France: La maladie professionnelle sera reconnue pour tous les soignants (02.04.2020)
Les soignants atteints par le Coronavirus auront droit à la prise en charge à 100% au titre de la maladie professionnelle. (02.04.2020)
Les soignants atteints par le Coronavirus auront droit à la prise en charge à 100% au titre de la maladie professionnelle.
Le vaccin BCG aurait des conséquences sur le développement réduit du Covid16 chez les enfants...
Hier finden Sie Informationen der AUVA für Arbeitgeberinnen und Arbeitgeber zu Schutzmaßnahmen betreffend Coronavirus.
Die SUVA bietet allgemeine Informationen sowie Informationsblätter an, die auf Deutsch, Französisch und Italienisch erhältlich sind.
To help leaders and their employees face the challenges ahead, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) and HowattHR have launched this Psychological Safety Blog. It will be a trusted source for information, tools and resources to help leaders protect the health, safety and wellness of their people by addressing the mental health impacts of the pandemic and the social isolation.
The Korean Ministry of Employment and Labour together with the Industrial Accident Prevention and
Compensation Bureau, Occupational Health Division has published this comprehensive Response Guidance, which will help businesses to respond to COVID-19. This Guidance is designed to help English-speaking employers and workers to better understand the Korean “Response Guidance for Businesses to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19 (6th edition)”.
The Republic of Korea is well known for its advanced technology and innovations. Since the breakout of COVID-19 in the country on 22 January 2020, the government and the private sector have been introducing various innovative measures for public information disclosure, virus testing, and monitoring of quarantined persons. As the spread of the virus continues to evolve as a global challenge, here are some examples illustrating the early experiences and lessons learned observed thus far in Korea. (13.03.2020)
Se ha decidido también que el personal al servicio de la Administración Pública encuadrado en el régimen especial de mutualismo administrativo que se encuentre en situación de aislamiento preventivo, así como quienes se han contagiado del virus, se considerarán en Incapacidad Temporal asimilada a la baja laboral por Accidente deTrabajo. Se extiende de esta forma a los empleados públicos la medida adoptada el pasado martes para el Régimen General de la Seguridad Social. (18.03.2020)