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Circular 32/2020 – Medidas especiales por el COVID-19 – Real Decreto-ley 6/2020 de 10 de marzo (BOE 11.03.20) | CGS Carlos González Samper rruggia

Medidas especiales por el COVID-19 – Real Decreto-ley 6/2020, de 10 de marzo (BOE de 11.03.2020)

Le informamos que en el BOE del día de hoy se ha publicado el Real Decreto-ley 6/2020, de 10 de marzo, por el que se adoptan determinadas medidas urgentes en el ámbito económico y para la protección de la salud pública (Adjunta le remitimos dicha publicación).

Entre otras medidas, establece que tanto las personas en aislamiento preventivo, como quienes se han contagiado del virus, se considerarán en situación asimilada a ACCIDENTE DE TRABAJO, exclusivamente para la prestación económica de Incapacidad Temporal, la cual equivaldrá al 75% de la base reguladora desde el día siguiente al de la baja laboral, con cargo a la Administración.  

Artículo quinto. “Consideración excepcional como situación asimilada a accidente de trabajo de los periodos de aislamiento o contagio de las   personas trabajadoras como consecuencia del virus COVID-19.           

  1. Al objeto de proteger la salud pública, se considerarán, con carácter excepcional, situación asimilada a accidente de trabajo, exclusivamente para la prestación económica de incapacidad temporal del sistema de Seguridad Social, aquellos periodos de aislamiento o contagio de las personas trabajadoras provocado por el virus COVID-19.
  2. En ambos casos la duración de esta prestación excepcional vendrá determinada por el parte de baja por aislamiento y la correspondiente alta.
  3. Podrá causar derecho a esta prestación la persona trabajadora por cuenta propia o ajena que se encuentre en la fecha del hecho causante en situación de alta en cualquiera de los regímenes de Seguridad Social.
  4. La fecha del hecho causante será la fecha en la que se acuerde el aislamiento o enfermedad del trabajador, sin perjuicio de que el parte de baja se expida con posterioridad a esa fecha.”  

Así mismo, ha quedado aprobada una moratoria de las cotizaciones a la Seguridad Social correspondientes a tres mensualidades consecutivas, para empresas y trabajadores por cuenta propia, en las zonas geográficas y sectores que se determinen según Orden Ministerial (pendiente de aprobación).

Fuente: Real Decreto-ley 6/2020, de 10 de marzo, por el que se adoptan determinadas medidas urgentes en el ámbito económico y para la protección de la salud pública.

covid19 Occupational accidents and diseases, Shocks & extreme events spain
US: COVID-19 patients could qualify for unemployment benefits in Illinois rruggia

Ill. (KWQC) (11.03.2020) - Officials in Illinois say those unemployed due to COVID-19 can "generally qualify for unemployment benefits to the full extent permitted by federal law." Illinois Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Employment Security announced Wednesday they'll take additional steps to support those impacted by COVID-19. The Pritzker Administration will file emergency rules this week to clarify those unemployed due to COVID-19 can qualify. 

covid19 Unemployment, Shocks & extreme events United States
Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) rruggia

Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) En español An outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a new coronavirus (COVID-19) has been identified starting in Wuhan, China. There is no evidence of widespread transmission of COVID-19 in California at this time. While investigations to learn more about the virus are ongoing, workers and employers should review their health and safety procedures to help prevent exposure to the virus. The EDD provides a variety of support services to individuals affected by COVID-19 in California. For faster and more convenient access to those services, we encourage the use of our online options. Visit Coronavirus 2019 FAQs to learn what programs and benefits may be available to you.

covid19 Medical care, Unemployment, Shocks & extreme events United States
Coronavirus and Unemployment Insurance Benefits | Office of Unemployment Insurance Operations | Ohio Department of Job and Family Services rruggia

Coronavirus and Unemployment Insurance Benefits   Questions and Answers   Question 1: Will workers qualify for unemployment benefits if the coronavirus (COVID-19) causes an employer to shut down operations? Answer: Ohio unemployment benefits are available to individuals who are unemployed through no fault of their own. If an employer must shut down operations and no work is available, individuals may be eligible for unemployment benefits if they meet the monetary criteria and the federal weekly eligibility criteria.

