Mali: Agence Nationale Pour l’Emploi (ANPE) : Le Plan de Travail Annuel 2016 exécuté à 91%

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Mali (06.01.2016) Au cours d’un point de presse qu’il a animé, le jeudi 22 décembre 2016, Ibrahim Ag Nock, directeur général de l’ANPE a révélé que l’agence a exécuté son Plan de Travail Annuel au titre de l’année 2016, à hauteur de 91%. 

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France: Repenser la gestion des accidents du travail dans les nouvelles situations de télétravail

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Les Echos (21.12.2016) 53 % des entreprises estiment que le télétravail constitue un outil intéressant pour limiter les déplacements domicile-travail. Cependant, ces mêmes entreprises pointent du doigt les complexités juridiques de la mise en place d’un tel système.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases

Malta's social protection expenditure among lowest in the EU

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Times of Malta (21.12.2016) Social protection expenditure in Malta was among the lowest in the EU, representing just 19 per cent of the gross domestic product. Eurostat, the EU’s statistical agency, said today that social protection expenditure in the EU increased from 28.3 per cent of the GDP in 2011 to 28.7 per cent in 2014.

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Smoking costs the world economy $1 trillion per year, World Health Organization says

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The Washington Post (10.01.2017) Smoking and its side effects cost the world's economies more than $1 trillion and kill about 6 million people each year — with deaths expected to rise by more than a third by 2030, according to a new report from the World Health Organization and the National Cancer Institute.


Safety Nets Are Becoming Game Changers for Disaster Response in Southern Africa

Submitted by monitor on (10.01.2017) Southern Africa has been hit by its worst drought in 35 years. An estimated 32 million people are food insecure. Poverty is expected to rise, jeopardizing decades of hard-won developmental gains in the region. Cash transfers have become the primary response to support the recovery of disaster-affected population.


Emploi Jeunes : La Guinée s’inspire du modèle Ivoirien

Submitted by monitor on (02.01.2017) Le Ministre de la Promotion de la Jeunesse, de l’Emploi des Jeunes et du Service Civique Sidi Tiémoko Touré a reçu en audience le Ministre guinéen du Travail, de l’Enseignement Technique et de la Formation Professionnelle, Damantang Albert Camara. C’était à son cabinet à la cité administrative, Tour B au Plateau. Le ministre Sidi Touré a annoncé au sortir de l’audience des actions plus volontaristes de la part du gouvernement ivoirien pour cette nouvelle année 2017.

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Employment of young workers

China's Shaanxi opts for scheme letting pensions invest in stocks

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Reuters (04.01.2017) Shaanxi is set to be one of the first Chinese provinces to participate in a pension investment scheme that allows them to invest in financial markets for the first time, Shaanxi Daily, a newspaper in the northwestern province, reported on Wednesday. With many provinces under severe pressure to meet pension repayments, Beijing has promised to push forward an investment plan for idle local pension funds, holding an estimated $290 billion, that will seek higher returns through alternative investment channels for higher returns.

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