Austrian Chancellor Kern says breakthrough on posted workers ‘decisive’

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EurActiv (10.02.2017) Chancellor Christian Kern defended Austria’s push for a law against social dumping from poorer EU countries after his government’s demand to cut childcare benefits for EU foreigners took centre stage in a meeting with Jean-Claude Juncker.

Regions / Country
european union
Family benefits

France: Du mieux sur le front de la Sécurité sociale

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Alternatives Economiques (06.02.2017) Au cours de ce quinquennat, le gouvernement a quasiment comblé le trou de la Sécu. Les branches retraites et accidents du travail devraient être excédentaires l’an prochain. Quant au déficit de l’assurance maladie, il devrait être ramené à 2,6 milliards d’euros en 2017, contre 6 milliards en 2012 et près de 12 en 2010. Pour autant, de nombreux problèmes demeurent en matière de santé publique.

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Luxembourg government moves on second pillar pension reform

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IPE (08.02.2017) The Luxembourg cabinet has endorsed a long-awaited pension reforms bill that aims to expand second pillar access to the self-employed.The draft law was approved during a cabinet meeting on Friday, but has yet to be officially published.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Governance and administration