Official / Corporate

WHO: Updates on the latest worldwide figures of the Coronavirus disease 2019

Submitted by btreichel on

The WHO provides latest updates, including figues of Corona infections on a dedicated COVID-19 News website. The Website is updated on a regular basis and also includes the latest WHO briefings. 

In addition, the WHO information network provides relevant information on a dedicated website for epidemics.


Occupational accidents and diseases
Document Type

Netherlands: Temporary Emergency Measure Bridging Employment (NOW)

Submitted by pgirard on

The Netherlands introduced "NOW", a temporary new scheme to replace the current partial unemployment system, in order to allow for an easier access to short-term work benefits, and benefit a greater number of employees without impeding on their traditional unemployment rights.

Regions / Country
Global challenges


Document Type

France: MSA: une plateforme en ligne permettant à ses assurés de demander par eux-mêmes un arrêt de travail sans prescription médicale s’ils sont considérés comme étant des personnes à risque

Submitted by pmassetti on

La Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA), a déployé une plateforme en ligne permettant à ses assurés de demander par eux-mêmes un arrêt de travail sans prescription médicale s’ils sont considérés comme étant des personnes à risque et s’ils sont affiliés à la MSA.

Regions / Country
Cash sickness benefits
Service delivery
Document Type

Bahrain: The Minister of Labor praises the royal directives for launching the financial and economic package for the private sector

Submitted by cambrosio on (18.03.2020)

Private sector employees who are registered with the national Social Insurance Organization will have their salaries paid for 3 months from April 2020 from the Unemployment Fund, according to the maximum salary stipulated in the Social Insurance Law, and that with a total value of 215 million BD.

Regions / Country
Global challenges


Document Type

Bahrain: In accordance with the royal directives, launching a financial and economic package worth BD 4.3 billion in support of citizens and the private sector

Submitted by cambrosio on (17.03.2020) The government guarantees electricity and water bills for all subscribers from individuals and companies for each of the months of April, May and June of this year, not to exceed the bills for the same period of last year for each subscriber with a total value of 150 million Bahraini dinars.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance
Cash transfers


Document Type

Chile: Pacto de reduccion tempral de la jornada de trabajo

Submitted by mmarquez on (01.04.2020) Los empleadores pueden acordar con el trabajador de manera individual o colectiva reducir hasta el 50% de la duración de su jornada de trabajo, recibiendo un complemento de la remuneración con cargo al Seguro de Cesantía. El trabajador percibirá además un complemento a su remuneración con cargo a su cuenta individual por cesantía y, una vez agotado, con cargo al Fondo de Cesantía Solidario que será de hasta un 25% de su remuneración, si la reducción de jornada es un 50% (con tope de $225.000 mensuales).

Regions / Country
Global challenges


Document Type

Chile: Se extienden capacidades de hospitales, y se incluye test de Covid-19

Submitted by mmarquez on (31.03.2020) Para financiar la compra de insumos y equipamientos necesarios, el fortalecimiento de la operación de los hospitales, fortalecimiento de laboratorios de diagnóstico, la extensión de los horarios de urgencia, la habilitación de camas adicionales, los hospitales de construcción rápida y otras necesidades, se creó un fondo de $220 mil millones. Así, ya se ordenó la compra de 600 ventiladores mecánicos más, que junto a otras adquisiciones y donaciones de China, llegarán a mil.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Health insurance


Document Type

Can COVID-19 be considered an occupational disease? | International Social Security Association (ISSA)

Submitted by btreichel on

Worldwide almost 2.4 million people die due to an occupational disease, compared to 0.38 million that die because of a work accident. Insurance covering occupational diseases is an important pillar of social security and a safety net to all workers who may be exposed to chemical, physical or biological agents arising from work activities, or may suffer from respiratory and skin diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders or occupational cancer.

Occupational accidents and diseases
Document Type

New Zealand: Statement to Parliament on the Economic Response to COVID-19

Submitted by cambrosio on (17.03.2020)

The Government is announcing significant further support for the economy, workers and businesses as the country unites to prepare for Alert Level 4 in the fight against COVID-19.  Full-time workers will receive $585/week under the scheme, with $350 paid to part-time workers. The subsidy is paid as a lump sum and covers 12 weeks per employee. The maximum each business can receive is $150,000. The scheme will be available to all businesses in all sectors nationwide, and includes the self-employed and sole traders.

Regions / Country
new zealand
Global challenges
Cash transfers
Document Type

New Zealand: COVID-19 Economic Package updated

Submitted by cambrosio on (23.03.2020)

On 23 March, the Minister announced significant further support for the economy, workers and businesses, including removal of the cap on the Government’s wage subsidy scheme which will inject a further $4 billion into the economy over the next eleven weeks. Among other measures the economic response package includes: $2.8 billion income support package for our most vulnerable, including a permanent $25 per week benefit increase and a doubling of the Winter Energy Payment for 2020.

Regions / Country
new zealand
Global challenges
Cash transfers
Document Type