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[Analyse] France: Protection sociale - concilier solidarité et liberté dans un monde en plein bouleversement monitor

Les Echos (05.03.2017) Prévalence de nouvelles formes de contrat de travail, explosion du chômage, accroissement du nombre de retraités, avènement des nouvelles technologies… Tous ces changements sont autant de défis pour le monde de la protection sociale. Comment faire évoluer les modes de financement et les couvertures sociales, tout en conciliant solidarité et liberté ? C’est toute la question !

digital economy Social policies & programmes, Inequalities france
UK: Healthcare urged to look at co-operative model monitor

BBC News (05.04.2017) More worker-owned businesses could help deal with the budget shortfall for health and social care, according to the Wales Co-operative Centre.

Health united kingdom
Here's what the U.S. could learn from Singapore's plan for aging workers monitor (05.04.2017) At Chatters, a small café in the lobby of a hospital, the staff frothing cappuccinos and managing the register  aren't your typical young baristas.  That's because every employee must be at least 55.

[Publication] Social Protection for Informal Workers in Asia monitor

Asian Development Bank (dec 2016) Asia’s growing labor force needs innovative solutions to reduce risks and ensure social protection of workers in vulnerable employment with informal arrangements.

extending coverage, poverty Employment, Extension of coverage, Inequalities Asia
Europe: Workplace cancer prevention must be extended to reprotoxic substances monitor

EurActiv (30.03. 2017) Putting more than 10 years of paralysis behind it, the European Commission finally launched a revision of the directive on the prevention of occupational cancers in May 2016. Lawmakers can now address reprotoxic substances in the workplace, writes Laurent Vogel.

Occupational accidents and diseases european union
SSA's Quick Disability Determination (QDD) and Compassionate Allowances (CAL) - CarePlus New Jersey Mental Health Care, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Therapy ruggia

Social Security Administration is committed to providing benefits quickly to claimants whose medical conditions are so serious that they clearly meet our disability standards.  Our two fast-track processes, Quick Disability Determination (QDD) and Compassionate Allowances (CAL), use technology to identify claimants with the most severe disabilities and allow us to expedite our decisions on those cases while maintaining accuracy.  These initiatives have been two of our greatest successes in recent years. We can approve some cases in a matter of days instead of months.


The new regulations implementing QDD read as follows:

Sec. 404.1619 (416.1019) Quick disability determination process.

(a) If we identify a claim as one involving a high degree of probability that the individual is disabled, and we expect that the individual’s allegations will be easily and quickly verified, we will refer the claim to the State agency for consideration under the quick disability determination process pursuant to this section and Sec.404.1620(c). (416.1020(c))

(b) If we refer a claim to the State agency for a quick disability determination, a designated quick disability determination examiner must:

  1. Have a medical or psychological consultant verify that the medical evidence in the file is sufficient to determine that, as of the alleged onset date, the individual’s physical or mental impairment(s) meets the standards we establish for making quick disability determinations;
  2. Make quick disability determinations based only on the medical and nonmedical evidence in the files; and
  3. Subject to the provisions in paragraph (c) of this section, make the quick disability determination by applying the rules in subpart P of this part.

(c) If the quick disability determination examiner cannot make a determination that is fully favorable to the individual or if there is an unresolved disagreement between the disability examiner and the medical or psychological consultant, the State agency will adjudicate the claim using the regularly applicable procedures in this subpart.



Disability, Pensions Americas
Quick Disability Determination (QDD) - Part 1 of Fast-Track Disability Process - Disability Help Group ruggia

Country: USA. Institution: SSA. DocType: Regulation/Business Process.

In an effort to improve the speed and quality of their disability claims process, Social Security developed the “fast-track” program, a two-part initiative that uses computer technology to identify cases where the decision is highly likely or certain to be favorable.

The first initiative is Quick Disability Determinations (QDD). Under QDD, a predictive computer model analyzes specific data within the electronic file to identify cases where there is a high potential that the claimant is disabled and where Social Security can quickly obtain evidence of the person’s allegations.

20 CFR 416.1019 - Quick disability determination process. : 

SSA Program Operations Manual System (POMS):





Disability, Information and communication technology, Pensions Americas
New Forms of Work in the Digital Economy - OECD iLibrary massetti

This paper provides new evidence on the development of online platforms and explores the emergence of new forms of work in the digital economy. Following the rise of platforms that match demand and supply of goods (e-commerce) and information (search, social networks), platform markets for services traded over the Internet (the "x"-economy) have grown exponentially in recent years. The paper analyses how online platforms affect the organisation of markets and work; discusses related opportunities and challenges for individuals participating in such markets; presents analysis of trends and effects of non-standard work in OECD countries; and identifies policy issues related to new forms of work. It finds that the transformative effects of online platforms may challenge existing institutions and might necessitate reviews of policy and regulatory frameworks in many areas. To further analyse such digital transformation, better data is needed on the effects of online platforms in all of these areas.

digital economy, labour markets Employment
Belgique: Les congés parentaux sont en pleine explosion chez nous: "C’est évidemment toujours un problème dans l’entreprise monitor

RTL Info (16.08.2016) Le congé parental a de plus en plus de succès. Les employés qui choisissent de lâcher du lest pour s'occuper de leur enfant sont chaque année plus nombreux. Les allocations octroyées pour congé parental ont augmenté de 74% en 10 ans.

