, Tunisians have passed a new constitution and held democratic elections. Tunisia’s also managed to maintain stability, despite security threats at home and unrest next door in Libya. But, though it’s moved forward politically, social inequity inside it persists, with little progress on the sort of economic reforms needed to address the underlying roots of the country’s democratic uprising. |
managing reforms, published | Governance and administration, Social policies & programmes | tunisia |
India: Health insurance for alternative treatments on the anvil | monitor | (22.05.2016) Health insurance for alternative treatments like Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (Ayush) is set to expand with the Centre taking steps to get insurers to develop packages for traditional treatments. |
published | Health | india |
India: Public-private deal rejuvenates healthcare in Rajasthan – at a cost | monitor | The Guardian(23.05.2016) The reluctance of doctors to work in remote rural areas has set back healthcare in India’s villages, but a public-private partnership in Rajasthan aims to fix that |
rural world, published | Health | india |
France: Guadeloupe - Emploi : sale temps pour les seniors et les femmes | monitor | France Antilles (22.05.2016) Emploi : sale temps pour les seniors et les femmes Mardi 17 mai 2016 Emploi : sale temps pour les seniors et les femmes Le chômage a très légèrement reculé en 2015. Mais les demandeurs d'emplois seniors, notamment les femmes, ne profitent pas de l'embellie, bien au contraire. |
megatrends, published | Unemployment | france |
[Opinion] Suisse: Relever l'âge de la retraite à 70 ans est «sensé» | monitor | Tribune de Genève (08.05.2016) Pour rétablir l'équilibre de son financement, le patron de Swiss Life Patrick Frost préconise une nette baisse du taux de conversion et une hausse significative de l'âge de départ à la retraite. |
published | switzerland | |
Congo: « Il faut créer une entité autonome pour réguler l’assurance maladie », estime Christian Maniongui | monitor | (18.05.2016) Le système de sécurité sociale actuellement en vigueur au Congo prend en charge uniquement les agents de l’Etat et les travailleurs du secteur privé. C’est ainsi que le gouvernement a pris l’engagement d’étendre la protection sociale dans ses aspects de base dans l’ensemble de la population. Dans une interview exclusive aux Dépêches de Brazzaville, l’Administrateur de MAD Invest, Christian Maniongui, revient sur les résultats des études menées par son cabinet sur l’assurance maladie et présentés récemment aux autorités congolaises. |
extending coverage, published | Health, Health insurance, Extension of coverage | congo |
ILO: Poverty rising in Europe, amid global dearth of solid jobs | monitor | (19.05.2016) A growing number of Europeans are living in “relative poverty”, the UN labour agency said Wednesday (18 May), warning that a lack of quality jobs worldwide was threatening to undo decades of progress in poverty reduction. |
poverty, published | ||
Drop in China’s social insurance rates could cut labor costs | monitor | China Business Review (06.05.2016) Rising labor costs in China are setting off alarms with foreign investors because of increasing minimum wages and living standards, as well as the extensively developed social security system. However, as the central government exerts pressure to maintain economic growth targets, the cost of employees’ welfare benefits has been substantially reduced. |
brics, published | Financing | china |
[Report] Transforming jobs to end poverty - World Employment and Social Outlook 2016 | monitor | (May 2016) This report shows that decent work is paramount in the fight to reduce poverty. One key finding is that poverty has tended to decline in many emerging and developing countries, whereas it has tended to increase in the majority of advanced economies, including in terms of working poverty. |
poverty, published | ||
UK: The Queen's Speech: Pension savers to be better protected | monitor | BBC News (18.05.2016) The cash of millions of pension savers will be better protected, under plans announced alongside the Queen's Speech. |
published | Pensions | united kingdom |
US: Healthcare costs nosedive when smokers quit | monitor | Reuters (18.05.2016) When cigarette smokers quit, societal healthcare costs immediately plunge, a new study shows. |
published | Health | United States |
España: El PSOE creará una tasa específica para sufragar las pensiones | monitor | El País (19.05.2016) El PSOE creará una tasa específica para sufragar las pensiones si tras las elecciones del 26 de junio Pedro Sánchez es nombrado presidente del Gobierno porque considera que “el sistema está en riesgo”. De forma inmediata, el equipo económico de ese Gobierno, dirigido por Jordi Sevilla, “renegociará” con Bruselas un aplazamiento de dos años, y no uno —como acaba de autorizar la Comisión Europea— para conseguir rebajar el agujero fiscal al 3% del PIB. A diferencia del PP, un Gobierno socialista no bajará los impuestos. No tocará el IRPF y subirá los de patrimonio, sociedades, fortunas y medioambientales. |
published | Financing | spain |
Algérie: Prévention des accidents de travail et des maladies professionnelles . Portes ouvertes à la Cnas d'Alger | monitor | L'Expression (04.05.2016) Cet événement qui a commencé hier et qui se poursuit jusqu'à aujourd'hui est une façon de montrer aux travailleurs comment sauver leur vie et préserver leur santé dans leur milieu professionnel... |
published | Occupational accidents and diseases | algeria |
France: Assurance-chômage - une négociation sous pression | monitor | Les Echos (27.04.2016) Avec côté dépenses, un nombre de chômeurs en forte hausse et, côté recettes, une contribution des salariés qui l'est beaucoup moins, la dette de l'Unedic s'est littéralement envolée avec la crise. De 5,2 milliards d'euros en 2008, elle a quintuplé pour atteindre 25,8 milliards en 2015. |
published | Unemployment | france |
Ministère de la sécurité et de la protection civile : Les textes régissant les services de la sécurité et de la protection sociale au Mali compilés | monitor | (16.05.2016) Le ministère de la Sécurité et de la Protection civile dispose désormais d’un document composé de textes législatifs et réglementaires régissant les services de sécurité et protection sociale au Mali. Ce document contient 356 textes et documents généraux indispensables à l’exercice des missions des services de sécurité et de protection civile. |
published | mali |