Social assistance

Australia: Cashless welfare card's effectiveness unclear, auditor general says

Submitted by massetti on

The Guardian (17.07.2018) The government will push ahead with the expansion of its cashless welfare card trials, despite the auditor general finding it was unclear whether the program was actually reducing social harm.

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Social assistance


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Zambia: Social protection programmes beneficial bridging the gap between the rich and the poor

Submitted by dfabbri on

Lusaka Times (15.08.2018) Government has revealed that strides in bridging the gap between the rich and the poor in society through the successful implementation of Social protection programmes have so far yielded positive results.

Social assistance
Conditional cash transfers


Document Type

France: Fusion des aides sociales - 3,5 millions de ménages subiraient une baisse, selon un rapport

Submitted by dfabbri on

Nouvel Obs (03.08.2018) Le dossier s'annonce déjà explosif pour le gouvernement. Un rapport confidentiel, que "le Monde" s'est procuré, montre que le regroupement des "prestations de solidarité" dans une allocation sociale unique (ASU) pourrait faire plus de "perdants" que de "gagnants". Un constat qui ne devrait pas rassurer les milliers de ménages situés en bas de l'échelle des revenus.

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Social assistance
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France: Fusion des aides sociales : 3,5 millions de ménages subiraient une baisse, selon un rapport

Submitted by dfabbri on

Nouvel Obs (03.08.2018) Le passage à l'allocation sociale unique (ASU) ferait plus de "perdants" que de "gagnants", souligne une étude interne.

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Social assistance
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[Opinion] Do social protection programs improve life satisfaction? Lessons from Iraq

Submitted by fabbri on (11.07.2018) Iraq is a middle-income country with a tragic recent history of violence and conflict, yet a wealth of oil reserves with which to fund extensive income transfers to its population. While not all of the findings are generalizable, a number of them are relevant to the provision of social support in other countries.

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Global challenges
Social assistance
Conditional cash transfers
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Le « pognon de dingue » investi dans la protection sociale est efficace et apprécié par les Français

Submitted by fabbri on

Le Monde (21.06.2018) Les comptes publiés jeudi par la Drees classent la France parmi les pays les plus actifs dans la lutte contre la pauvreté.

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Social assistance


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[Opinion] This is how we make basic income a reality

Submitted by massetti on

World Economic Forum (29.05.2018) Five years ago, when I first heard about it, the idea had been all but forgotten. Most people I talked to had never heard of it either. Now, suddenly, it’s everywhere. Finland conducted a major trial, Canada has just launched an even bigger experiment and a test in Kenya is the mother of them all.

Global challenges
Social assistance
Document Type

Suisse: Ces chômeurs en fin de droits qui basculent dans l'aide sociale 

Submitted by fabbri on

Le Temps (23.03.2018) Alors que l'économie se porte au mieux, le nombre de demandeurs d’emploi qui se retrouvent à l’aide sociale a doublé en une décennie. Leur sort cause une préoccupation croissante dans le cadre du débat sur la libre circulation

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Social assistance
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Building Resilience and Protecting Vulnerable Yemenis Through Cash Transfers

Submitted by fabbri on

Yemen ReliefWeb (21.03.2018) Life has dramatically changed in Yemen since the conflict started,” said Naji Saeed, a day laborer in the Taiz governorate. The construction work that was the source of Saeed’s livelihood has all but ended as a result of the conflict. “I lost my job like millions of Yemenis and I don’t know what I can do now to feed my children,” added Saeed.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance
Conditional cash transfers


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