Labour market and the digital economy

En México está en riesgo el 52% de los empleos por robots y automatización

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El Cronista (25.07.2017) La automatización y robotización ponen en jaque al 52% de los empleos en México, dice el Instituto Global McKinsey. Son 25,5 millones de puestos de trabajo los que están en riesgo por la llamada cuarta Revolución Industrial.

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Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Large-scale automation
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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How artificial intelligence can deliver real value to companies

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McKinsey Global Institute (30.06.2017) Companies new to the space can learn a great deal from early adopters who have invested billions into AI and are now beginning to reap a range of benefits. After decades of extravagant promises and frustrating disappointments, artificial intelligence (AI) is finally starting to deliver real-life benefits to early-adopting companies. Retailers on the digital frontier rely on AI-powered robots to run their warehouses—and even to automatically order stock when inventory runs low. Utilities use AI to forecast electricity demand.

Technological transition
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Large-scale automation
Big Data
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Where machines could replace humans--and where they can’t (yet)

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McKinsey Quarterly (25.07.2016) The technical potential for automation differs dramatically across sectors and activities. As automation technologies such as machine learning and robotics play an increasingly great role in everyday life, their potential effect on the workplace has, unsurprisingly, become a major focus of research and public concern. The discussion tends toward a Manichean guessing game: which jobs will or won’t be replaced by machines?

Regions / Country
United States
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Large-scale automation
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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France: Demain, tous nomades au travail?

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Les Echos (06.06.2017) Le développement des nouvelles technologies, des outils communicants, les impératifs croissants de réactivité, l'aspiration des salariés à une meilleure articulation entre vie pro et perso, conduit les entreprises à repenser leur organisation physique. Un changement de fond, dont elles ont tout intérêt à tirer profit.

Regions / Country
Employment of young workers
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Document Type

[Report] Aspects of non-standard employment in Europe

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Eurofound (13.07.2017) This report examines developments in non-standard employment over the last decade. It looks at trends in the main categories of non-standard employment – temporary, temporary agency and part-time work and self-employment – based mainly on data from the European Union Labour Force Survey. The report includes a specific focus on work mediated by digital platforms, which is the most innovative of the new forms of employment that have emerged in the past decade.

Regions / Country
european union
Employment of young workers
Social policies & programmes
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Labour market

A judicious adjustment to the gig economy

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Depending on who you ask, the gig economy, in which workers set their own schedules at companies such as Uber, either liberates employees from the grind of wage-slavery — or recreates the exploitation of earlier centuries by putting workers at the mercy of capricious and exploitative companies.

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Employment of young workers
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Self Employment Social Security Bill 2017 passed | New Straits Times | Malaysia General Business Sports and Lifestyle News

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KUALA LUMPUR: The Self Employment Social Security Bill 2017 which seeks to provide Social Security Organisation (Socso) protection to self employed persons has been passed by the Dewan Rakyat today. Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri Richard Riot Jaem said for a start, the new law would be enforced to provide Socso protection to self-employed taxi drivers and e-hailing service providers, including Uber and GrabCar, before being extended to other self-employment sectors.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Social assistance
Social policies & programmes
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Business processes
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Malaysia : Self Employment Social Security Bill 2017 passed

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New Straits Times (06.04.2017) The Self Employment Social Security Bill 2017 which seeks to provide Social Security Organisation (Socso) protection to self employed persons has been passed by the Dewan Rakyat today. Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri Richard Riot Jaem said for a start, the new law would be enforced to provide Socso protection to self-employed taxi drivers and e-hailing service providers, including Uber and GrabCar, before being extended to other self-employment sectors.

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Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Las 8 claves del nuevo Director de RRHH del siglo XXI | Prevención Integral & ORP Conference

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La transformación digital es una realidad para casi todas las organizaciones, independientemente de su sector. Dada esta situación, la figura de los líderes empresariales está teniendo una vital importancia a la hora de enfrentar este proceso que ha transformado todas las áreas de las compañías, incluído el departamento de Recursos Humanos. 

Governance and administration
Human resource management
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Internal impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Canadian province Ontario plans to trial universal basic income | The Independent

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Ontario has announced it could soon be sending a monthly cheque to its residents as it plans to launch an experiment testing the basic income concept. While officials in the Canadian province are yet to release any specific details of the project – including how much will be given to residents who participate – the finance ministry has published a report confirming the government’s intention to roll out the experiment.

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