covid19 Unemployment United States
España :Coronavirus: Escrivá anuncia una prestación extraordinaria para los padres que tengan que cuidar a sus hijos rruggia (11.03.2020)El Gobierno aprobará hoy varias medidas del plan de choque para amortiguar el impacto económico de la crisis provocada por la pandemia. La más clara será la creación de una prestación que pagará la Seguridad Social para los padres que tengan que cuidar a sus hijos durante el cierre de las aulas por la Covid-19 y su empresa no pueda ofrecerles alternativas, según ha anunciado este miércoles el ministro de Seguridad Social, José Luis Escrivá. También se esperan facilitar ERTE en empresas afectadas por la crisis con compensaciones para los trabajadores.

covid19 Family benefits spain
El Gobierno facilitará el acceso al desempleo a los autónomos perjudicados por el Covid-19 rruggia

12/03/2020 05:00

Los autónomos son “el eslabón más débil de la cadena productiva”, explica Lorenzo Amor, presidente de ATA. Ellos son quienes más sufren por la caída de la demanda o el cierre de los mercados de crédito, ya que no cuentan con margen para adaptarse. De ahí que vayan a ser uno de los colectivos beneficiados por el plan de choque económico que aprobará este jueves el Gobierno en un Consejo de Ministros extraordinario para frenar la crisis provocada por el brote del coronavirus.

El Ejecutivo lleva más de una semana ultimando las medidas en contacto permanente con los agentes sociales y las asociaciones de autónomos, con el objetivo de que el diseño de las medidas sea fino y se adapte a las necesidades del colectivo. Una de las exigencias comunes de todas las asociaciones de autónomos es que el Gobierno facilite el acceso al seguro por desempleo de los trabajadores del RETA y el Ejecutivo ha recogido el guante.

covid19, self-employed Unemployment spain
Paid to Stay Home: Europe’s Safety Net Could Ease Toll of Coronavirus pmassetti (06.03.2020) Europe’s social policies are sometimes seen as overly generous. Yet they may help cushion the economic impact of the virus

covid19 Shocks & extreme events Europe
7 top things to know about coronavirus today pmassetti (09.03.2020) Top stories include updates from the World Health Organisation, lessons from an outbreak simulation and first-hand accounts from doctors in Italy.

covid19 Shocks & extreme events
Coronavirus : la protection sociale en Europe, un vaccin contre la récession pmassetti - NYT (07.03.2020) Alors que partout dans le monde, l’épidémie de Covid-19 est à l’origine d’un ralentissement économique, le Vieux Continent pourrait être moins durement frappé, avance le New York Times. La raison ? La générosité des systèmes de protection sociale qui amortiront le choc.

covid19 Shocks & extreme events Europe
Italy faces existential threat over low birthrate, president warns pmassetti (12.02.2020) Italy’s future is threatened by its diminishing birthrate, President Sergio Mattarella said on Tuesday (11 February), as new data showed the population had shrunk once again in 2019.

Children italy
Cash for babies: How Europe is tackling its falling birthrate pmassetti

World Economic Forum (27.02.2020) Europe is the continent with the oldest population. This is creating problems for healthcare and pensions. But some countries are taking action to encourage more people to have children.

family Children Europe
How Japan and Singapore are reinventing old age pmassetti

World Economic Forum (18.02.2020) A new demographic dividend – the “longevity dividend” – is emerging as populations age.

japan, singapore
Ireland: The State pension 'mess': Can we afford to roll back on the pension age? pmassetti (22.01.2020) The pension age increase has been a long time coming, and has caught the government and the media off-guard in how it’s led the election debate this week.

Pensions ireland
High-risk Artificial Intelligence to be ‘certified, tested and controlled,’ Commission says pmassetti (19.02.2020) Artificial Intelligence technologies carrying a high-risk of abuse that could potentially lead to an erosion of fundamental rights will be subjected to a series of new requirements, the European Commission announced on Wednesday (19 February).

Information and communication technology european union
Alaska Permanent Fund: A basic income is causing parents to have more kids pmassetti

Vox (07.02.2020)  Alaska’s small basic income is causing parents to have more kids.

universal-basic-income Children, Social assistance United States
Canada: Télémédecine privée: une brèche dans le système public? pmassetti (17.02.2020) Consulter un médecin par vidéo, à quelques heures de préavis. Des centaines de milliers de Canadiens ont désormais accès à ces services alors que les régimes d’assurances médicales de groupe couvrent de plus en plus la télémédecine privée. Une nouvelle brèche dans le système de santé public ?

