Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
[Report] Further reforms needed to tackle growing risk of pensioner poverty - OECD | monitor | (01.12.2015) Recent reforms have made pension systems more financially sustainable and pensioners have higher living standards than ever before. But future generations are likely to find their pension entitlements much less generous than today’s and many may face a serious risk of pensioner poverty, according to a new OECD report. |
published | Pensions | |
Financial crisis damage still being felt by pension systems worldwide | monitor | CBC News (01.12.2015) Pension systems remain under strain in many countries amid slow economic growth and moves by governments to shore up financial stability in the wake of the global financial crisis, a new report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development suggests. |
economic crisis, published | Old-age pensions, Pensions | |
Uganda's social security fund seeks stake in planned refinery | monitor | Reuters (30.11.2015) Uganda's state-run National Social Security Fund (NSSF), the country's sole pensions firm, intends to buy a stake in a planned $2.5 billion refinery to process the country's crude, the fund's top official told Reuters on Monday. |
published | Financing, Pensions | uganda |
Deutschland: Gesundheitssystem stärker für Migranten öffnen | monitor | Bundesregierung Artikel (17.11.2015) Zuwanderer sollen einen besseren Zugang zum Gesundheitssystem erhalten. Das betonte die Kanzlerin beim Integrationsgipfel im Kanzleramt. Merkel ging auch auf die Anschläge in Paris ein und bekräftigte, es müsse alles getan werden, die Verbrechen aufzuklären. |
extending coverage, migration, megatrends, published | Health insurance, Extension of coverage | germany |
France: Le Parlement adopte définitivement le projet de budget de la Sécurité sociale pour 2016 | monitor | Le Monde (01.12.2015) Le Parlement a adopté définitivement, lundi 30 novembre, par un ultime vote de l’Assemblée nationale, le projet de budget de la Sécurité sociale pour 2016. Le texte vise notamment à ramener le déficit sous la barre des 10 milliards d’euros (à 9,7 milliards contre 12,8 milliards en 2015). |
published | Financing | france |
France: Le grand bazar des minima sociaux | monitor | Le Point )30.11.2015) De l'ATA au RSA, il existe une dizaine de minima sociaux. Une pléthore que la Cour des comptes juge sévèrement : insatisfaisante, inéquitable, illisible. |
poverty, published | Social assistance | france |
Mauritanie : création d'un fonds d'assurance maladie pour les personnes âgées | monitor | (28.11.2015) Le président mauritanien Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz a annoncé la création d’un fonds d’assurance maladie pour les personnes âgées, dans un discours prononcé vendredi soir à l'occasion de la célébration du 55e anniversaire de l'indépendance du pays. |
published | Pensions | |
France: En quoi consiste le « fonds de pension à la française » voulu par Emmanuel Macron ? | monitor | (27.11.2015) Vendredi 27 novembre, Emmanuel Macron a détaillé son projet de « fonds de pension à la française » devant un parterre d’assureurs réunis à l’occasion de la COP 21. Le ministre de l’économie veut créer un nouveau cadre réglementaire pour que l’argent épargné par les salariés en vue de leur retraite permette de mieux financer les entreprises. |
published | Pensions | france |
Chile: Ministro Barraza por cambio de ficha de protección social: "Buscamos que el sistema sea más justo" | monitor | ADN Radio (30.11.2015) A partir del próximo año, la ficha de protección social dará paso a un nuevo sistema de beneficios, el Registro Social de Hogares, lo que según el ministro de Desarrollo Social, Marco Barraza, hará que "el sistema sea más justo". |
published | Governance and administration | |
India: Conditional cash transfer - ‘Girls who benefitted more likely to continue education’ | The Indian Express | monitor | The Indian Express (30.11.2015) A survey conducted by the International Centre for Research on Women has revealed that girls who received conditional cash transfer (CCT), attained higher schooling and were more likely to continue their education. |
brics, poverty | Social assistance | india |
WHO calls on countries to protect health from climate change | monitor | WHO Media Centre (17.11.2015) According to WHO estimates, climate change is already causing tens of thousands of deaths every year - from shifting patterns of disease, from extreme weather events, such as heat-waves and floods, and from the degradation of air quality, food and water supplies, and sanitation. |
megatrends, published | Health, Health promotion, Shocks & extreme events | |
Nigeria: AfDB Advises FG against Hasty Implementation of Social Protection Policy | monitor | This Day Live (30.11.2015) The Country Director, African Development Bank (AfDB), Dr. Ousmane Dore, has said the present administration’s social welfare policy where it planned to introduce a direct conditional monthly social security payment of N5,000 for 25 million poor Nigerians needed detailed costing amid limited financial resources both at federal and state levels. |
poverty, extending coverage, published | Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes | nigeria |
