Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
España: El Gobierno amplía por decreto ley el permiso de paternidad a 16 semanas | dfabbri | El País (01.03.2019) El gran guiño a la igualdad de Pedro Sánchez llegó en el último Consejo de Ministros antes de la disolución de las Cortes y a una semana del 8 de Marzo, en el que el movimiento feminista vuelve a llamar a la huelga. El Gobierno ha aprobado por decreto ley la equiparación de los permisos de paternidad y maternidad, una medida que sitúa a España a la cabeza de Europa. Los padres dispondrán de 16 semanas pagados al 100% a partir de 2021. El decreto obliga además a las empresas a incluir un registro de salarios para evitar la discriminación por sexo. |
managing reforms | Family benefits, Parental leave | spain |
L’économie souterraine représente 12 % du PIB français | dfabbri | EurActiv (28.02.2019) Environ 2,5 millions de personnes pratiqueraient, pour tout ou partie, le travail non déclaré, mais l’ampleur du phénomène reste mal connue, selon un rapport du Conseil d’orientation pour l’emploi |
economic crisis, labour markets | Employment, Difficult-to-cover groups | france |
[Blog] ILO: Artificial intelligence: opportunity or job-killer? | dfabbri | ILO Blog (27.02.2019) There is little doubt artificial intelligence (AI) will play a major role in the future of work – a future that has already begun. Think, for example, of self-driving cars, algorithmic stock market trading, or even computer-aided medical diagnosis. |
The Future of Work: Regional Perspectives | pmassetti | Asian Development Bank (January 2019) This study considers how technology is likely to change labor markets in Africa; Developing Asia; Emerging Europe, Central Asia, and the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean; and Latin American and the Caribbean in the coming years. |
Africa, Asia | ||
US: Older Workers Face Career Woes Even in a Strong Economy | dfabbri | Reverse Mortgage Daily (25.02.2019) As workers get older, their employment becomes increasingly difficult to maintain even in a generally prosperous economic climate. This is according to a study conducted by the Urban Institute, and recently highlighted by the Boston College Center for Retirement Research |
labour markets | Old-age pensions | United States |
Suisse: Le PS veut alléger les primes de la classe moyenne | dfabbri | Le Temps (27.02.2019) La gauche se bat pour limiter le fardeau des primes maladie à 10% du revenu disponible d’un ménage. Selon elle, il n’y a qu’à suivre le modèle du canton de Vaud |
Financing | switzerland | |
Annotated Bibliography | Future of Work | pmassetti | Version 2.1 - February 2019 The following is an annotated bibliography of reports on the future of work, produced by the Labour Market Information Council (LMIC). The annotated reports are from a variety of sources, with an emphasis on Canadian studies. To ensure relevance, LMIC focuses on reports that were produced within the last decade, with some exceptions where warranted.
España: El Gobierno renuncia a hacer cambios en pensiones por decreto y demora los ajustes de la reforma laboral | dfabbri | El País (26.02.2019) Este viernes el Gobierno no tiene previsto aprobar decretos con cambios en la reforma laboral ni en el sistema de pensiones. Hoy estaba planeada una reunión con sindicatos y empresarios para abordar los cambios en el mercado de trabajo. Pero finalmente el encuentro se ha aplazado. La causa oficial que aducen en el Ministerio de Trabajo es "motivos de agenda" y añaden que para este viernes este departamento no llevará nada al Consejo de Ministros, como estaba previsto inicialmente. |
managing reforms | Pensions | spain |
France: Assurance chômage - le gouvernement veut réduire les allocations des cadres | dfabbri | La Tribune (26.02.2019) Pour faire des économies, le gouvernement envisagerait de réviser les règles des allocations chômage des cadres supérieurs, révèlent nos confrères des Echos ce lundi 25 février. Deux pistes seraient à l'étude : réduire d'un tiers le plafond des indemnités des cadres ou instaurer la dégressivité. |
managing reforms | Unemployment | france |
EU’s civil society consultative body votes in favour of EU-supported decent minimum income for all EU citizens in need | dfabbri | Europa (25.02.2019) On 20 February, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) adopted the opinion "For a European Framework directive on a Minimum Income" in which it asked the European Commission to introduce a binding EU framework establishing an adequate minimum income across Europe, tailored to the standard of living in each Member State. |
basic income | Social assistance | european union |
Oman:16,676 active firms covered by social insurance system | dfabbri | menafn (24.02.2019) Statistics issued by the Public Authority for Social Insurance (PASI) till the end of January 2019 showed an increase in the number of active establishments covered by the social insurance system to 16,676. This was reflected in increase in the number of active insureds working in the private sector to 236,277 with a total of 7,135 registered cases. |
oman | ||
Right fiscal reforms, policies can help meet social protection agenda in Asia and Pacific: ADB | pmassetti | FT Online (14.02.2019) Countries in Asia and the Pacific have a good chance of achieving the social protection agenda under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) if the right fiscal reforms and policies are in place, says a new study by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The report, Asia’s Fiscal Challenge: Financing the Social Protection Agenda of the SDGs, looks at the fiscal situation in 16 countries and the challenges in building and expanding their social welfare program. |
Financing | Asia | |
Asia’s Fiscal Challenge: Financing the Social Protection Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals | pmassetti | Asian Development Bank (October 2018) This book focuses on the analysis of fiscal requirements to achieve the social protection agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals. |
Financing | Asia | |
German bill to tackle undeclared work and child benefit fraud | dfabbri | EurActiv (21.02,2019) Some foreign workers in the German construction sector live in dreadful conditions, toiling away during the day for a few euros and then sleeping in a dump at night. Being given staff and powers should allow German customs officials to adopt a tougher line against undeclared work. |
Error, evasion and fraud | germany | |
Social Protection for Older Women | dfabbri | HelpAge (20.02.2019) While women's disadvantage in older age is mainly a result of discrimination throughout the life-course, the design of gender-sensitive pension systems is essential. Gender equality and women's empowerment are increasingly prominent themes on the international policy agenda. The empowerment of women is essential for realising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, agreed by all countries at the United Nations in 2015. |
Pensions | ||
Côte d'Ivoire: début de cotisation pour la Couverture maladie universelle le 1er avril | dfabbri | afrique.latribune (10.02.2019) Le 1er avril prochain démarreront les cotisations pour la couverture maladie universelle en Côte d'Ivoire. Cette annonce vient confirmer les propos du ministre ivoirien de l'emploi, Pascal Abinan Kouakou, qui a annoncé le démarrage effectif de la Couverture maladie universelle pour avril 2019. |
universal health care | Extension of coverage | côte d'ivoire |
Brazil pension reform to boost economic growth: chief of staff | pmassetti | Reuters (09.01.2019) The Brazilian government’s proposed social security reform will introduce individual contributions into private funds to ensure the pensions of future generations and help boost growth, Presidential Chief-of-Staff Onyx Lorenzoni said on Wednesday. |
Pensions | brazil | |
Germany needs a quarter of a million migrant workers a year | dfabbri | EurActiv (20.02.2019) Germany is dependent on migrant workers but a decreasing number of them will be EU citizens in the future. In the long term, about 146,000 immigrants from outside of the EU will have to be integrated into the German labour market every year, according to a recent study. EURACTIV Germany reports. |
labour markets | Employment | germany |
Schweiz: Prämienverbilligung: Gesundheitskommission fordert Systemwechsel | dfabbri | NZZ (07.02.2019) Der Kantonsrat will Ungerechtigkeiten bei der Prämienverbilligung ausmerzen –darüber sind sich die Parteien einig. Das ursprünglich geplante Sparvorhaben ist zudem vom Tisch, zur Debatte steht vielmehr, ob der Kanton noch mehr Geld ausschütten soll. |
Financing | switzerland | |
Long-term Care - OECD | rruggia | The OECD Health Division has an ongoing programme of work to support countries in developing long-term care systems that can meet the needs of their populations now and in the future. Key issues in long-term care policy As people get older, it becomes more likely that they will need day-to-day help with activities such as washing and dressing, or help with household activities such as cleaning and cooking. This type of support (along with some types of medical care) is what is called long-term care. Demand for long-term care is expected to rise, thanks in part to ageing populations and increasing prevalence of long-term conditions such as dementia. However, the availability and affordability of long-term care services varies dramatically between OECD countries. Public spending on long-term care ranges from more than 4% of GDP in the Netherlands to less than half a percent of GDP in countries such as Israel, Latvia and Poland (see chart below). |
Health promotion, Long-term care | ||
Affordable Daycare and Working Moms: the Quebec Model | pmassetti | (31.12.2018) With more than two decades behind it, the Quebec program that spawned an affordable child care model has some lessons for the rest of the world. |
Family benefits | canada | |
India: The road to social protection, beyond jobs | dfabbri | Hindustan Times (19.02.2019) The changing nature of work is upending traditional employment globally, and with it, social protection systems. Take for instance, insurance, made possible through mandatory contribution and payroll taxes on formal wage employment. |
brics, poverty | Difficult-to-cover groups | india |
BM: Paraguay está entre los países con mayor nivel de empleo informal | dfabbri | ultimahora (19.02.2019) Con un índice del 71%, se lidera el ránking entre economías emergentes de ingreso mediano alto. La falta de protección social para trabajadores se mantiene entre las principales preocupaciones. |
labour markets, poverty | Difficult-to-cover groups | paraguay |
Conference on VISION ZERO inaugurated for promoting safety and health at work | dfabbri | devdiscourse (18.02.2019) The concept of ‘Vision Zero’ is fast gaining international acceptance and is expected to leverage the efforts of the Government of India to raise the occupational safety and health standards in the country so as to improve the occupational safety and health situation. |
OSH | Prevention of occupational risks | india |
France: Le chômage en légère baisse depuis l’arrivée de Macron à l’Elysée | dfabbri | Le Monde (18.02.2019) Le chômage poursuit sa décrue. Selon le dernier bilan de l’Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (Insee), le niveau de l’emploi a retrouvé son niveau de 2009. Au dernier trimestre 2018, 8,8 % de la population active française était sans emploi, selon la définition du Bureau international du travail (BIT), qui fait référence. |
Unemployment | france |