
EU unveils health technology bill

Submitted by fabbri on

EurActiv (31.01.2018) The European Commission unveiled plans for a pan-EU Health Technology Assessment (HTA) law on Wednesday (31 January), with EU health chief Vytenis Andriukaitis promising that they would help patients take advantage of “an exciting era for innovation in health”.

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Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Document Type

The Rwanda Social Security Board to partner with MobiCash for health insurance payments

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Telecompaper (29.01.2018) The Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB) announced plans to partner with MobiCash to ease collection of payment for community-based health insurance (mutuelle de sante) across the country, New Times reported. According to Deogratias Ntigurirwa, in charge of the Mutuelle de Sante mobilisation and registration division at RSSB, subscribers are expected to start using the new digital platform in June. 

Regions / Country
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

La santé redéfinie par les technologies

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Lw Temps (25.01.2018) Des pilules connectées aux ambulances 5G en passant par les robots chirurgiens… A Davos, les patrons de Microsoft, Pfizer ou encore Nokia ont dessiné la santé de demain

Service quality
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Think Asia

Submitted by mancovega on

Open access repository with Knowledge from Asia’s Top Think Tanks. Jointly developed and produced by Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program and the Asian Development Bank Institute.

Regions / Country
Social assistance
Social policies & programmes
Document Type

[Report] France: improving the efficiency of the health-care system

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OECD (15.01.2018) France’s health-care system offers high-quality care. Average health outcomes are good, public satisfaction with the health-care system is high, and average household out-of-pocket expenditures are low. As in other OECD countries, technology is expanding possibilities for life extension and quality, and spending is rising steadily, while an ageing population requires substantially more and different services.

Regions / Country
Health insurance
Safety and health at work
Document Type

New portal from Australian government provides one-stop access to digital mental health services

Submitted by massetti on

OpenGovAsia (08.11.2017) Evidence shows that for many people, digital interventions can be as effective as face-to-face services.

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Service quality
Document Type

Tackling the financial and regulatory challenges of digital healthcare (Round table)

Submitted by ruggia on

What can social insurers do to maximise potential benefits of digital transformation of health and care while ensuring the sustainability of their systems?

To respond to this question, ESIP organised an expert roundtable on digital health and social insurance together with MEP Michał Boni (EPP, Poland).

Regions / Country
Information and communication technology
Technological transition
Long-term care
Document Type

Un guide décliné en 18 langues qui présente le système de santé suisse |

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Atousante (10.01.2018) Le système de santé suisse est complexe, à fortiori pour les personnes qui ne sont pas nées en Suisse. Ce guide décliné en 18 langues, intitulé « Guide de santé pour la Suisse » est accessible gratuitement en ligne. Il donne des informations à propos de la prise en charge médicale en Suisse,  la promotion de la santé, la prévention, sur les assurances maladies et accidents ainsi que sur les droits et devoirs des patientes et des patients. Il résulte d’une collaboration entre l’OFSP, Office fédéral de la santé publique et la Croix rouge suisse.

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France: L'hôpital, objet de convoitises des labos

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Alternatives Economiques (09.01.2018) Les laboratoires pharmaceutiques travaillent dans l'ombre afin d'influencer médecins et décideurs publics. Alternatives Economiques publie des données exclusives qui prouvent leur omniprésence dans la politique économique du médicament. Deuxième volet de notre enquête en quatre épisodes.

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