Family benefits belgium
[Opinion[ Contre le chômage, inciter les Etats à augmenter leurs prestations sociales, monitor

Les Echos (27.07.2016) Par peur du chômage, la France a longtemps augmenté ses allocations chômage, favorisant le refus de l'emploi. Dans le même temps, la concurrence internationale pousse au dumping social et fiscal entre les Etats. Et si la France faisait pression sur ses voisins pour qu'ils augmentent aussi leurs prestations sociales ?

New Zealand: New ministry dedicated to care and protection monitor (18.08.20116) Social Development Minister Anne Tolley says that a new child-centred, stand-alone ministry with a new Chief Executive is to be established to focus on the care and protection of vulnerable children and young people.

Family benefits
Bahamas: Universal Health Coverage - Full Range of Benefits/Potential Lowering of Private Health Insurance Costs monitor

The Bahamas Weekly (13.08.2016) Eligible citizens and legal residents of The Bahamas will have access to a full range of benefits needed to restore and maintain optimum health under the proposed National Health Insurance Plan.

extending coverage Extension of coverage
El envejecimiento de los trabajadores amenaza la productividad de la zona euro monitor

El País (19.08.2016) Un informe de expertos del FMI sitúa a los países del sur de Europa como los más expuestos al aumento de la edad de la fuerza laboral

megatrends Old-age pensions, Population ageing european union
Facing the social protection challenges of climate change monitor

Asian Development Blog (25.08.2016) Natural disasters bringing previously unimaginable chaos, heartbreak, and economic and social casualties are likely to increase in number and intensity in the coming years due to climate change.

climate change Shocks & extreme events, Natural disasters
Brazil’s Fiscal Plan Could Falter Without Pension Reform monitor

Bloomberg (16.08.2016) Acting President Michel Temer’s prized fiscal austerity proposal to cap public spending will only succeed if he can convince Brazil’s Congress to pass a controversial pension reform as well, according to a leading member of his economic team.

managing reforms Social policies & programmes brazil
France: Pire que l’absentéisme au travail, le surprésentéisme? monitor

bfmtv (08.08.2016) Travailler à tout prix, même quand on est malade, n’est pas la solution. Cela ne fait que retarder et aggraver l’état de santé.

Occupational accidents and diseases france
Pourquoi l’homéopathie est couverte par l'assurance maladie suisse monitor (24.08.2016) La Suisse nage à contre-courant avec sa décision d'accorder aux thérapies complémentaires le même statut que la médecine conventionnelle. La volonté des citoyens prime dans ce cas sur la science.

Health switzerland
Deutschland: Ruhestand: Bundesbank fordert Rente mit 69 monitor

Die Zeit (15.08.2016) Das Renteneintrittsalter wird derzeit von 65 auf 67 Jahre angehoben. Den Experten der Bundesbank geht das nicht weit genug.

managing reforms Old-age pensions, Pensions germany
France: L’Urssaf relâche la pression sur les patrons monitor

L'Humanité (11.08.2016) Par le biais d’un décret, le gouvernement vient de modifier les missions de l’organisme de recouvrement de cotisations sociales dans un sens plus favorable aux employeurs.

Governance and administration france
South Africa: Stress, extra work put women’s health at risk monitor

IOL (20.08.2016) People seldom take into account the extra unpaid hours of work that women put in each day - hours that increase their risk of serious health problems due to the added stress

Occupational accidents and diseases south africa
3 alternative sources of financing for social protection monitor (22.08.2016) When it comes to financing social protection programs, taxes are seen as a major resource. This can be problematic in countries where tax evasion and tax avoidance by individuals and companies are rampant, such as the Philippines.

extending coverage Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes, Financing Asia, philippines, the
La retraite à 69 ans, le sujet qui agite l’Allemagne monitor

EurActiv (22.08.2016) Des Allemands qui travailleraient jusqu’à 69 ans? L’idée, remise au goût du jour cette semaine par la Bundesbank, suscite l’adhésion de beaucoup d’économistes, mais fait frémir les politiques, en pré-campagne de législatives où la retraite risque d’être un enjeu majeur.

10.000 millones de personas poblarán la Tierra en 2053 monitor

El País (25.08.2016) De los 7.400 millones de humanos que hay sobre este planeta ahora mismo pasaremos a 10.000 en el año 2053. Ese tercio extra de humanos se repartirá de forma muy desigual: la población asiática seguirá expandiéndose pero a menor ritmo, así como la americana. Pero los dos extremos serán África, donde el número se duplicará, y Europa, con países como España, Alemania o Rumanía que perderán hasta el 20% de su población. Estos son solo algunos de los muchos datos del nuevo informe de la Oficina de Referencia de la Población

megatrends Demographic change
Suisse: Assurance maladie - Les primes augmentent plus vite que les salaires monitor

TDG (23.08.2016) Avec la fin de l’été vient le temps des tracas financiers pour la famille Mesot. Comme à chaque rentrée, elle va devoir tailler dans son budget pour s’assurer que ses quatre enfants, âgés de 15 à 24 ans, disposent des fournitures scolaires requises.

Health, Financing switzerland
ILO: World Employment and Social Outlook 2016 - Trends for Youth: Global youth unemployment is on the rise again monitor

ILO/News (24.08.2016) Ongoing ILO research shows that after a number of years of improvement, youth unemployment is set to rise in 2016 and young people are disproportionately affected by working poverty.

youth employment Employment of young workers