Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Europe: Creating jobs – reforms are producing results | monitor | European Commission (29.03.2017) The 2017 Joint Employment Report and its Scoreboard of Key Employment and Social Indicators provide a snapshot of employment and social developments in the EU. This analysis provides a focus on unemployment and Member States' efforts in the labour market to bring it down. |
labour markets | Unemployment, Employment policies | european union |
Gabon: Biyoghe Mba explique aux gabonais leur nouveau code de protection sociale | monitor | (04.04.2017) Le ministre gabonais des Affaires sociales, Paul Biyoghe Mba a récemment consacré une demi-journée pour expliquer aux gabonais par des mots simples le nouveau code de protection sociale qui remplace l’ancien code de sécurité sociale datant des années 70. |
managing reforms | Old-age pensions, Governance and administration, Extension of coverage, Social assistance, Social policies & programmes | gabon |
Irish take big step towards divestment | monitor | Corporate Knights (21.03.2017) A bill requiring Ireland’s €8 billion sovereign wealth fund to divest itself of all coal, oil and gas holdings moved one step closer to ratification after passing a second stage reading in the Irish lower house of parliament in January. |
Investment, Financing | ireland | |
Etats-Unis: Trumpcare : "14 millions d'Américains perdraient leur couverture santé d'ici un an" | monitor | EuroNews (24.03.2017) Les dépenses de santé aux Etats-Unis sont estimées à 20 % du PIB pour 2017, un record mondial qui se chiffre à 3,5 trillions de dollars. Moins de la moitié de ces dépenses sont financées par le gouvernement américain. (A titre de comparaison, selon l’OCDE, au sein de l’Union européenne, les pays membres prennent en charge environ 72 % des dépenses de santé.) |
managing reforms | Health, Health insurance, Inequalities | United States |
El gasto de España en protección social se reduce tres décimas y amplía su brecha con la UE | monitor | 20minutos (06.03.2017) El gasto español con relación al PIB es inferior (43,8%) a la media de la UE (47,2%) y de países como Finlandia, Francia (57% ambos) o Dinamarca (54,8%). El porcentaje del gasto dedicado a políticas sociales (ayudas a mayores, parados o dependientes) es del 39,1%, 1,5 puntos inferior a la media de la UE.que en la UE en sanidad, educación, defensa y ayudas a la vivienda. |
Financing | spain | |
France: L'Assurance-maladie veut lutter contre le renoncement aux soins | monitor | (29.03.2017) Plus d'un quart des Français auraient déjà renoncé à se soigner pour des raisons financières. L'Assurance-maladie a décidé de s’attaquer à ce problème en lançant un dispositif d’accompagnement personnalisé. |
services quality | Information and communication technology, Service quality | france |
US: San Francisco’s universal health care plan eyed as model for California | monitor | The Mercury News (03.04.2017) Maria Consuelo believes she’s alive today because of a groundbreaking program this left-leaning city created a decade ago – one that guarantees health coverage to every one of its 864,000 residents. |
universal health coverage | Health, Health insurance | United States |
Norway needs to secure welfare state | monitor | (03.04.2017) Few countries are as financially fit to secure social welfare systems as Norway, which has spent the past 20 years stashing away its oil wealth for future generations. Most of that money, though, is meant to preserve pensions, so the government now needs to keep its social welfare state intact as well, amidst debate over how that can best be done. |
norway | ||
France: Les femmes premières victimes des maladies professionnelles | monitor | bfmtv (16.03.2017) Au travail, les femmes développent près de deux fois plus de troubles musculo-squelettiques que les hommes. Moins visibles, leurs tâches sont tout autant pénibles,. Et parfois davantage. |
Occupational accidents and diseases | france | |
[Opinion] India: Free internet access: the welfare state of 2020 | monitor | (03.04.1017) Over the past year or so, we have seen the announcement of multiple initiatives to provide free internet access to the Indian public. While some of these measures met with justified resistance, it is essential that we do not overlook the great potential that lies in a differential pricing of certain categories. |
digital economy, services quality | Information and communication technology, Service quality | india |
