
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
France: Sécurité sociale - nette amélioration des comptes en 2016 france

Les Echos (15.03.2017) Le déficit de la Sécurité sociale s’est réduit en 2016 de « presque 3 milliards d’euros » et sera inférieur à « 8 milliards  », a annoncé le secrétaire d’Etat au Budget, Christian Eckert.

Financing… monitor
Suisse: Sécurité sociale - hausse du nombre de réfugiés bénéficiant de l'aide sociale switzerland

Le Nouvelliste (21.02.2017) Le nombre de réfugiés bénéficiant d'une aide sociale est en augmentation. En 2015, ils étaient environ 20 000, soit 35% de plus que l'année d'avant.

Migration, Social assistance migration… monitor
[opinion] India's Excellent New Welfare Policy - Rental Vouchers For The Poor india (09.03.2017) The government at the centre is willing to share your rent. A new welfare scheme might soon come into existence where the urban-poor will be given rent vouchers that can be given out to the land lords.

poverty… monitor
[Opinion] Ageing in developing economies at a critical stage (10.03.2017) The world is getting older. The United Nations estimates that the proportion of people aged 60 and above will more than double to 2.1 billion in 2050 from 901 million in 2015, with accelerating ageing in developing economies acting as a key contributing factor to…… monitor
Estados Unidos: La reforma sanitaria de Trump dejará sin cobertura a 24 millones de personas en 10 años United States

El País (14.03.2017) Un informe oficial revela que la aplicación del plan republicano reduce las prestaciones sanitarias a cambio de un ahorro de 337.000 millones de dólares en una década

Health, Health insurance managing reforms… monitor
Suisse: Santé - La bataille reprend autour des caisses maladie switzerland

TDG (13.03.2017) Les conseillers d’Etat Mauro Poggia (MCG) et Pierre-Yves Maillard (PS) remontent au front dans le dossier de l’assurance-maladie. Les responsables genevois et vaudois de la Santé portent deux initiatives qui seront déposées à la Chancellerie fédérale avant la fin du mois, a…

Health monitor
Singapore: More non-fatal injuries at workplaces in 2016 singapore

The Straits Times (14.02.2017) The number of non-fatal workplace injuries increased to 13,014 cases last year, a 5.4 per cent increase over the 12,351 cases in 2015, due mainly to an increase in minor injury cases.

Occupational accidents and diseases monitor
EEUU: Trump, abierto a adaptar el proyecto republicano del sistema de salud United States

El Nuevo Herald (12.03.2017) El presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, se mostró abierto a adaptar el proyecto de reforma del sistema de seguros de salud para mejorarlo, indicaron este domingo sus aliados del partido Republicano, que insistieron en que la propuesta aún es modificable.

Health, Health insurance managing reforms monitor
Jobwunder Germany: the dark side of a success story germany

DW (17.03.2017) Not only are low-wage jobs still being affected by Germany's "Agenda 2010" labor reforms. Highly-qualified workers are also being negatively impacted. Will the September election change anything?

Unemployment, Employment policies megatrends… monitor
Peut-on estimer le rendement de l'investissement social ? france

France Stratégie (26.01.2017) Évaluer la rentabilité d’un investissement n’est pas toujours aisé. Mais quand il s’agit d’un investissement dans les personnes, c’est un vrai défi. Pourtant des solutions existent. Au premier rang desquelles, l’évaluation d’impact et la revue systématique.… monitor
India, Brazil social security agreement india, brazil

The Economic Times (16.03.2017) India and Brazil on Thursday initialed the finalised text of the Social Security Agreement taking forward the spirit of the Goa Declaration at the 8th BRICS Summit, outcomes of the meetings of BRICS Labour & Employment Ministers held on 9 June 2016 in Geneva…… monitor
[Rapport] Big Data et nouvelles technologies....La protection sociale et la révolution numérique france (14.03.2017) Le CRAPS édite aujourd'hui son sixième cahier de propositions intitulé "Big data et nouvelles technologies, la protection sociale à l'heure de la révolution numérique".

