Possibility for the employer to suspend the provision of work by all or some workers, for a period of up to 90 days, starting from 1 April 2020, on the grounds of market difficulties, economic reasons and lack of supply of raw materials or other goods.
Para melhorar o rendimento das famílias mais pobres afectadas pela profundidade da crise económica que o país vive, inicia em Maio de 2020 a primeira fase do Programa de Transferência Social Monetária que irá ter um milhão e seiscentos mil beneficiários;
Paragarantir o consumo de bens alimentares da cesta básicapara famílias mais vulneráveis, o Ministério da Acção Social, Família e Promoção da Mulher, o Ministério do Comércio e os Governos Provinciais desenvolvem campanhas de distribuição de bens da cesta básica para as populações mais…
Para salvaguardar os postos de trabalhoe assegurar o pagamento dos salários as empresas com dificuldades de realizar o pagamento do salário do mês de Abril podem recorrer ao financiamento dos salários bonificado pela linha de liquidez criada pelo Banco Nacional de Angola;
Increases assistance or temporary assistance to the infected and impacted families, including stranded population, quarantined population and their relatives e.g. carees and dependents.
Self-employed workers who are affected by the consequences of the coronavirus can submit a written request to their social insurance fund to request a 1-year deferral of the payment of provisional social contributions, without being charged any increases and with no effect on benefits.
To promote the use of electronic payment tools the Western Africa Central
Bank (BCEAO) is providing more flexible measures to open a mobile money
and making transfers between people backed by electronic money free. The measures are effective for 30 days, renewable.
SMEs with a layoff rate lower than 5.5% (estimated unemployment rate) can apply for a refund 50% of previous year’s unemployment contribution. The threshold is 20% for enterprises with less than 30 employees. Some cities refunds up to 80%
The decree suspends all conditionalities related to the Guaranteed Minimum Income program, or Reddito di Cittadinanza (RdC or Citizens' Income), for two months. The measure was introduced to minimize the movement of beneficiaries (to social services or to public employment services, where…
Paid leave for at least 50% of employees (temporary). Priority will be given to all pregnant women, and for women who take care of children, persons with chronic diseases and health vulnerabilities (temporary).
Une allocation de solidarité d'un montant de dix mille (10.000) dinars par famille sera octroyée aux familles nécessiteuses et à celles affectées par les mesures de prévention et de lutte contre l'épidémie du Coronavirus, à l'occasion du mois de Ramadhan, ont annoncé lundi les…
To reduce exposition risk for elderlies, a proxy letter can be delivered to another person to receive pensions/benefits in place of the beneficiary (for retirees, old persons receiving cash transfers, etc.).
To avoid crowding in post offices, beneficiaries (1M) can receive Solidarity Allowance benefits at any time without a specific deadline (in normal circumstances on the 30th/31st of the month the uncollected benefits to beneficiaries is automatically returned to the Social Development Agency).…
MLSA in collaboration with the Armenian Red Cross will provide between
one and three food and hygiene packages to 1,400 citizens. The packages will
mainly go to elderly people living alone and people with disabilities,
including Syrian-Armenian refugees and people in social…
Para fomentar os estágios profissionais, sobretudo depois da fase de retoma da actividade económica normal, após o levantamento do estado de emergência, o Ministério da Administração Pública, Trabalho eSegurança Social e o Ministério das Finanças/AGT promoverão um programa de promoção de…