France: La hausse « atypique » des demandeurs d’emploi qui travaillent | monitor | Le Monde (26.11.2015) C’est une donnée qui retient rarement l’attention lorsque les chiffres du chômage sont publiés, à la fin de chaque mois. La ministre du travail, Myriam El Khomri, n’y a pas fait la moindre allusion dans le communiqué qu’elle a diffusé, le 26 octobre, pour commenter la dernière batterie d’indicateurs sur les demandeurs d’emploi. Une discrétion sans doute liée au fait que cette statistique continue de progresser à un rythme soutenu : elle porte sur les personnes qui recherchent un emploi tout en ayant déjà un poste. |
megatrends, published | Unemployment | france |
France: Fraude : bientôt de nouveaux outils pour aider Pôle emploi | monitor | (25.11.2015) Un projet de loi prévoit de mutualiser les moyens des agents chargés de lutter contre la fraude sur ceux des autres organismes de protection sociale. |
published | Error, evasion and fraud | france |
Uganda: Gov’t told review social protection policy | monitor | New Vision (26.11.2015) Governement has been asked to review the Social Protection Policy to include vulnerable groups like the youth in agriculture production who lack financial support. |
managing reforms | Governance and administration, Social policies & programmes | uganda |
[Opinion] Universal Health Coverage: An Opportunity for Investors -- and the World | monitor | The Street (12.11.2015) Universal health coverage isn't just one of the UN's future goals, it's also an opportunity for investors. |
extending coverage, megatrends, published | Extension of coverage | |
EU: New start for working parents and caregivers: Commission launches public consultation on work-life balance | monitor | Europa (18.11.2015) The European Commission has today launched a public consultation on how to improve work-life balance and reduce obstacles to women's participation in the labour market, thereby contributing to the employment headline target of the Europe 2020 Strategy. |
published | Family benefits, Employment | european union |
Bangladesh: Govt trying to cut workplace deaths | monitor | The Daily Star (25.11.2015) The government is trying to ensure that no deaths will occur due to a lack of safety in workplaces in the country, said Syed Ahmed, inspector general of the Department of Inspection of Factories and Establishment (DIFE). |
published | Occupational accidents and diseases | bangladesh |
Philippines: Moving toward inclusive growth | monitor | Business Mirror (24.11.2015) While the excitement from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) meeting hosted by the Philippine government last week has simmered down, the issues and challenges linked with this year’s Apec theme—“Building Inclusive Economies, Building a Better World”—remain as major concerns for the 21 member-economies under the regional organization. |
published | Governance and administration | philippines, the |
India Poised to Move to Social Protection Floor: ILO | monitor | (24.11.2015) With the impressive array of social security programmes in India, the country is ideally poised to move to Social Protection Floor (SPF), International Labour Organization (ILO) has said. |
poverty, extending coverage, published | Extension of coverage, Social protection floor | india |
[Opinion] Cities: The new frontier of social protection | monitor | (09.11.2015) Cities are where most of the world’s population lives, where more and more of population growth will occur, and where most poverty will soon be located. |
poverty, published | ||
Suisse: Retirer sa LPP deviendra difficile, voire impossible | monitor | Tribune de Genève (25.11.2015) A la retraite, toucher sa prévoyance sous forme de capital pourrait ne plus être une option. |
published | Financing | switzerland |
Côte d'Ivoire: Sidi Touré exhorte les jeunes à adhérer à la Couverture Maladie Universelle | monitor | Abidjan Net (20.11.2015) Le Ministre délégué auprès du Président de la république, chargé de la promotion de la Jeunesse et de l’Emploi Jeunes s’est fait enrôler à la Couverture Maladie Universelle (CMU) ce jeudi à son Cabinet, en présence d’une délégation de la Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie (CNAM). Sidi Tiémoko Touré a dit être heureux d’avoir adhérer à cet important projet social et a exhorté les jeunes de Côte d’Ivoire à le faire également. Pour lui, pour que la Côte d’Ivoire continue de réaliser des prouesses économiques, en vue d’atteindre l’émergence à l’horizon 2020, il est important que sa jeunesse puisse bénéficier de soins de santé de qualité à des coûts soutenables. |
extending coverage, published | Health, Health insurance, Extension of coverage | côte d'ivoire |
UK: New construction guidance to stop workers dying each week from occupational disease | monitor | HSE Media Centre (20.11.2015)The construction industry has launched new guidance to encourage better management of occupational health risks. HSE is urging the industry to put an end to the hundreds of construction workers that die of occupational diseases every month. |
published | Occupational accidents and diseases | |
Canada: Ontario plans to target home care in overhaul of health care system | monitor | The Globe and Mail (23.11.2015) The Ontario government is preparing to overhaul health care in the province, including scrapping its troubled system for delivering home care and reforming primary care with the aim of improving patient access. |
extending coverage, published | Health, Extension of coverage | canada |