Medical care canada
French reforms: Why France is resisting Macron's push on pensions pmassetti

BBC News (17.02.2020) President Emmanuel Macron's bid to radically overhaul the post-war pension system reaches the National Assembly on Monday, ahead of a long period of debate.

Pensions france
Welfare surveillance system violates human rights, Dutch court rules pmassetti

The Guardian (05.02.2020) A Dutch court has ordered the immediate halt of an automated surveillance system for detecting welfare fraud because it violates human rights, in a judgment likely to resonate well beyond the Netherlands.

artificial intelligence netherlands
Philippines: Lawmakers call for passage of 'gig economy' measures pmassetti (13.02.2020) AS the country’s so-called gig economy industry continues to rise, lawmakers are pushing for measures to protect freelance workers by establishing a basic regulatory framework to enable them to anticipate challenges ahead.

philippines, the
La sécurité sociale face au défi climatique pmassetti

L'Echo (10.02.2020) Peut-on penser sérieusement qu’une réflexion fondamentale sur le financement et l’accessibilité de la sécurité sociale pourra faire l’économie de son inscription dans une transition climatique à engager d’urgence? Peut-on découpler ces deux projets politiques?

climate change
The number of older workers is increasing fast, yet they face growing age discrimination pmassetti

LSE Business Review (05.02.2020) Older women are more likely to be rejected for jobs than older men, and less likely to be called for another interview than women under 45, writes Allyson Zimmermann

The digital nudge in social security administration - Gregor - 2016 - International Social Security Review - Wiley Online Library rruggia

The concept of nudge theory, from the fields of behavioural science, political theory and behavioural economics, has sparked government initiatives yielding significant public value. A nudge is a method for predictably altering behaviour without restricting consumer choice options or significantly changing incentives. Nudges work by leveraging default human behaviour such as the tendency to take the path of least resistance when exercising choice. Government agencies have run many successful trials with simple textual nudges designed to positively influence behaviours such as tax compliance, voter registration and student attrition. This article develops the concept of the digital nudge in social security administration. The digital nudge leverages predictive analytics technology within a digital government framework to support a social investment policy approach. Based on a literature review of nudges within a digital government context, the article identifies examples of innovation within social security administration where nudges are contributing to better social outcomes. At the same time, concerns regarding ethics and privacy are identified as nudges are applied at the individual rather than the population level. The use of data and personal information to drive the nudge process has to be managed in such a way that individual rights are protected. This requirement has to be reconciled with the broader interests of society in achieving affordable outcomes, the parameters of which are determined through the political process.

Service quality
Governance and social security: Moving forward on the ISSA good governance guidelines - Musalem - 2011 - International Social Security Review - Wiley Online Library rruggia

Governments in many countries are redefining policies and strategies in order to respond to the profound and growing social security needs of their citizens. Good governance in social security administration is indispensable to achieve the desired results because new policies and strategies can only be as good as their implementation. The article focuses on good governance at two levels of authority: i) the social security organization, and ii) national Government. At the level of a social security organization, we discuss a stylized governance framework that provides an overview of what is involved in the implementation of a social security programme. The discussion is elevated to the national level in order to focus on the governance of a social security system. From a governance point of view, this article underscores the primary role of governments to facilitate national consensus on the overall objectives of the country's social security system. It argues for the designation of a national authority on social security to ensure the coherent implementation and development of the various programmes that comprise the country's social security system. Greater synchronization of social security policy with employment and labour market policies is important to ensure positive synergies and joint effectiveness in providing access to work opportunities in the formal sectors of the economy, which is key to tackling poverty and social exclusion and to enabling the poor greater access to more comprehensive forms of social security protection. Good governance will better ensure the sustained and lasting contribution of social security to national economic growth and development.

Governance and administration
Why the number of self-employed people in Germany is rising pmassetti

The Local (30.01.2020) Companies are increasingly outsourcing services, and as a result the number of self-employed workers in Germany has risen sharply. Many are learning that working one job is just not enough.

Social protection in Latin America: One region two systems pmassetti (23.01.2020) Social protection systems in Latin America have experienced deep structural change in the last two decades. Policies, programmes and institutions directed at population groups characterised by low incomes and informal employment have emerged across the region.

Social policies & programmes latin america