Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
The head of the World Bank is pushing a terrifying prediction for jobs in developing countries | massetti | ||||
Une étude alerte sur l'impact de la robotisation sur l'emploi | massetti | Aux Etats-Unis, l'introduction d'un robot pour 1.000 salariés détruit 5 à 6 emplois, selon une étude de chercheurs du MIT et de la Boston University. |
digital economy | Unemployment, Information and communication technology | United States |
The Mobile Economy - Africa 2016 | ruggia | mobile technologies | Information and communication technology, Technological transition | Africa | |
How Mobile Technology is Driving Africa's Digital Economy | Digital Skills Academy | ruggia | digital platforms | Information and communication technology | Africa | |
How mobile phones are changing the digital economy of Africa %u2013 The Indian Economist | ruggia | digital platforms | Information and communication technology | Africa | |
Digital economy invents new jobs - AFRICA - | ruggia | Asia | |||
Digital Jobs Africa - The Rockefeller Foundation | ruggia | digital platforms | Africa | ||
Silicon Mountain: Buea-Africa 2019s Tech Hub | C-Life | ruggia | digital economy, digital platforms | Employment, Information and communication technology | Africa | |
How Digital Platforms Like LinkedIn, Uber And TaskRabbit Are Changing The On-Demand Economy | The Huffington Post | ruggia | digital economy | Employment, Information and communication technology | ||
Data Center | ruggia | egovernment | Information and communication technology, Data management | ||
Welcome to MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy | MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy | ruggia | digital economy | Governance and administration, Information and communication technology | Americas | |
Big Data system of NHIS, Korea - ISSA - WSSF 2016 | ruggia | Presentation done by Mr JONG-HEON PARK, NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE SERVICE (REPUBLIC OF KOREA)
big data, digital economy | Health, Information and communication technology, Technological transition | korea, Republic of |
Measuring the Information Society Report | ruggia | The Measuring the Information Society Report, which has been published annually since 2009, features key ICT data and benchmarking tools to measure the information society, including the ICT Development Index (IDI).
egovernment | Governance and administration, Information and communication technology | |
Bahamas: Universal Health Coverage - Full Range of Benefits/Potential Lowering of Private Health Insurance Costs | monitor | The Bahamas Weekly (13.08.2016) Eligible citizens and legal residents of The Bahamas will have access to a full range of benefits needed to restore and maintain optimum health under the proposed National Health Insurance Plan. |
extending coverage | Extension of coverage | |
South Africa: Stress, extra work put women’s health at risk | monitor | IOL (20.08.2016) People seldom take into account the extra unpaid hours of work that women put in each day - hours that increase their risk of serious health problems due to the added stress |
Occupational accidents and diseases | south africa | |
3 alternative sources of financing for social protection | monitor | (22.08.2016) When it comes to financing social protection programs, taxes are seen as a major resource. This can be problematic in countries where tax evasion and tax avoidance by individuals and companies are rampant, such as the Philippines. |
extending coverage | Extension of coverage | Asia, philippines, the |
Belgique: Les congés parentaux sont en pleine explosion chez nous: "C’est évidemment toujours un problème dans l’entreprise | monitor | RTL Info (16.08.2016) Le congé parental a de plus en plus de succès. Les employés qui choisissent de lâcher du lest pour s'occuper de leur enfant sont chaque année plus nombreux. Les allocations octroyées pour congé parental ont augmenté de 74% en 10 ans. |
Family benefits | belgium | |
[Opinion[ Contre le chômage, inciter les Etats à augmenter leurs prestations sociales, | monitor | Les Echos (27.07.2016) Par peur du chômage, la France a longtemps augmenté ses allocations chômage, favorisant le refus de l'emploi. Dans le même temps, la concurrence internationale pousse au dumping social et fiscal entre les Etats. Et si la France faisait pression sur ses voisins pour qu'ils augmentent aussi leurs prestations sociales ? |
New Zealand: New ministry dedicated to care and protection | monitor | (18.08.20116) Social Development Minister Anne Tolley says that a new child-centred, stand-alone ministry with a new Chief Executive is to be established to focus on the care and protection of vulnerable children and young people. |
Family benefits | ||
Deutschland: Ruhestand: Bundesbank fordert Rente mit 69 | monitor | Die Zeit (15.08.2016) Das Renteneintrittsalter wird derzeit von 65 auf 67 Jahre angehoben. Den Experten der Bundesbank geht das nicht weit genug. |
managing reforms | Pensions | germany |
France: L’Urssaf relâche la pression sur les patrons | monitor | L'Humanité (11.08.2016) Par le biais d’un décret, le gouvernement vient de modifier les missions de l’organisme de recouvrement de cotisations sociales dans un sens plus favorable aux employeurs. |
Governance and administration | france | |
France: Assurance-maladie : le coût du diabète risque de s’envoler | monitor | (24.08.2016) Les patients diabétiques mobilisent déjà 15 % des dépenses. |
Health | france | |
Finlande: chômage stable en juillet à 8,9% | monitor | Le Figaro (23.08.2016) Le taux de chômage en Finlande est resté stable à 8,9% en juillet, pour le troisième mois consécutif, a indiqué mardi l'institut statistique national |
Unemployment | finland | |
Five ways pensions need to change in Ireland | monitor | (16.08.2016) Pensions Authority reforms aim to make private schemes simpler and increase uptake |
Pensions | ireland | |
Facing the social protection challenges of climate change | monitor | Asian Development Blog (25.08.2016) Natural disasters bringing previously unimaginable chaos, heartbreak, and economic and social casualties are likely to increase in number and intensity in the coming years due to climate change. |
climate change | Social policies & programmes, Shocks & extreme events |