Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Suisse: Assurance maladie - Les primes augmentent plus vite que les salaires | monitor | TDG (23.08.2016) Avec la fin de l’été vient le temps des tracas financiers pour la famille Mesot. Comme à chaque rentrée, elle va devoir tailler dans son budget pour s’assurer que ses quatre enfants, âgés de 15 à 24 ans, disposent des fournitures scolaires requises. |
Health, Financing | switzerland | |
ILO: World Employment and Social Outlook 2016 - Trends for Youth: Global youth unemployment is on the rise again | monitor | ILO/News (24.08.2016) Ongoing ILO research shows that after a number of years of improvement, youth unemployment is set to rise in 2016 and young people are disproportionately affected by working poverty. |
youth employment | Employment of young workers | |
France: Assurance-maladie : le coût du diabète risque de s’envoler | monitor | (24.08.2016) Les patients diabétiques mobilisent déjà 15 % des dépenses. |
Health | france | |
Iceland: Will Parental Leave Be Extended to 12 Months? | monitor | Iceland Review (15.08.2016) Last week, Icelandic Minister of Social Affairs and Housing Eygló Harðardóttir introduced a draft resolution regarding parental leave, RÚV reports. She hopes the resolution will be passed in parliament before October’s elections. |
managing reforms, megatrends | Family benefits, Parental leave | iceland |
Solución "a la uruguaya" de la seguridad social reduce riesgos e induce a aportar | monitor | El País (25.08.2016) Son varios los temas referidos a la seguridad social que ingresaron en los últimos tiempos en la discusión sobre la economía uruguaya. Algunos de estos planteos encierran cuestionamientos fuertes y solicitudes de modificaciones como los recientes de los afiliados entrados en los cincuenta años ("cincuentones") o del Banco de Seguros del Estado (BSE) como prestador de rentas vitalicias. |
Financing | uruguay | |
Les pays d’Europe de l’Est vent debout contre une réforme des « travailleurs détachés » | monitor | Le Monde (29.08.2016) Les gouvernements des pays d’Europe de l’Est ne semblent pas prêts à baisser la garde. Pas question d’accepter un durcissement de la législation européenne sur les « travailleurs détachés », un texte qui permet à leurs citoyens, depuis le milieu des années 1990, d’aller trouver facilement un emploi à l’Ouest. C’est ce qu’a clairement fait comprendre le premier ministre hongrois, Viktor Orban, au président de la Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, dans une lettre datée du 24 août dont Le Monde a eu connaissance. |
megatrends, migration | Employment, Migration | |
Maroc: Couverture sociale des indépendants - Le Parlement appelé à accélérer la cadence | monitor | Leseco (27.07.2016) Plusieurs défis sont à relever pour la mise en œuvre de la couverture sociale au profit des travailleurs indépendants et des non-salariés exerçant une profession libérale. Il s’agit en premier lieu d’accélérer la cadence pour l’adoption des deux projets de loi qui sont actuellement au point mort au sein de la Chambre des conseillers. |
extending coverage | Extension of coverage | morocco |
Implementing successful reforms: The case of social assistance in South Africa | monitor | (18.08.2016) South Africa’s social assistance system – through a comprehensive set of cash transfers -- covers nearly 16 million people. This is a big improvement from 1994, when cash transfers reached fewer than three million beneficiaries and suffered from discrimination and weak administration. |
managing reforms | Social assistance, Inequalities | |
France: Chômage - les petits boulots favorisent le retour à l’emploi durable, selon une enquête | monitor | Le Monde (26.08.2016) Lorsque l’on est demandeur d’emploi, vaut-il mieux se consacrer pleinement à sa recherche d’emploi ou occuper un emploi temporaire, souvent à temps partiel ? Et quel est l’impact d’une activité réduite sur le retour à l’emploi et sa qualité ? |
megatrends | Employment | france |
Fiji: Social Pension Scheme - 20,000 will benefit | monitor | Fiji Times Online (19.08.2016) Twenty thousand senior citizens in the country who do not have access to Fiji National Provident Fund (FNPF) superannuation, or pension after care fund, can now access Government's Social Pension Scheme (SPS). |
extending coverage | Extension of coverage | fiji |
Countries with the best paternity and maternity leave: The top 10 | monitor | Business Insider (22.08.2016) America does plenty of things well, but paid parental leave isn't one of them. |
megatrends | Family benefits, Parental leave | |
Nicaragua Hosts Regional Congress on Occupational Health and Safety | monitor | Prensa Latina (18.08.2016) Nicaragua today will host the first international Congress on Occupational Health and Safety, with the participation of experts from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama and the Dominican Republic, in addition to the host country. |
Occupational accidents and diseases | latin america | |
Hashemi Rafsanjani's innuendo about Trump: Your power and wealth comes from plundering the immigrants | monitor | AhlulBayt News Agency (01.09.2016) According to Ahlul Bayt News Agency – ABNA – "Hans-Horst Konkolewsky", Secretary General of the International Social Security Association, had a meeting with Haashemi Rafsanjani, Chairman of the Expediency Council, on Wednesday, August 31st. |
