Manuel Valls backs major reform of French welfare system

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Irish Times (22.04.2016) Prime minister Manuel Valls yesterday gave his support to a dramatic reform of France’s incomprehensible social welfare system, which would eventually transform 10 different types of welfare payments into a single “common base coverage” of €400 per month, with top-ups for some recipients.

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Social assistance


India: The winding, (sometimes) bumpy road to pension reform | The Indian Express

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indian Express (22.04.2016) With increasing longevity and the rise in the number of the elderly, it was clear that the pension scheme would leave a huge hole in the government’s coffers in the medium and long term.

Regions / Country
Governance and administration

[Opinion] Basic Income And Social Democracy

Submitted by monitor on (11.04.2016) The idea of an unconditional basic income is in fashion. From Finland to Switzerland, from San Francisco to Seoul, people talk about it as they have never done. Twice before, basic income was the object of a real public debate, albeit briefly and limited to one country at a time. In both episodes, the centre left played a central role.

Extension of coverage
Social policies & programmes

[Report] Informality, women and social protection: Identifying barriers to provide effective coverage

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Overseas Development Institute (ODI) (April 2016) Designing more flexible social protection schemes that adjust to the particular needs of women in informal work requires a careful assessment of the obstacles they face in accessing social protection. This paper provides an overview of the barriers women face in accessing social protection, which in some cases are rooted in the nature of informality and in other cases are gender-specific. Both need to be taken into account when designing social protection schemes for informal female workers.

Extension of coverage

Mali: Assurance maladie obligatoire : Le boulet de la fraude

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Malijet (19.04.2016) La fraude constitue une menace sérieuse pour la survie de l’Assurance maladie obligatoire (AMO). Afin de lutter contre le phénomène, la Caisse nationale d’assurance maladie (CANAM), en collaboration avec l’Initiative d’information, de communication et de plaidoyer sur la protection sociale au Mali (ICP-Mali), a organisé une journée d’échanges sur le thème : « rôle et place des médias dans la prévention et la lutte contre la fraude des prestations liées à l’AMO ».

Regions / Country
Error, evasion and fraud


Lack of social protection for Dominican elderly ‘alarming’  

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Dominican Today (18.04.2016) Dominican Republic’s elderly withstand an alarming lack of social protection as just 11.2% of the population over 60 have a pension, of which 77.4% get less than RD$6,000 per month, equal to less than half of the bare needs of the poorest of households, estimated at RD$10,407 monthly

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dominican republic
Old-age pensions

Madagascar: Secteur privé – La protection sociale évolue

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L'Express (19.04.2016) En 60 ans d’existence, la protection sociale a connu de grandes évolutions à Madagascar. « A ses débuts, elle assurait les prestations familiales. Ensuite, les rentes des accidents de Travail ont été ajoutées. En 1969, on a ajouté la pension de retraite », a retracé Henri Rémi Botoudi, Président du Conseil d’Administration de la Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance Sociale (Cnaps), lors de la messe œcuménique, pour la célébration du 60e anniversaire de la Protection sociale à l’Ekar Ambatonilita, vendredi.

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