The Right to Employment and Social Protection in Rural Settings: The example of the Indian MGNREGA

Submitted by monitor on (09.05.2016) The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) has received attention for its rights-based approach to providing social protection. It is a public employment guarantee scheme designed to provide employment and basic income security to the rural working-age population in India, as well as improve their livelihoods through the development of durable assets.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Social policies & programmes

[Analyse] À propos de la Sécurité sociale française. La Sécu est-elle toujours un [bien commun] ?

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Ethique Publique (mai 2016) La Sécurité sociale fête ses 70 ans. D’aucuns n’oseraient évoquer la fin de cette institution tellement elle est inscrite dans le patrimoine de notre nation. La « Sécu » a atteint ce statut particulier de [bien commun], sans que débat il y ait ! Pourtant, c’est cette absence de débat sur ses fondements qui risque de mettre un terme à son devenir et à toutes formes de démocratie sociale. La Sécu est-elle toujours un [bien commun] ?

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Côte d'Ivoire: Insertion professionnelle et Protection sociale des jeunes /L’AEJ et La CNAM signent une convention de partenariat

Submitted by monitor on (12.05.2016) C’est au cabinet du ministère de l’Emploi et de la Protection Sociale que s’est tenue la signature de convention entre L’Agence Emploi Jeunes (AEJ) et la Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie (CNAM). C’était ce mercredi 11 mai 2016 en présence du Ministre d’Etat Moussa Dosso, Ministre de l’Emploi et de la Protection Sociale et de Monsieur Sidi Tiémoko Touré, Ministre de la Promotion de la Jeunesse, de l’Emploi des Jeunes et du Service Civique.

Regions / Country
côte d'ivoire
Employment of young workers

Desempleo en América Latina y el Caribe aumentaría en 2016

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OIT(11.05.2016) Informe conjunto advierte sobre un aumento de la tasa de desocupación urbana en más de medio punto porcentual este año. El desempeño laboral de la región se abordará en el trigésimo sexto período de sesiones de la CEPAL que se realizará en México este mes.

Regions / Country
latin america


[Opinion] US: An Economist’s Take on Why Parental Leave Matters

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Stanford Graduate School of Business (09.05. 2016) The United States is the only country among 37 developed nations that doesn’t offer paid maternity leave. Estonia, on the other hand, offers almost two years of paid leave for mothers.

Regions / Country
United States
Family benefits


Italy: How We Run Our Money: Solidarietà Veneto

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IPE (May 2016) Italy is a culturally diverse country, and this is reflected in Italian life, including institutional investment. Therefore, if you are visiting Solidarietà Veneto’s offices on the Venetian mainland, you will meet an Italian investor, but one with Venetian features. Solidarietà Veneto is fond of its roots in Veneto, a wealthy north-eastern region with a long-held tradition of entrepreneurship.

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Greek Pension Reform Targeted by Lawmakers Before Bailout Review

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Bloomberg (08.05.2016) Greek lawmakers are debating pension and income tax reforms that will be key to unlocking international aid as European creditors considered a proposal that would burden Athens with additional austerity measures.

Regions / Country
Governance and administration