digital platforms

World Bank Urges Malaysia to Mandate Retirement Savings for Digital Platform Workers

Submitted by pmassetti on (26.02.2024) The World Bank recommends mandatory retirement savings for digital platform workers in Malaysia to safeguard informal workers in the gig economy. Explore the challenges faced by informal workers and the government's response to ensure economic security.

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New Forms of Employment and Labour Protection in China

Submitted by pmassetti on

ILO Working Paper 103(20.02.2024)  The objective of this paper is to provide a panoramic description and analysis of the diversity of the new forms of employment that have been emerging in China, with the focus on their background, the main types, the status quo of labour rights protection, and the government's responses to the challenges of labour regulations brought by NFE. Finally, on the basis of the above, the paper puts forward corresponding policy recommendations on how to improve workers' protection in new forms of Employment.

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Extension of coverage
Digital plateform workers
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Europe's bid to boost gig workers rights fails again

Submitted by pmassetti on

Reuters (16.02.2024) Europe's attempt to give workers at Uber, Deliveroo and other online platforms more social and labour rights failed a second time after France and three other countries abstained from voting on the watered-down political deal. Belgium, the current holder of the rotating EU presidency, is unlikely to muster enough support for yet another attempt, especially as the European Parliament which has to endorse a final deal, gradually winds down ahead of elections in June.

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european union
Digital plateform workers
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Livreurs Uber et Deliveroo : Macron accusé d’avoir torpillé un texte européen pour améliorer leur sort

Submitted by pmassetti on (17.02.2024) La fin d’un travail de plus de deux ans ? Plusieurs pays ont bloqué ce vendredi 16 février l’adoption d’une législation européenne censée renforcer les droits des travailleurs des plateformes numériques comme Uber ou Deliveroo, mais largement vidée de sa substance. Parmi eux : la France ou l’Allemagne.

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european union
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Opinion: Lessons from Latin America on the impact of platform cooperativism and collective bargaining on algorithmic management

Submitted by pmassetti on (14.02.2024) In recent years, the platform model of capitalism has spread throughout the world, exacerbating precariousness, informality and the delocalisation of labour relations wherever it goes. This in turn has created the need for alternatives that counteract the instrumentalisation of emerging technologies to exploit workers. One viable alternative is platform cooperativism, a model of worker association that uses new technologies to ensure the well-being of workers rather than exploit them through algorithmic mechanisms of control.

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latin america
Digital plateform workers

Improving the working conditions of platform workers

Submitted by pmassetti on

European Parliament (17.01.2024) Although a provisional political agreement between the Council and Parliament was announced on 13 December 2023, 10 Member States could not endorse this agreement on 22 December 2023. The Belgian Presidency is seeking to revive informal discussions with the European Parliament so as to set a date for new negotiations. Platform work is an umbrella concept covering a heterogeneous group of economic activities completed through a digital platform.

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european union
Digital plateform workers
Document Type

Platform economy: New report on platform economy marks first step towards considering a new international labour standard

Submitted by pmassetti on (01.02.2024) A new Law and Practice report, Realizing Decent Work in the Platform Economy , has been published by the ILO. The report marks a crucial milestone in the process that can lead to a new international labour standard on decent work in the platform economy. It will be discussed at the 2025 and 2026 International Labour Conferences.

Digital plateform workers
Document Type

India: Interim Budget 2024: Gig workers to get social security fund, says report

Submitted by pmassetti on

India Today (29.01.2024) The proposed fund, outlined in the Social Security Code of 2020, represents a significant move towards providing universal social security for a wide range of workers.

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Digital plateform workers
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France leads charge to rewrite platform workers’ rulebook

Submitted by pmassetti on

Euractiv (12.01.2024) Last month, a coalition of EU countries blocked the provisional agreement on the Platform Workers Directive. But while the Belgian EU Council presidency wants to use the political deal as the starting point for future discussion, Paris wants a more comprehensive file reshaping.

Regions / Country
european union
Digital plateform workers
Document Type

Biden administration to unveil contractor rule that could upend gig economy

Submitted by pmassetti on

Reuters (08.01.2024) The administration of U.S. President Joe Biden will release a final rule as soon as this week that will make it more difficult for companies to treat workers as independent contractors rather than employees that typically cost a company more, an administration official said. The U.S. Department of Labor rule, which was first proposed in 2022 and is likely to face legal challenges, will require that workers be considered employees entitled to more benefits and legal protections than contractors when they are "economically dependent" on a company.

Regions / Country
United States
Difficult-to-cover groups
Digital plateform workers
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