
Armenia: Government Approves More Cash Handouts To Struggling Families

Submitted by mmarquez on (02.04.2020) The Armenian government approved on Thursday cash payments to more people who have been hit hard by economic disruptions resulting from the coronavirus epidemic. The fresh financial assistance will be provided to the underage children of those Armenians who had no officially registered jobs or businesses or did not receive poverty benefits when the unprecedented shutdowns began on March 12. Their parents will receive 26,500 drams ($52) per child.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Family benefits
Social assistance
Document Type

Paraguay: Transferencia monetaria adicional al programa Tekoporã y Pensión Alimentaria de Adultos Mayores

Submitted by mmarquez on (17.03.2020) El Equipo Económico dispuso que los sectores más vulnerables, que participan del programa Tekoporã reciban el pago de una cuota adicional. Este mismo mecanismo de pago también se hará con el programa de Pensión Alimentaria a Adultos Mayores, quienes recibirán el pago de un anticipo para eta situación de contingencia.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance
Document Type

República Dominicana: Gobierno aumenta tarjeta Solidaridad a RD$5,000 por dos meses y añade a 690 mil familias al programa

Submitted by mmarquez on (25.03.2020) “En concreto, a partir del 1 de abril, las 811,000 familias que hoy tienen la tarjeta Solidaridad y que reciben en promedio 1,500 pesos mensuales, les vamos a realizar un aumento por dos meses del componente ‘Comer es Primero’, para que dispongan de 5,000 pesos mensuales para la adquisición de alimentos y productos de primera necesidad en la Red de Abastecimiento Social”, dijo el mandatario durante el discurso.

Regions / Country
dominican republic
Global challenges
Family benefits
Extension of coverage
Social assistance
Food and nutrition
Document Type

República Dominicana: Distribución de alimentos para familias

Submitted by mmarquez on (25.03.2020) El Gobierno dominicano distribuirá alimentos durante la crisis de salud.  “En este momento, el Plan Social de la Presidencia está en capacidad de servir cada día a 45 mil familias con 3 raciones cada una, suficiente para nueve días de alimentación. A ese ritmo, cubrirán cada semana a 315 mil familias en todo el territorio nacional”, dijo Medina. 

Regions / Country
dominican republic
Global challenges
Extension of coverage
Social assistance
Food and nutrition
Document Type

Chile: Se fomenta la consulta de prestaciones sociales existentes en línea

Submitted by mmarquez on (02.04.2020) El IPS tiene habilitada una sección online donde te permite consultar si es que tienes algún beneficio pendiente. Es muy sencillo: solo debes agregar tu RUT, y hacer clic en la opción ‘ingresar’. Al cumplir con esos dos pasos, el sistema tiene cuatro opciones de consulta: trámites, documentos, consultas y pagos. Ahí se explica toda la información al respecto.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Family benefits
Service quality
Social assistance
Document Type

Guatemala: Se retiran condicionalidades temporalmente para Bono Social

Submitted by mmarquez on (27.03.2020) Los programas del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Mides) llegarán tarde. La cartera prevé que a inicios de abril se empiece la entrega del Bono Social a familias en condiciones de pobreza y extrema pobreza. El programa consiste en una transferencia bancaria, a cambio de que los usuarios envíen a sus hijos a la escuela y a centros de salud. Pero este año se obviarán esos pasos, según las autoridades del Mides, por la emergencia del coronavirus.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance
Conditional cash transfers
Document Type

South Korea: Support Package to Respond to COVID-19 Outbreak

Submitted by cambrosio on (02.03.2020)

Support Package to Respond to COVID-19 Outbreak implies up to 5 days of childcare leave along with the payment of 50,000 won per day.

Regions / Country
korea, Republic of
Global challenges
Family benefits
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Document Type

Philippines: Implementing the Bayanihan to Heal As One Act (Republic Act No. 11469): Full Text of the Memorandum from the Executive Secretary

Submitted by cambrosio on (28.03.2020) The Government provide compensation of One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00) to public and private health workers who may contract severe COVID-19 infection while in the line of duty, and a compensation of One Million Pesos (P1,000,000.00) to the families of public and private health workers, who may die while fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. This benefit has a retroactive application from 01 February 2020.

Regions / Country
philippines, the
Global challenges
Family benefits
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Document Type

Singapore: Cushioning the impact of COVID-19

Submitted by cambrosio on (20.02.2020)

To address the economic uncertainties brought about by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, the government introduced a cash transfer of up to SG$300, depending on income, for all residents aged 21 and above. Additionally, S$100 for passion card top-up for all seniors, and S$100 supermarket vouchers for lower-income families.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Family benefits
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Document Type

Trinidad and Tobago: Salary relief grant, food card support and rental assistance

Submitted by cambrosio on (23.03.2020) Several measure to face the Coronavirus emergency: a Salary Relief Grant will be provided to citizens who have lost income as a result of the impact of COVID-19. They will have access to TT$1500 per month over a three-month period from the National Insurance Board. Food Card support of TT$510.00 per month for three months for households where a family member was retrenched, terminated or income reduced during this period.

Regions / Country
trinidad and tobago
Global challenges
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Food and nutrition
Document Type