
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
Alaska Permanent Fund: A basic income is causing parents to have more kids United States

Vox (07.02.2020)  Alaska’s small basic income is causing parents to have more kids.

Children, Social assistance universal-basic-income Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Canada: Télémédecine privée: une brèche dans le système public? canada (17.02.2020) Consulter un médecin par vidéo, à quelques heures de préavis. Des centaines de milliers de Canadiens ont désormais accès à ces services alors que les régimes d’assurances médicales de groupe couvrent de plus en plus la télémédecine privée. Une nouvelle brèche…

Medical care Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
French reforms: Why France is resisting Macron's push on pensions france

BBC News (17.02.2020) President Emmanuel Macron's bid to radically overhaul the post-war pension system reaches the National Assembly on Monday, ahead of a long period of debate.

Pensions Published_SS_Monitor pmassetti
Welfare surveillance system violates human rights, Dutch court rules netherlands

The Guardian (05.02.2020) A Dutch court has ordered the immediate halt of an automated surveillance system for detecting welfare fraud because it violates human rights, in a judgment likely to resonate well beyond the Netherlands.

artificial intelligence Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… pmassetti
Philippines: Lawmakers call for passage of 'gig economy' measures philippines, the (13.02.2020) AS the country’s so-called gig economy industry continues to rise, lawmakers are pushing for measures to protect freelance workers by establishing a basic regulatory framework to enable them to anticipate challenges ahead.

Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… pmassetti
La sécurité sociale face au défi climatique

L'Echo (10.02.2020) Peut-on penser sérieusement qu’une réflexion fondamentale sur le financement et l’accessibilité de la sécurité sociale pourra faire l’économie de son inscription dans une transition climatique à engager d’urgence? Peut-on découpler ces deux projets politiques?

climate change Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
The number of older workers is increasing fast, yet they face growing age discrimination

LSE Business Review (05.02.2020) Older women are more likely to be rejected for jobs than older men, and less likely to be called for another interview than women under 45, writes Allyson Zimmermann

gender_and_inequality Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
The digital nudge in social security administration - Gregor - 2016 - International Social Security Review - Wiley Online Library

The concept of nudge theory, from the fields of behavioural science, political theory and behavioural economics, has sparked government initiatives yielding significant public value. A nudge is a method for predictably altering behaviour without restricting consumer choice options or…

Service quality rruggia
Governance and social security: Moving forward on the ISSA good governance guidelines - Musalem - 2011 - International Social Security Review - Wiley Online Library

Governments in many countries are redefining policies and strategies in order to respond to the profound and growing social security needs of their citizens. Good governance in social security administration is indispensable to achieve the desired results because new policies and strategies can…

Governance and administration rruggia
Why the number of self-employed people in Germany is rising

The Local (30.01.2020) Companies are increasingly outsourcing services, and as a result the number of self-employed workers in Germany has risen sharply. Many are learning that working one job is just not enough.

Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… pmassetti
Social protection in Latin America: One region two systems latin america (23.01.2020) Social protection systems in Latin America have experienced deep structural change in the last two decades. Policies, programmes and institutions directed at population groups characterised by low incomes and informal employment have emerged across the region.…

Social policies & programmes Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Reaching universal health coverage: a political economy review of trends across 49 countries

Overseas Development Institute (ODI)  Dec 2019 . This paper aims to understand why and how countries provide health coverage, particularly to left-behind groups. To address these questions, we identified 49 geographically, economically and culturally diverse countries that have either…

universal health care Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
How do countries fight falling birth rates? Europe , Russian Federation

 BBC News (15.01.2020) Russia has promised greater support for parents as the country continues to struggle with a low birth rate.

Family benefits Published_SS_Monitor pmassetti
[CSE] L'actualité Protection sociale : "Les trois réformes systémiques de l'avant-projet de loi sur les retraites" Africa, Europe

Pierre Mayeur, directeur de l'organisme commun des institutions de rente et de prévoyance (OCIRP) et ancien directeur de la Caisse nationale d'assurance vieillesse, donne sa lecture "personnelle et objective" des avant-projets de loi réformant les retraites.

