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[Fachzeitschrift] Digitalisierung der gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung dfabbri

Forum (Sept. 2018)  Einheit der Vielfalt. Das ist der Leitspruch der Europäischen Union. Die unterschiedlichen Sprachen, Lebensweisen und Traditionen sollen unter dem Dach „Europa“ zusammengeführt werden. Andere Länder werden zu Nachbarn ohne Gartenzäune. Die Offenheit fördert den Austausch, nicht nur von kulturellen Lebensweisen, sondern auch von wirtschaftlichen Gütern. Jedes Land ist mit jedem vernetzt. Das stärkt den Zusammenhalt und sorgt am Ende für ein friedliches Neben- und Miteinander sowie für die Freizügigkeit der europäischen Bürger und Bürgerinnen.

OSH Prevention of occupational risks Europe
América latina y el Caribe: La OIT pide fortalecer las políticas públicas debido a la informalidad en el empleo dfabbri

El Digital de Asturias (06.10.2018) El director regional de la OIT para América latina y el Caribe, José Salazar,  llamó hoy a fortalecer las politicas públicas debido a la informalidad en el empleo que alcanza en promedio un 50 por ciento en  países de la región

extending coverage Employment policies, Difficult-to-cover groups latin america
Zambia: Concern over high number of work-related deaths dfabbri

The Herald (06.10.2018) Government is committed to ensuring that the current drive to attract investment into the country is guided by policies anchored on strict adherence to labour, safety and health environment management legislation to promote safety and health of workers.

OSH, prevention zambia
DPM: 13.7 million Malaysian workers do not have social security protection massetti

Malay Mail (02.10.2018) Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail revealed today that about 13.7 million Malaysian workers are still not covered by any form of social security protection. “The government is committed to extending the coverage of social security in the country to ensure Malaysians from all walks of life are covered by a sustainable and affordable social security system,” she said when opening the Regional Social Security Forum for Asia and the Pacific of the International Social Security Association (ISSA).

issa malaysia
Russian Federation:The members of the State Duma ratified the International Convention on Social Security dfabbri (28.09.2018)  The Convention establishes worldwide-agreed minimum standards for medical care, sickness, unemployment, old-age, employment injury, family, maternity, invalidity, and survivors' benefits. For each of these sections, the Convention defines the covered risks and fixes the minimum requirements for the range of protected individuals, the amount of payments or the volume of services provided, the duration of the social security and the necessary length of service to obtain it.

Governance and administration Russian Federation
Employment and working conditions of selected types of platform work | Eurofound rruggia

Platform work is a form of employment that uses an online platform to match the supply of and demand for paid labour. In Europe, platform work is still small in scale but is rapidly developing. The types of work offered through platforms are ever-increasing, as are the challenges for existing regulatory frameworks.

This report explores the working and employment conditions of three of the most common types of platform work in Europe. For each of these types, Eurofound assesses the physical and social environment, autonomy, employment status and access to social protection, and earnings and taxation based on interviews with platform workers. A comparative analysis of the regulatory frameworks applying to platform work in 18 EU Member States accompanies this review. This looks into workers’ employment status, the formal relationships between clients, workers and platforms, and the organisation and representation of workers and platforms.

digital platforms Employment Europe , european union
New forms of employment | Eurofound rruggia

Across Europe, due to societal, economic and technological developments, new forms of employment are emerging that are different from traditional standard or non-standard employment in a number of ways. Some transform the relationship between employer and employee, some change work organisation and work patterns, and some do both. To date, very little is known about what characterises these new employment forms and what implications they have for working conditions and the labour market.

In an effort to close this knowledge gap, this research project set out to map these new forms of employment across the EU28 and Norway, exploring their working methods and impact on workers and on the labour market. Case studies are available.

digital platforms Employment Europe , european union
Eurofound - European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions rruggia

European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

The tripartite EU agency providing knowledge to assist in the development of better social, employment and work-related policies

Europe , european union
Oman: Public Authority for Social Insurance projects bag six certificates dfabbri

timesofoman (02.10.2018) The Sultanate, represented by the Public Authority for Social Insurance, has received six certificates of merit in the International Social Security Association (ISSA) Award for Good Practices in the Department of Social Security.
The announcement was made at the Regional Forum on Social Security for Asia and the Pacific, organised by International Social Security Association from October 2 to 4, 2018, hosted by the Malaysian Social Security Corporation in Kuala Lumpur.

issa Governance and administration oman
[Report] OECD: Job automation risks vary widely across different regions within countries dfabbri

OECD (18.09.2018) The risk of job automation is much higher in some regions than others within countries, meaning governments will need to address any widening of job inequality between one area and another in the coming years, according to a new OECD report.

México: Desempleo frena la autonomía de jóvenes dfabbri

Cuarto Poder (02.10.2018) Cuatro de cada 10 jóvenes millennials (nacidos entre 1980 y 2000) regresaron a casa de sus padres después de haberse independizado, debido a que se quedaron sin trabajo o no les alcanzó para el pago de la renta, principalmente, detalló una encuesta del portal inmobiliario Vivaanuncios.

poverty, youth employment Unemployment mexico
France: Assurance chômage : les pistes d'économies sur la table dfabbri

Les Echos (01.10.2018) Evoquée par Edouard Philippe, la dégressivité des allocations se heurte au veto des syndicats et aux effets douteux de la formule. D'autres pistes circulent, toutes synonymes de baisse des droits.

managing reforms Unemployment, Financing france
Ensuring occupational health and safety in Oman dfabbri

Times Of Oman (09.09.2018) In 2008, the Ministry of Manpower issued Ministerial Decision no. 286/2008 introducing the Regulation of Occupational Safety and Health for Establishments governed by the Labour Law. The Regulation provided for a comprehensive regulatory framework with the aim of improving health and safety standards at the workplace and protecting workers from various occupational hazards. The Regulation consists of 43 Articles, covering a wide range of issues including lighting, ventilation, heat stress, noise, uniforms, personal protection equipment, first aid and occupational diseases.

Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks oman
International Day of Older Persons: ILO report shows progress on global pension coverage but benefits are low massetti (27.09.2018) ILO calls on member States to ensure adequate pensions for all.

Opinion: Rising inequality calls for a new social contract massetti (25.09.2018) The gap between rich and poor in Europe has increased compared to thirty years ago, affecting young cohorts in particular. Yet the social protection systems currently in place across European countries were designed during the past century and are no longer fit for the present, argues Cyril Muller.

poverty Policy analysis Europe
Setting out for Digital Social Security - Working Paper massetti (30.09.2018) Platform work is increasing worldwide, leaving a serious lack of social protection. In spite of the international and flexible character of platform work, extending social security is feasible – if one is ready to explore new avenues. This article is on setting out for Digital Social Security.

digital platforms
Bangladesh: Social protection of migrant workers, dependents demanded dfabbri

newagebd (01.10.2018) Migrant rights activists on Sunday demanded ensuring social protection of migrant workers and their dependents. Speaking at a workshop they said that it was the duty of the state to provide the social protection to the migrant workers’ as their immense contributions cannot be estimated in money terms.
The ‘Validation Workshop on Social Cost of Migration’ was organized by WARBE Development Foundation in the conference room of the Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training.
Speaking as the chief guest, Jebunnesa Afroze, MP, member of the Parliamentarians’ Caucus on Migration and Development said the migrant workers deserve social protection for their immense contributions.

Extension of coverage bangladesh
South Korea: State health insurance agency wins international award dfabbri

Korea Biomedical Review (01.10.2018) National Health Insurance Service(NHIS) will receive a special achievement award for introducing Public Health Alarm Service, at the Asia-Pacific Social Security Forum under the sponsorship of International Social Security Association (ISSA).

issa Governance and administration korea, Republic of
The Future of Jobs Report 2018 massetti

World Economic Forum (17.08.2018) New categories of jobs will emerge, partly or wholly displacing others. The skill sets required in both old and new occupations will change in most industries and transform how and where people work. The Future of Jobs Report aims to unpack and provide specific information on the relative magnitude of these trends by industry and geography, and on the expected time horizon for their impact to be felt on job functions, employment levels and skills.

Deutschland: Digitalisierung der Arbeit - DGB will mehr Weiterbildung dfabbri

FAZ (17.09.2018) Die Arbeitswelt ändert sich, Computer und Maschinen nehmen Menschen immer mehr Aufgaben ab. Die Gewerkschaften fordern mehr Investitionen in Bildung, um die Beschäftigten zu wappnen.

labour markets germany
France: Doctolib, leader français du rendez-vous médical en ligne, s’attaque à la téléconsultation dfabbri

Le Monde (27.09.2018) Doctolib, le leader français de la prise de rendez-vous médicaux en ligne ne cesse de grandir. Jeudi 27 septembre au matin, il inaugurait son « Health Tech Center », qui sur 1 000 mètres carrés, rue de Monceau, dans le 8e arrondissement de Paris, va accueillir 100 ingénieurs cette année – dont la plupart font déjà partie des effectifs de la société –, et 50 de plus en 2019. La structure est appelée à accueillir des intervenants extérieurs pour réfléchir au futur des systèmes de santé. Mais d’abord à élaborer les fonctionnalités à venir de Doctolib. Et la première d’entre elles est déjà connue.

digital platforms Data management france
[Interview] France: Pension fund chief: We are seeing a strong movement towards green financing dfabbri

Euractiv (25.09.2018) ERAFP is a pension fund which manages the additional retirement pension for civil servants. It is a mandatory pension scheme, which is capital-based and was established to benefit the 4.5 million civil servants, whether they are civilian or military officials, or employed by local government, hospitals or the judiciary. Having been established in 2005, the scheme allows civil servants to make contributions from all of their non-statutory income (any remuneration paid other than their index-related salary). These contributions are invested in assets (such as bonds, property or shares), which thereby cover the scheme’s commitments. Today, ERAFP manages over €30 billion. Having been set up 13 years ago, the scheme is only at the beginning of an increase in operations which will continue into the middle of the century. Understandably, its assets are growing: over the next ten years, the scheme’s cash-flow will enable it to invest €2.5 billion a year, on average.

climate change, sustainability Pensions, Investment france
[Report] Challenges in long-term care in Europe - A study of national policies 2018 dfabbri

Europa (07.09.2018) The study, which includes country reports and a synthesis report, provides a brief description of the main features of the national long-term care systems in 35 European countries - EU Member States as well as EFTA and enlarging countries.

Health promotion Europe
France: Sécu - en 2019, premier budget en excédent depuis 18 ans dfabbri

Le Monde (25.09.2018) Le projet de loi de financement de la Sécurité sociale prévoit un budget à l’équilibre en 2019. Mais le gouvernement veut poursuivre les économies.

Financing france
Experts convene in Belgrade to discuss social protection in Western Balkans dfabbri

Devdiscourse News (25.09.2018) The meeting is organized by FAO, in collaboration with the SeConS Development Initiative Group, an independent think tank of experts working to improve living conditions and boost socio-economic development in Southeast Europe.

Social policies & programmes eastern europe