Information and communication technology digital economy… monitor
Protection sociale : sept Français sur dix voient dans la lutte contre l'assistanat une priorité france

francetvinfo (14,03.2017) Selon un sondage Ipsos-Sopra Steria pour Radio France et France Télévisions dévoilé mercredi, seuls 29% des Français souhaitent aller vers plus de solidarité en matière de protection sociale.

Social assistance… monitor
El sistema de salud ecuatoriano, 10 años de institucionalización ecuador

El Telegrafo (16.03.2017) Ecuador en el campo de la salud no es el mismo que el del 2006. La reinstitucionalización del estado con la llegada del gobierno de Rafael Correa, mejoró ostensiblemente un sistema de salud profundamente fragmentado y desprovisto de capacidad de respuesta.

Health, Governance and administration… monitor
How social protection can facilitate formalization in the Caribbean Americas

Curaçao Chronicle (15.03.2017) Representatives from 16 Caribbean countries are in Trinidad and Tobago (14-17 March 2017) to discuss the extension of social protection in the context of formalization policies.

Extension of coverage, Inequalities extending coverage… monitor
Greece Must Strengthen Social Safety Nets, OECD 'Going for Growth' Report Says greece

Greek Reporter (18.03.2017) Greece must continue to strengthen social safety nets, ease regulation in network industries, enhance efficiency in public administration; improve the fairness and efficiency of its tax system and improve the quality of its education system. This is according to a…

Extension of coverage extending coverage… monitor
PAHO WHO: Minister of Health and Wellness of St. Lucia explores health collaboration with PAHO

PAHO (07.03.2017) Mary Isaac, the Minister of Health and Wellness of St. Lucia, is on a two-day visit to Pan American Health Organization headquarters here to explore health collaboration and outline work on priority public health issues for her island country.

Health… monitor
Canadian province to give every citizen $1,320 income boost to overcome poverty canada

The Independent (11.11.2016) One in five children live in poverty in Canada, according to Unicef, and a recent poll found two-thirds of Canadians open to the idea of basic income

poverty… monitor
The call for a large safety net

The Hindu (19.03.2017) Social security cover for all, even informal workers, is an ambitious target for the Centre and stumbling blocks pave its path.

Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes, Inequalities extending coverage… monitor
Suisse: Assurance-maladie - Comment Mauro Poggia veut contrôler les primes switzerland

TDG (20.03.2017) L’initiative populaire fédérale proposée avec Pierre-Yves Maillard permettrait de préserver les réserves cantonales.

Health… monitor
France: Sport sur ordonnance : une aubaine pour réduire le trou de la Sécu ? france (03.03.2017) Les médecins généralistes peuvent depuis le 1er mars prescrire des séances de sport. Une réforme qui fera du bien aux patients…mais aussi aux finances de la sécurité sociale.

Health… monitor
Cash transfers help the extreme poor

D+C - Development + Cooperation (13.03.2017) At home, Germany and other industrialised states consider social protection very important and spend a lot of money on the matter. But when it came to development assistance, the idea of social transfers to the needy was next to taboo around the world…

poverty… monitor
[Opinion] India: Overhaul  health system for effective deliverance of plans- india

The New Indian Express (26.02.2017) After several decades of vertical disease or age-specific health programmes, there is now general recognition and growing acceptance that the ‘health system’ should be structured and strengthened as an integrated whole to be capable of effectively delivering a…

Health… monitor
Schweiz: Bern und Zürich wollen gemeinsame E-Health-Plattform switzerland

Inside-IT (22.03.2017) Die Kantone Bern und Zürich wollen beim Aufbau einer überregionalen E-Health-Plattform zusammenspannen. Angestrebt wird eine gleichberechtigte, partnerschaftliche Lösung, die auch anderen Kantonen offen steht.

Health, Information and communication technology monitor
[Publication] Healthcare fraud, corruption and waste in Europe

EHFCN (21.03.2017) It is undeniable that healthcare fraud, corruption and waste are a serious and growing threat to the sustainability and the quality of European healthcare systems. Unfortunately for many years, a lack of objective information and hard evidence has stood in the way of finding…

Governance and administration, Error, evasion and fraud, Health monitor