Population ageing

Zambia: Promoting social protection for aged –

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 Zambia Daily Mail (10.07.2018) Zambia’s National Policy on Ageing defines an older person as one aged 60 years or older and the country’s current retirement threshold is 65 years. There are a number of challenges facing the elderly in Zambia which include social exclusion. Some suffer from isolation due to stigma. In some rural communities, elderly people are suspected of practising witchcraft and poverty is also highly pronounced among them.

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Extension of coverage
Population ageing
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[Opinión] España: La jubilación acabará fijada en los 70 años en no mucho tiempo”, según el Círculo de Empresarios

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El País (16.07.2018) Durante la presentación de la quinta edición del Barómetro de los Círculos, capitaneado por el Círculo de Empresarios, que recoge los resultados de una encuesta entre 340 altos directivos y entrevistas a 21 primeros ejecutivos de empresas, el presidente del grupo de trabajo del informe, Miguel Iraburu, desgranó que las tres reformas más urgentes son las de la educación, la justicia, "que es lenta e ineficiente", y profundizar en el Pacto de Toledo.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions

México: Sin reforma en pensiones habrá más pobres

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.elfinanciero (04.07.2018) Si la nueva administración de Andrés Manuel López Obrador no aprovecha su mayoría en las dos Cámaras para aprobar una nueva Ley de Pensiones, en 32 años México tendrá más de 10 millones de personas de 65 años y más en condición de pobreza, 154 por ciento más respecto a los 3.9 millones reportados en 2016, según un estudio de la Asociación Mexicana de Instituciones de Seguros (AMIS) y la Asociación Mexicana de Administradoras de Fondos para el Retiro (Amafore).

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Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Document Type

[Opinion] US: What explains the widening gap in retirement ages?

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MarketWatch (04.07.2018) Today, male college graduates retire about three years later than high school graduates. While the story is more complicated for women, because of the dramatic change in their labor-force participation rates over the latter half of the 20th century, the pattern is similar.

Regions / Country
United States
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Document Type

China eager to embrace tech to meet overflowing health care demands

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 South China Morning Post (02.07.2018) Patients need to have plenty of patience, especially in China’s under-resourced health care system where rural parents often travel with their sick children to seek treatment at Beijing’s Children Hospital but end up having to literally camp outside because of a shortage of lodgings in the city, or where the needs of the ageing population are rising with more than 200 million people aged over 60, equivalent to the entire population of Indonesia.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Information and communication technology


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Internal impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Older Russians fear pension reform will hit income

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Financial Times (02.07.2018) The Russian government announced its reform plans on the eve of the World Cup, distracting public attention from the shock. They are potentially one of the most far-reaching economic changes of President Vladimir Putin’s latest six-year term, following his re-election in March. But in the country’s poorer cities and regions fear and anger are building.

Regions / Country
Russian Federation
Global challenges
Document Type

Aging in Japan and Across Asia: A Road Map to the Future

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Nippon (17.06.2018) One of the final sessions of the first Asian Impact Dialogue on Ageing and Demographic Change in Asia was the Road Map to the Future workshop. Kogiso Mari, director of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation in Tokyo, led attendees in reflecting on the key take-away lessons gained from the days of discussion in Singapore, with a focus on how elder care and future care forums can be improved.

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Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Document Type

Suisse: Les seniors, ces mal-aimés du marché du travail

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Le Temps (12.06.2018)  Le chômage de longue durée touche essentiellement les plus de 50 ans, qui se sentent souvent discriminés à l’embauche. Seule une minorité de Suisses travaille jusqu’à l’âge de la retraite alors qu’il faudrait plus de cotisants pour assurer la pérennité des assurances sociales

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Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Document Type

Longevity and the limits of the welfare state in Europe

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EurActiv (04.05.2018)  In November 2017, the EU proclaimed the European Pillar of Social Rights. However, there are still many shortcomings within the current welfare state and unless policies reflect values then plummeting fertility rates or fading solidarity between young and old will persist, writes Anna Záborská.

Regions / Country
european union
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Document Type