
Armenia: Cash benefit to workers who lost their jobs

Submitted by mmarquez on (30.03.2020) The one-off payments announced by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s cabinet will benefit tens and possibly hundreds of thousands of workers who have been temporarily out of work or laid off as well as owners of small businesses forced to halt their operations in recent weeks. The aid is meant to help them buy food and meet other basic needs during the nationwide lockdown imposed in Armenia last week.

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Global challenges
Social assistance


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Armenia: Government Approves More Cash Handouts To Struggling Families

Submitted by mmarquez on (02.04.2020) The Armenian government approved on Thursday cash payments to more people who have been hit hard by economic disruptions resulting from the coronavirus epidemic. The fresh financial assistance will be provided to the underage children of those Armenians who had no officially registered jobs or businesses or did not receive poverty benefits when the unprecedented shutdowns began on March 12. Their parents will receive 26,500 drams ($52) per child.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Family benefits
Social assistance
Document Type

República Dominicana: Gobierno aumenta tarjeta Solidaridad a RD$5,000 por dos meses y añade a 690 mil familias al programa

Submitted by mmarquez on (25.03.2020) “En concreto, a partir del 1 de abril, las 811,000 familias que hoy tienen la tarjeta Solidaridad y que reciben en promedio 1,500 pesos mensuales, les vamos a realizar un aumento por dos meses del componente ‘Comer es Primero’, para que dispongan de 5,000 pesos mensuales para la adquisición de alimentos y productos de primera necesidad en la Red de Abastecimiento Social”, dijo el mandatario durante el discurso.

Regions / Country
dominican republic
Global challenges
Family benefits
Extension of coverage
Social assistance
Food and nutrition
Document Type

Gobierno dominicano financiará pruebas de COVID-19

Submitted by mmarquez on (25.03.2020) El presidente Danilo Medina informó el miércoles en un discurso al pueblo dominicano que su gobierno pagará las pruebas de COVID-19 distribuidas entre los laboratorios privados autorizados.

Regions / Country
dominican republic
Global challenges
Health insurance


Document Type

Netherlands: Temporary Emergency Measure Bridging Employment (NOW)

Submitted by pgirard on

The Netherlands introduced "NOW", a temporary new scheme to replace the current partial unemployment system, in order to allow for an easier access to short-term work benefits, and benefit a greater number of employees without impeding on their traditional unemployment rights.

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Global challenges


Document Type

Argentina: Prestación no contributiva REPRO Asistencia (Decreto 332/2020)

Submitted by mmarquez on (01.04.2020) ARTÍCULO 9°.- El Programa REPRO Asistencia por la Emergencia Sanitaria consistirá en una asignación no contributiva respecto al Sistema Integrado Previsional Argentino a trabajadoras y trabajadores a través del Programa de Recuperación Productiva a cargo del MINISTERIO DE TRABAJO, EMPLEO Y SEGURIDAD SOCIAL, para empresas no incluidas en el artículo 8° y que cumplan con los requisitos establecidos en el artículo 3° del presente decreto y de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo 4° del mismo.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance


Document Type

Opinion- Report : What has the Covid-19 crisis taught us about social protection?

Submitted by pmassetti on (April 2020) The COVID-19 crisis has taught us some swift and valuable truths about social protection. In this new context, the simplistic dichotomy of the ‘poor and non-poor’ – which has often driven social protection policy – makes even less sense than it did prior to the crisis. Today’s apparently secure formal sector employee is tomorrow’s ‘poor person,’ once s/he becomes ill or loses their job and income. We need to think differently about the way we conceptualise social security, and we must remember these lessons long after the crisis is over.

Social policies & programmes


Document Type

US: The historic $2 trillion CARES Act will be an economic lifeline for gig workers and freelancers

Submitted by pmassetti on
  • The $2 trillion federal stimulus package known as the CARES Act, signed into law by President Trump on Friday, will be a lifeline to many gig workers and freelancers.
  • The law takes unprecedented steps to provide a social safety net for the self employed.
  • It offers an additional $600 a week in unemployment insurance, bringing weekly payouts to the $800- to $900-a-week range when state benefits are added, to workers including the self-employed.
Regions / Country
United States
Document Type

France: MSA: une plateforme en ligne permettant à ses assurés de demander par eux-mêmes un arrêt de travail sans prescription médicale s’ils sont considérés comme étant des personnes à risque

Submitted by pmassetti on

La Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA), a déployé une plateforme en ligne permettant à ses assurés de demander par eux-mêmes un arrêt de travail sans prescription médicale s’ils sont considérés comme étant des personnes à risque et s’ils sont affiliés à la MSA.

Regions / Country
Cash sickness benefits
Service delivery
Document Type

Portugal: Unemployed people called to help homes and hospitals during the pandemic

Submitted by mmarquez on (01.04.2020) The unemployed will be allowed to work temporarily in social and health institutions. The measure created by the government and today published in Diário da República aims to support social and solidarity sector entities to face the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Regions / Country
Global challenges


Document Type