Maroc: Retraites : Le déficit de la CMR passera à 6 milliards de dirhams en 2016

Submitted by monitor on (23.06.2016) Le retard accusé dans la réforme des retraites accentue chaque année le déficit de la Caisse marocaine de retraite. Il atteindra fin 2016 six milliards de dirhams selon le directeur de l’institution.

Regions / Country


WHO: Uncovering health inequalities: A path towards leaving no one behind

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WHO (May 2016) Having a skilled health professional during childbirth can save the life of a woman and her child. But, in many parts of the world and within many countries, the presence of a health worker during childbirth is often a luxury. If a woman is poor, she is even more likely to deliver without support, putting herself and child at risk.


WHO Director Advocates Strong Health Systems, Warns Against Profit-Oriented Mechanisms

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ip-watch (23.05.2016) The World Health Assembly opened today with World Health Organization Director General Margaret Chan repeating that this year has a record number of agenda items and over 3,000 participants. She slapped at profit-seeking mechanisms leading to “slow-motion disasters,” which put economic interests above concerns about well-being. In particular, she underlined the lack of research and development for antimicrobial treatments and the rise of chronic non-communicable diseases.



Nigeria: NSITF seeks expansion of social protection mandate

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Daily Trust (22.05.2016) The acting managing director of the Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF), Ismail Agaka, has said that NSITF Act is presently going through the legislative process of amendment at the National Assembly to give clout to execute other aspects of social protection programmes. He said the trust fund has, in this regard, begun aggressive training of its staff in readiness for the expansion of its mandate.

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Governance and administration
Social policies & programmes

Tunisia Moves to Modernize its Social Protection and Labor Policies

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World Bank/News (20.05.2016) In 2011, Tunisia set itself on a new trajectory, peacefully ousting a 30-year dictatorship. In the five years that have followed, Tunisians have passed a new constitution and held democratic elections. Tunisia’s also managed to maintain stability, despite security threats at home and unrest next door in Libya. But, though it’s moved forward politically, social inequity inside it persists, with little progress on the sort of economic reforms needed to address the underlying roots of the country’s democratic uprising.

Regions / Country
Governance and administration
Social policies & programmes

India: Health insurance for alternative treatments on the anvil

Submitted by monitor on (22.05.2016) Health insurance for alternative treatments like Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (Ayush) is set to expand with the Centre taking steps to get insurers to develop packages for traditional treatments.

Regions / Country


France: Guadeloupe - Emploi : sale temps pour les seniors et les femmes

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France Antilles (22.05.2016) Emploi : sale temps pour les seniors et les femmes Mardi 17 mai 2016 Emploi : sale temps pour les seniors et les femmes Le chômage a très légèrement reculé en 2015. Mais les demandeurs d'emplois seniors, notamment les femmes, ne profitent pas de l'embellie, bien au contraire.

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