Une excellente synthèse du projet de réforme des retraites français, et ce que en quoi il change le paradygme de la Retraite en France tel qu'il fut établi au sortir de la deuxième guerre mondiale.

Old-age pensions, Pensions managing reforms… gfilhon
La retraite des autoentrepreneurs pourrait coûter des milliards d'euros à l'Etat france

C'est un arrêt à haut risque pour les finances de l'Etat. La Cour de Cassation doit se prononcer sur la minoration systématique des pensions de retraites par la caisse de retraites des autoentrepreneurs, la CIPAV. L'Etat a laissé faire et pourrait se voir demander de rembourser une note salée.…

C'est un arrêt à haut risque pour les finances de l'Etat. La Cour de Cassation doit se prononcer sur la minoration systématique des pensions de retraites par la caisse de retraites des autoentrepreneurs, la CIPAV. L'Etat a laissé faire et pourrait se voir demander de rembourser une note salée.

Old-age pensions, Employment, Extension of coverage adequacy, basic income, contribution collection… gfilhon
Réforme des retraites : les simulations confirment le rôle capital de l’âge pivot Europe , france (21.01.2020) L’analyse des « cas types » par le gouvernement montre que la réforme pénaliserait les départs avant l’âge pivot et profiterait à ceux qui travailleraient plus tard.

L’analyse des « cas types » par le gouvernement montre que la réforme pénaliserait les départs avant l’âge pivot et profiterait à ceux qui travailleraient plus tard.

Old-age pensions adequacy, data analytics, managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… gfilhon
How the youth in Uttar Pradesh are helping the elderly access government welfare schemes, benefits india (17.01.2020) Lack of literacy and complicated documents often hamper financially dependent elderly from accessing government welfare schemes and benefits.

Pensions Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Putin offered to give out capital for the first child Russian Federation

EastRussia (15.01.2020)  The maternity capital program will be expanded in Russia. It will begin to be issued in full to families after the birth of the first child. This was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin during his annual address to the Federal Assembly.

Family benefits Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Russia's Putin seeks to stimulate birth rate Russian Federation

 BBC News (15.01.2020) President Vladimir Putin has announced a series of plans to increase the number of children being born in Russia from an average birth rate of under 1.5 per woman to 1.7 within four years.

Family benefits pmassetti
Pension schemes in EU show big shortfalls in stress test Europe (18.12.2019) A stress test of pension schemes across the European Union wiped out €270 billion or almost a quarter of investments at funds that took part, the EU’s insurance and pensions watchdog said on Tuesday (17 December).

Financing Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
How well are countries doing on universal health coverage? An assessment of 111 countries on UHC Day

December 12 each year is Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day. The tradition dates back to 2012 when the United Nations General Assembly unanimously endorsed a resolution urging countries to accelerate progress toward universal health coverage

universal health coverage Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
French PM Edouard Philippe unveils controversial new pensions system france

Euronews (11.12.2019) France's prime minister has vowed to push ahead with controversial reforms to the country's pension system despite crippling strikes

Pensions Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
'I feel more loved.' Autonomy, self-worth and Kenya's universal pension: Summary Report kenya

Development Pathways (Nov 2019) The report focuses on the Inua Jamii Senior Citizens’ Programme which is a tax-financed benefit-tested social pension that is provided to Kenyans when they reach 70 years of age. By ensuring a universal income guarantee to all of Kenya citizens in old age, the…

- Development Pathways

Universal Social Protection Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
France: Réforme des retraites, pourquoi c’est si compliqué ? france (01.12.2019) Retour sur les grandes questions qui irriguent le débat sur les retraites.

Pensions Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Climate change in the Sahel: How can cash transfers help protect the poor? Africa (04.12.2019) the countries of the Sahel are particularly vulnerable to climate change, undermining their long-term development prospects and the chances of the next generation.

Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti