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          France: Baisse des cotisations salariales en deux temps en 2018 monitor

          Reuters )22.08.2017) La suppression des cotisations salariales maladie et chômage prévue par l'exécutif pour 2018, qui sera compensée par une hausse de la CSG, s'effectuera en deux temps, annonce le ministère de l'Action et des Comptes publics dans un communiqué, confirmant une information des Echos.

          published Financing france
          España: Enfermedades profesionales se dispararon monitor

          Segundo Enfoque (22.08.2018) Las enfermedades profesionales se dispararon un 30% desde la reforma laboral del presidente Mariano Rajoy.

          published Occupational accidents and diseases spain
          Philippines’ New Approach Provides Quick Financing after Natural Disasters monitor

 (16.08.2017) Developing countries vulnerable to natural disasters are increasingly looking to build their resilience and find ways to mitigate the financial cost of disasters.

          published philippines, the
          Suisse: La prévoyance vieillesse 2020, une réforme qui se lit comme un polar monitor

          Le Temps (23.08.2017) A Berne, la réforme de la prévoyance vieillesse a viré au polar et tenu le monde politique en haleine dans sa phase finale. Récit des moments forts alors que l’ultime obstacle se profile: la votation populaire du 24 septembre 2017

          managing reforms, published Pensions switzerland
          The Livelihood Impacts of Cash Transfers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Beneficiary Perspectives from Six Countries monitor

          World Development (nov 2017) Cash transfers (CTs) are a social protection mechanism to reduce the poorest households’ vulnerability to shocks and build human capital by smoothing consumption and sustaining expenditure on education and social welfare. Our study examines whether and how CTs go beyond welfare objectives to promote livelihoods.

          extending coverage, cct, published Extension of coverage, Conditional cash transfers Africa
          Suisse: Santé - Les primes maladies asphyxient le budget d'une famille sur deux monitor

          24heures (15.08.2017) Chaque assuré s'attend à payer 270 francs de plus par an en 2018, selon

          Health, Financing switzerland
          Canada: CPP changes will disqualify 243,000 from Guaranteed Income Supplement: report monitor

          The Globe and Mail (23.08.2017) The federal government’s plans to enhance the Canada Pension Plan will ultimately bump 243,000 low-income Canadians from qualifying for the Guaranteed Income Supplement, according to the latest report from Canada’s chief actuary.

          managing reforms, published Pensions canada
          [Interview] Tackling youth employment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Creating decent jobs for a rapidly expanding young African labour force monitor

          ILO (24.08.2017) Within the next 15 years, some 375 million young people will become of working age in Africa, equivalent to the current population of Canada and the United States combined. By 2050, nearly one in three young people will be living in sub-Saharan Africa, and most of them simply cannot afford not to work.

          youth employment Employment of young workers Africa
          Canada: Injury and wellness: what are employers spending on prevention? monitor

          Plant (23.08.2017) The Institute for Work and Health is conducting a comprehensive study that aims to find benchmarks across sectors. What workplace injuries and illnesses cost in Ontario is evident, but what do Ontario employers spend on prevention? That’s a question the Institute for Work and Health (IWH) is attempting to answer with a pilot study that’s underway.

          published Occupational accidents and diseases canada
          España: El sistema tiene un millón de cotizantes menos para pagar 1,2 millones de pensiones más monitor

          El País (25.08.2017) El número de pensiones crece a un ritmo sostenido del 1,1% y el gasto, un 3% anual. La ratio entre cotizantes y pensionistas cae al mínimo de los últimos 18 años

          published Pensions, Financing spain
          Que contient la directive européenne sur les travailleurs détachés? monitor

          Le Monde (24.08.2017) En déplacement en Europe centrale, Emmanuel Macron a critiqué le mécanisme, accusé de favoriser le « dumping social .
          « Une trahison de l’esprit européen » : c’est en ces termes forts qu’Emmanuel Macron a critiqué mercredi l’application actuelle de la directive sur le travail détaché en Europe, qu’il accuse de favoriser le « dumping social », c’est-à-dire de détourner le droit et d’instaurer une concurrence déloyale entre les salariés des différents pays.

          migration Migration european union
          Qatar: New Law Gives Domestic Workers Labor Rights monitor

          Human Rights Watch (24.08.2017) Qatar’s adoption of a new law on domestic workers provides labor rights for domestic workers for the first time, Human Rights Watch said today. Qatari authorities should enact strong enforcement policies and close loopholes that place domestic workers at risk of exploitation.

          extending coverage, migration, published Extension of coverage qatar
          Estado del bienestar en el mundo monitor

          Informacion (27.08.2017) El propósito de la ONU es establecer un mínimo Estado del Bienestar y garantizar programas de protección social absolutamente necesarios para erradicar la pobreza y reducir la vulnerabilidad

          Occupational safety, health are basic rights monitor

          straitstimes (27.08.2017) Hosted for the first time in South-east Asia, the World Congress on Safety and Health at Work looks at preventing occupational accidents, diseases

          Occupational accidents and diseases
          Launch of the Global Commission on the Future of Work lasalle

 (21.08.2017) This event launched the Global Commission on the Future of Work, a body of 20 experts who will come together to tackle the fundamental question of how a rapidly transforming world of work should be organized so that it responds to the values of social justice. During the event, the names of the Commission members  were announced by the Commission's co-chairpeople: President of Mauritius Ameenah Gurib-Fakim and Prime Minister of Sweden Stefan Löfven

          labour markets Employment policies, Employment of young workers, Migration
          Disrupting the trust business lasalle

 (06.06.2017) The trust business is little noticed but huge. Startups deploying blockchain technology threaten to disrupt it, and much else besides

          digital platforms Technological transition, Error, evasion and fraud
          For robots to work with people, they must understand people lasalle

 (17.07.2017) Direct interaction between robots and humans at work is changing the face—or rather the arms—of manufacturing. Such interaction also means that roboticists need to design effective team mates as well as efficient workers. Cobots operate in a realm where human thoughts, human modes of communication and human safety are paramount. Rethink Robotics, a firm in Boston, had this in mind when it developed Sawyer, a one-armed cobot, and his two-armed colleague, Baxter (both pictured above). These robots are not the isolated moving arms of an assembly-line ’bot. They incorporate cameras and touch sensors. And their most noticeable feature is a screen that displays almost cartoonlike human facial elements.

          robotization Occupational accidents and diseases, Information and communication technology, Technological transition
          International Taxation in the Digital Economy: Challenge Accepted? massetti

 (14.08.2017)  The digitalization of the economy is considered as a key driver of innovation, economic growth, and societal change. At the same time, it poses a major challenge to the international tax system.

          digital platforms Contribution collection and compliance, Financing
          EEUU: La mayoría de los médicos apoya un seguro de salud universal monitor

          El Tiempo Latino (19.08.2017) La atención médica con un pagador único sigue siendo una idea controversial en los Estados Unidos, pero la gran mayoría de los médicos está comenzando a apoyarla, según revela una nueva encuesta.

          extending coverage Health, Health insurance, Extension of coverage United States
          Côte d'Ivoire: Accidents de travail,voici les secteurs d’activités exposés monitor

 (19.08.2019) Professeur Yoboue Kouamé Yves, directeur de la prévention et de la promotion de la santé et sécurité au travail, interrogé au cours de la rencontre bilan de l’exercice 2016 de la Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance Sociale (CNPS), lève un coin de voile sur les secteurs d’activités accidentogènes.

          Occupational accidents and diseases côte d'ivoire
          Côte d'Ivoire: Sécurité sociale - La Cnps va bien, les pensions relevées monitor

          fratmat (19.08.2017) « Quand on gère un bien public, on a obligation de rendre compte. » Charles Kouassi, directeur général de la Cnps, justifiait le 17 août 2017 la conférence de presse bilan tenue à l’hôtel Azalai.

          Pensions, Financing côte d'ivoire
          Is Nigeria’s Social Protection on the cusp of transformation? monitor

 (17.08.2017) Will the design of a direct cash transfer in Nigeria ensure its ongoing popularity and sustainability? Guest blogger Gbenga Shadare considers the issues.

          cct, extending coverage, published Extension of coverage nigeria
          [Beitrag] Deutschland: Studie zu "mobiler Arbeit" monitor

          Arbeitsschutz-Portal (19.08.2017) Mobiles Arbeiten ist zur regelrechten Glaubensfrage geworden. Die einen schwören auf die Arbeit von überall und genießen die Flexibilität und Freiheit – die anderen sehen genau darin das Problem: Fließen Privatleben und Arbeit nicht zu sehr zusammen, wenn sie räumlich nicht mehr getrennt sind? Oft trauen Führungskräfte ihren Beschäftigten auch nicht: Arbeitet Herr Müller zu Hause wirklich oder spielt er mit seinen Kindern? Häufig ist es die Unternehmenskultur, die mobiles Arbeiten überhaupt nicht zulässt.

          Strengthening Social Protection for Emergencies like Drought monitor

 (16.08.2017) The effects of the 2015 El-Nino induced drought lasted well into 2017, and affected a quarter of Lesotho’s population of 2.2 million.

          Achats en ligne: Ottawa et Québec invités à imposer une taxe lasalle

 (31.07.2017) La fiscaliste Marwah Rizqy incite Ottawa et Québec à emboîter le pas à plusieurs pays de l'OCDE pour récupérer les millions de dollars en taxes sur les achats de produits ou de services en ligne que les gouvernements perdent chaque année.

          contribution collection, freelance, policy reponse Contribution collection and compliance, Financing