Belgique: La réforme du financement de la Sécurité sociale adoptée à la Chambre | monitor | (31.03.2017) La Chambre a adopté jeudi, majorité contre opposition (VB et Vuye se sont abstenus) le projet de loi réformant le financement de la sécurité sociale. |
managing reforms | Financing | belgium |
UK: Healthcare urged to look at co-operative model | monitor | BBC News (05.04.2017) More worker-owned businesses could help deal with the budget shortfall for health and social care, according to the Wales Co-operative Centre. |
Health | united kingdom | |
Here's what the U.S. could learn from Singapore's plan for aging workers | monitor | (05.04.2017) At Chatters, a small café in the lobby of a hospital, the staff frothing cappuccinos and managing the register aren't your typical young baristas. That's because every employee must be at least 55. |
Employment | ||
Europe: Workplace cancer prevention must be extended to reprotoxic substances | monitor | EurActiv (30.03. 2017) Putting more than 10 years of paralysis behind it, the European Commission finally launched a revision of the directive on the prevention of occupational cancers in May 2016. Lawmakers can now address reprotoxic substances in the workplace, writes Laurent Vogel. |
Occupational accidents and diseases | european union | |
Suisse: L'idée d'augmenter l'âge de la retraite au-delà de 65 ans n'est pas enterrée | monitor | Le Temps (19.03.2017) Hausse de l’âge de la retraite des femmes à 65 ans, bonus AVS de 70 francs pour les nouveaux retraités, baisse du taux de conversion LPP, augmentation de la TVA: les éléments fondateurs de la réforme des retraites mise sous toit par le Parlement vendredi dernier ont déchaîné les passions. Mais ce paquet nommé Prévoyance 2020, qui sera soumis au vote le 24 septembre, n’est qu’une étape dans le processus d’assainissement de l’AVS. |
switzerland | ||
Service Delivery in Government | Information, trends and practices | massetti | Background In December 2009, the Australian Government announced the beginning of a major reform agenda to improve the way services are delivered to Australians. This reform is designed to better co-ordinate service delivery to Australians and achieve more efficient and effective outcomes for government. Purpose Service Delivery in Government is an online resource providing easy access to current information and resources on service delivery. It aims to keep you up to date with issues and trends across all jurisdictions in Australia and with key international developments. |
digital economy, services quality | Governance and administration, Service quality | australia |
Digital Transformation - Reports - World Economic Forum | massetti | Welcome to the Digital Transformation Initiative (DTI). Launched in 2015, the initiative offers unique insights into the impact of digital technologies on business and wider society over the next decade. DTI research supports collaboration between the public and private sectors focused on ensuring that digitalization unlocks new levels of prosperity for both industry and society. |
digital economy | ||
Internet economy - OECD | massetti | The OECD continues its work to analyse the critical interplay between the Internet, innovation, economic development and social well-being. |
digital economy | ||
Le Conseil fédéral approuve le rapport sur les principales conditions-cadre pour l’économie numérique | massetti | digital economy | Employment, Inequalities | ||
Uberisation du batiment : les artisans préparent leur riposte | massetti | digital economy | Employment, Extension of coverage | ||
Pas de loi Airbnb et Uber en Suisse | ICTjournal | massetti | digital economy | |||
France: Avec l'e-Santé, la Sécu compte faire des économies | massetti | Le JDD (12.01.2017) Ce secteur au croisement du médical et des objets connectés suscite l’intérêt de nombreux entrepreneurs. Les autorités de santé y voient un moyen de réduire les coûts |
Health, Information and communication technology | ||
SEMIC 2015 – Semantic Interoperability Conference | massetti | interoperability | Information and communication technology | ||
5 things Africa's leaders can do to drive digital growth | massetti | The Fourth Industrial Revolution was a hot topic at the recent World Economic Forum in Davos. But it left us asking one question: What does it mean for Africa? |
digital economy | Information and communication technology | |
Uber faces huge UK tax liabilities if drivers not ‘self-employed’ | massetti | Tribunal over workers’ rights opens up possibility of change to their status |
digital economy | Contribution collection and compliance |