iran | ||
Couverture maladie universelle : 600 000 Gabonais économiquement faibles bénéficient de la CNAMGS | monitor | L0Union (19.08.2016) Le Gabon est l’un des rares pays du continent africain à offrir une couverture maladie universelle à sa population. L’Etat, faut-il le reconnaître, a considérablement renforcé la protection sociale des segments de la population autrefois exclus du système, comme les populations rurales non salariées ou les travailleurs du secteur informel. |
extending coverage, poverty | Extension of coverage | gabon |
¿Pasará Varela reforma de Seguro Social panameño a la próxima Administración? | monitor | Estrategia y Negocios (09.08.2016) Caja del Seguro Social (CSS) panameña está en riesgo de quiebra y precisa una reforma a su programa de Invalidez, Vejez y Muerte (IVM). Todo parece indicar que actual Administración no la afrontará y la dejaría en manos del próximo presidente, apuntan exdirectores de la entidad. |
managing reforms | Old-age pensions, Social policies & programmes | panama |
Gobierno de Varela debilita atención en salud para privatizarla | Panamá América | monitor | Panamá América (22.08.2016) La crisis por la falta de medicamentos e insumos básicos en los sistemas de salud pública es aprovechada por el Gobierno para reforzar su política de externalización de servicios y compras directas a favor de empresas de allegados. |
economic crisis | Health, Health insurance, Service quality | panama |
México tiene más de 2 mil planes privados de pensión: Consar | monitor | La Jornada (31.08.2016) En el país ya existen dos mil 17 planes privados de pensiones que cubren a 1.4 millones de trabajadores y han sido registrados ante Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar), informó el organismo regulador. |
mexico | ||
UK: NHS plans closures and radical cuts to combat growing deficit in health budget | monitor | The Guardian (26.08.2016) NHS bosses throughout England are quietly drawing up plans for hospital closures, cutbacks and radical changes to the way healthcare is delivered in an attempt to meet spiralling demand and plug the hole in their finances, an investigation by the Guardian and campaign group 38 Degrees has revealed. |
Health, Financing | ||
Cybersanté: Les Suisses bientôt maîtres de leurs données médicales? | monitor | TDG (26.08.2016) Cybersanté: L’audition des ordonnances de la loi fédérale sur le dossier électronique du patient a pris fin le 29 juin dernier. La loi devrait entrer en vigueur courant 2017 |
Health, Information and communication technology | switzerland | |
Veep: More than half of Iran population under social security cover | monitor | Zawya (01.09.2016) According to the report of Vice-President Office, Jahangiri in meeting with Secretary General of International Social Security Association (ISSA) Hans-Horst Konkolewsky here on Wednesday said that Iran's Social Security Organization needs international interactions and expressed hope that by presence of Mr. secretary general of ISSA in Iran, the organization can use international experiences and opportunities. |
iran | ||
Migrant women of Viet Nam claim social protection and rights | monitor | (24.08.2016) An estimated 40 – 50 per cent of migrants in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, the two biggest cities in Viet Nam, are women, and they face distinct challenges. Low and unstable incomes and lack of social protection make them particularly vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. But migrant women workers of Viet Nam refuse to live on the fringes any longer. More than 10,000 migrant workers have learnt how to access social welfare benefits, legal protection and health care. They are advocating for their rights and helping one another. |
migration | Migration | vietnam |
Taiwan, China: What's that? Hearing loss is top occupational illness | monitor | The China Post (20.08.2016) Hearing loss was ranked as the most common occupational disease in Taiwan last year, according to statistics released by the Ministry of Labor (MOL) Friday. |
Occupational accidents and diseases | china | |
Informe sobre pensiones despierta suspicacias | Panamá América | monitor | Panama Amercica (24.08.2016( Un informe preliminar sobre el Programa de Invalidez, Vejez y Muerte de la Caja de Seguro Social (CSS) fue entregado por el Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) a la vicepresidenta Isabel de Saint Malo. |
managing reforms | Old-age pensions | panama |
ILO: Universal social protection already a reality in many developing countries | monitor | ILO (06.09.2016) At a high level conference on universal social protection ILO Director-General Guy Ryder has told delegates that: “In 2016, a lack of social protection is completely unacceptable. This has to change, and this can change.” |
Pensions and aageing populations: the problem explained | monitor | Financial Times (28.08.2016) If demographics are destiny, as academics are fond of saying, then large parts of the developed world are facing a challenging fate. |
megatrends | Old-age pensions, Population ageing |