España: EPA 2016 - Quién sufre más el paro - La edad, el nivel de formación y la zona, claves

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El País (26.01.2017) La reciente publicación de la Encuesta de Población Activa, por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística, muestra cómo el número de ocupados en nuestro país se ha reducido en 19.400 personas en el cuarto trimestre de 2016 con respecto al trimestre anterior, si bien esto no ha redundado en un aumento de la tasa de paro, que cae un 0,28% para situarse en el 18,63%.

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Azerbaijan and Ukraine to cooperate on population’s social protection

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ABC (27.01.2017) Labour & Social Protection Salim Muslimov of Azerbaijan and Social Policy Minister Andriy Reva of Ukraine signed a program of cooperation in Baku.
The Azerbaijani Ministry of Labour & Social Protection informs that the Program of Cooperation between the two countries’ social ministries was signed today during the Baku visit of the Ukrainian minister.

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Governance and administration

MPs in Uganda make case for universal social protection programme

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Development Pathways (26.01.2017) When discussing the governance of social protection in developing countries, we usually focus on the Executive Branch institutions and their role in policy development – as well as the design, implementation and monitoring of schemes – but pay little attention to the role of Parliaments. Nonetheless, as part of their key legislative, oversight and representative functions running across the policy-making process,

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Extension of coverage

Belgique: Les fonds de pension ne veulent pas de la taxe Tobin

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L'Echo (23.01.2017) 5,76%, tel est le ren­de­ment moyen af­fi­ché par les fonds de pen­sion belges (2e pi­lier) en 2016. Un bul­le­tin moins re­lui­sant que ceux pré­sen­tés ces deux der­nières an­nées, en rai­son, no­tam­ment, de la per­sis­tance des taux bas et des ni­veaux éle­vés consta­tés en 2015 et en 2014. Pour l'ave­nir, le sec­teur craint avant tout l'in­tro­duc­tion de la taxe Tobin, es­ti­mant qu'elle risque de pro­vo­quer une dis­tor­sion de mar­ché.

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