Social policies & programmes

SPACE Understanding the Economic Impacts of COVID-19 in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Who, Where, How, and When? |

Submitted by rruggia on

It is essential to understand ‘Who’ will be affected, ‘Where’, ‘How’ and ‘When’ to better understand the ‘What’ of the social protection response to COVID-19.

Social assistance
Social policies & programmes


Document Type

COVID-19 and South Asia: National Strategies and Subregional Cooperation for Accelerating Inclusive, Sustainable and Resilient Recovery

Submitted by pmassetti on

United Nations ESCAP (25.06.2020) South Asia, a subregion with nearly a quarter of world’s population but over a third of world’s people living in extreme poverty and hunger, has been impacted severely given the vast proportion of population living at the margins, fragmented coverage of social protection, pervasive informality in economic activities and employment, and wide gaps in public health infrastructure.

Regions / Country
Social policies & programmes
Document Type

Taiwan: First "Public Health Specialists Act" in Asia passed in Taiwan

Submitted by siha on

Taiwan Today (18.05.2020) The Public Health Specialists Act, which provides for a national certification for public health professionals, passed the Legislature May 15 in Taipei City.

Regions / Country
Taiwan, China
Global challenges
Health promotion
Safety and health at work
Social policies & programmes
Document Type

India: Demand for speedy passage of Social Security Bill gains steam

Submitted by pmassetti on

livemint (26.06.2020) The development comes against the backdrop of the migrant issue and labour rights coming in the spotlight in the last three months. Bihar, which goes to polls later this year, was the first to demand passage of the Bill

Regions / Country
Social policies & programmes


Document Type

A post-Covid-19 social protection architecture for India - analysis

Submitted by pmassetti on

Hindustan Times (11.06.2020) Stronger social protection led by an inclusive growth dividend will protect the vulnerable and drive India’s economic recovery

Regions / Country
Social policies & programmes
Document Type

Africa: Examining the Right to Social Protection in COVID-19 Responses

Submitted by pmassetti on (May 2020) The purpose of this paper is to examine current state interventions taken to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 using social protection in Uganda in comparison to what is happening in Kenya and South Africa. This paper will also briefly examine the impact of legal framework in supporting the right social protection in COVID-19 responses.

Regions / Country
south africa
Social policies & programmes


Document Type

COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: An overview of government responses to the crisis

Submitted by pmassetti on

oecd (27.04.2020) this note will give an overview of the measures currently being enacted to mitigate the public health situation in different countries of the region, including its social, economic, and governance dimensions.

Regions / Country
latin america
Social policies & programmes


Document Type

Opinion- Report : What has the Covid-19 crisis taught us about social protection?

Submitted by pmassetti on (April 2020) The COVID-19 crisis has taught us some swift and valuable truths about social protection. In this new context, the simplistic dichotomy of the ‘poor and non-poor’ – which has often driven social protection policy – makes even less sense than it did prior to the crisis. Today’s apparently secure formal sector employee is tomorrow’s ‘poor person,’ once s/he becomes ill or loses their job and income. We need to think differently about the way we conceptualise social security, and we must remember these lessons long after the crisis is over.

Social policies & programmes


Document Type