World Day for Safety and Health at Work: Why workplace stress is a collective challenge and what to do about it

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ILO (27.04.2016) The relationship between workplace stress and poor mental health is well established. In our recent publication, Workplace Stress: A Collective Challenge , the ILO’s Safety and Health at Work team surveyed the most recent studies on workplace stress from around the world including, among others, Asia and the Pacific, the Americas, Australia and Europe. We found that work related stress costs global society untold billions in direct and indirect costs annually.

Occupational accidents and diseases


[Report] Internal migrants and social protection: a review of eligibility and take-up

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Overseas Development Institute (ODI) (April 2016) This literature review assesses the evidence on internal migrants’ participation in social protection schemes. Internal migrants often risk being ineligible for social protection owing to a combination of population registration and residency requirements. However, even when eligible, they may in practice not participate.


Statistik zeigt: Rückgang der Arbeitsunfälle in Österreich im Jahr 2015

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Vienna Online (26.04.2016) Die Zahl der Arbeitsunfälle in Österreich ist laut einer Statistik der AUVA um drei Prozent zurückgegangen. Am häufigsten verletzt man sich bei der Arbeit an Maschinen oder mit Werkzeug.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases


[Opinion] The Welfare State In Europe: Still Worth Having?

Submitted by monitor on (25.04.2016) Have the negative economic consequences brought about by the financial crisis made European welfare states unaffordable? Iain Begg writes that while there is some validity to criticisms of welfare spending, the welfare state performs a number of core functions that ensure it will continue to be around for the foreseeable future. He also notes that European welfare states have shown a greater capacity for change than is often recognised, with the shift toward a system that gives priority to social investment making a real difference in several countries.


[Opinion] Le revenu universel, généalogie d’une utopie

Submitted by monitor on (25.04.2016) Si, le 5 juin, les Suisses votent «  oui  » à la proposition de création d’un ­ «  revenu de base universel et inconditionnel  », la Confédération helvétique vivra une petite révolution  : chaque citoyen suisse, actif ou inactif, SDF ou banquier, jeune ou âgé, recevra un revenu versé par l’Etat.

Social assistance

El proyecto de “Informatización del Sistema Nacional de Salud en Cuba” obtuvo un premio en la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información

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Ciber Cuba (22.04.2016) La Empresa cubana de Soluciones Informáticas (Softel), que forma parte delGrupo Empresarial de la Informática y las Comunicaciones, obtuvo la categoría de Champion Project (Proyecto Campeón) en los Premios 2016 de la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información, que serán otorgados en mayo por la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT).

Regions / Country
Health insurance
Information and communication technology

Algérie: Déclarations liées aux maladies professionnelles à la CNAS - La prévention une mission première

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El Moudjahid (18.04.2016) Sur les 13.000 visites d’entreprises effectuées entre 2014-2015, la Caisse nationale des assurances sociales des travailleurs salariés (CNAS) a relevé 22.000 infractions liées à la déclaration des procédés de travail susceptibles de provoquer des maladies professionnelles

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases
Governance and administration