Ministère de la sécurité et de la protection civile : Les textes régissant les services de la sécurité et de la protection sociale au Mali compilés

Submitted by monitor on (16.05.2016) Le ministère de la Sécurité et de la Protection civile dispose désormais d’un document  composé de textes législatifs et réglementaires régissant les services de sécurité et protection sociale au Mali. Ce document contient 356 textes et documents généraux indispensables à l’exercice des missions des services de sécurité et de protection civile.

Regions / Country


Part-time work: A divided Europe

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Europa (04.05.2016) An increasing number of Europeans are working part-time. This can be a positive development if it means that people can choose more freely the balance between work and other pursuits – and between income and leisure – or if it brings employment opportunities to people who were previously excluded from the labour market: such as mothers, older workers, and students.

India’s first national social security platform to be developed by DeitY

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The Economic Times (17.05.2016) India's first national social security platform will be developed by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), which has been entrusted with the task following the intervention of the Prime Minister's Office to end the tug of war between three central ministries.

Regions / Country
Information and communication technology


Nigeria: 'States Key to Effective Health Insurance in Nigeria'

Submitted by monitor on (17.05.2016) Health insurance cannot work in the country without the involvement of states and local government areas, the Acting Executive Secretary of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) , Mr Olufemi Akingbade has said.

Regions / Country
Health insurance
Extension of coverage