
US: How to Improve and Protect Nursing Homes From Outbreaks

Submitted by pmassetti on

The New York Times (22.05.2020) More than a third of America’s Covid-19 deaths can be traced back to these facilities. Experts suggest several ways to make them safer.

Regions / Country
United States
Global challenges
Old-age pensions


Document Type

7 ways technology can help the social protection response to COVID-19

Submitted by pmassetti on

Development Pathways (21.04.2020) As the COVID-19 pandemic rages like a wild inferno at a global scale, humanity is neck-deep in responding with every resource, instrument, policy and strategy that is at its disposal.

Information and communication technology
Service delivery
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

Pension payments and pandemics – four potential policy responses

Submitted by pmassetti on (14.05.2020) The economic downturn sparked by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is having a major impact on global labor and financial markets – which in turn will have significant effects on pension systems.  Crucially, policy responses will need to strike a balance between the immediate protection of vulnerable groups and ensuring that our pension systems remain able to deliver retirement income in the future as the global population ages. Here, we propose four important policy questions to be considered as governments grapple with this challenge:

Global challenges


Document Type

How to finance social protection in developing countries in the age of COVID-19

Submitted by pmassetti on

ILO (13.05.2020) The pandemic has highlighted something that had been almost forgotten by policy makers across the world in the past few decades; the importance of expenditure in public health and social protection systems.

Extension of coverage


Document Type

Universal Basic Income is gathering support. Has it ever worked – and could it work in the UK?

Submitted by pmassetti on (20.05.2020)Spain has just taken the first step towards it. Many feel the UK needs it. So is UBI a Utopian ideal, or a necessary salvation?

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Extension of coverage
Cash transfers
Document Type

Supporting livelihoods during the COVID-19 crisis: closing the gaps in safety nets

Submitted by pmassetti on

oecd (20.05.2020) This policy brief discusses the measures countries have taken to support the livelihoods of those who cannot access unemployment benefits or short-term work schemes. It examines the raft of new programmes introduced across the OECD and beyond, including means-tested assistance, new cash transfer schemes, and direct support for those struggling to meet their expenses. It also discusses how to close social protection gaps beyond the crisis to ensure inclusive growth post-COVID-19.Supporting livelihoods during the COVID-19crisis: closing the gaps in safety nets

Extension of coverage
Cash transfers
Document Type

Spain set to introduce permanent basic income scheme to rebuild economy post-coronavirus

Submitted by pmassetti on (19.05.2020) Up to a million Spanish families could soon receive an ongoing monthly payment to help them through the coronavirus crisis as the country’s government looks set to approve a €3 billion ($A5 billion) basic income scheme. The program, targeting low or no income families, will likely remain beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, which is expected to push the unemployment rate to more than 20 per cent in the country of almost 47 million people, according to the International Monetary Fund. 

Regions / Country
Cash transfers
Document Type

France: Une 5e branche de la Sécurité sociale en préparation

Submitted by pmassetti on

Le HuffPost (20.05.2020) Le gouvernement va proposer la création d’une cinquième branche de la Sécurité sociale pour faire face aux dépenses liées à la perte d’autonomie

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

España: Servicio CASIA para reforzar la atención del RED

Submitted by mmarquez on (22.04.2020) Para reforzar la atención que se presta al autorizado RED con el fin de proporcionar una asistencia acorde con las necesidades de este colectivo y que potencie la utilización del canal telemático, se ha puesto a disposición de los autorizados RED un nuevo servicio denominado CASIA  (Coordinación, Atención y Soporte Integral al Autorizado RED) que está disponible en la Oficina Virtual del Sistema RED y a través del cual se pueden plantear consultas, comunicar errores o incidencias, así como presentar solicitude

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Service delivery
Document Type

Argentina: Refuerzos en la política alimentaria

Submitted by mmarquez on (17.03.2020) Se estableció un incremento de las partidas para la asistencia alimentaria en comedores escolares, comedores comunitarios y merenderos. “Es un refuerzo presupuestario adicional sobre la base de que estamos trabajando para ir a un esquema de viandas o de entrega de módulos alimentarios para evitar el traslado de personas, y de acuerdo a las maneras y particularidades de cada provincia”, explicó el ministro. También se incrementó la frecuencia de la distribución de la Tarjeta Alimentar de cada tres semanas a semanalmente.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Family benefits
Social assistance
Food and nutrition
Document Type