
Pension Reform in Lebanon: Good Intentions, Uncertain Outcomes - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Submitted by pmassetti on

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (15.05.2024) Amid an ongoing economic and fiscal crisis, Lebanon’s Parliament has approved a major reform to the country’s pension system. But it is likely to face challenges related to benefits, solvency, and coverage.

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The Plight of Platform Workers Under Algorithmic Management in Southeast Asia

Submitted by pmassetti on

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (30.04.2024) Algorithmic management by large online platforms disrupts societal relations. A case study about drivers in Southeast Asia demonstrates the worldwide shifts that are underway.

Digital plateform workers
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Asia and the Pacific’s Rapidly Aging Population Needs Long-Term Care Solutions

Submitted by pmassetti on

Asian Development (02.05.2024) These charts illustrate the rapid increases in the population aged 60 and older in Asia and the Pacific and the urgency of addressing long-term care needs in the region. Over the past two decades, life expectancy at age 60 in the region has increased by more than 5 years. But the expected number of years lived in less than full health also increased in most economies. A new harmonized dataset on older persons in nine economies in developing Asia found that  on average, 57% Asians aged over 60 have at least one diagnosed noncommunicable disease (NCD).

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Global challenges
Old-age pensions
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Le Japon et la Corée du Sud peinent à faire face à la nouvelle pauvreté de leurs seniors et nous serions bien inspirés d’en tirer des leçons

Submitted by pmassetti on (08.05.2024) Abondance de personnes âgées, marché du travail défaillant et manque de flexibilité des systèmes de retraite ... Au Japon et en Corée du Sud, de nombreuses personnes âgées vivent en situation de grande précarité

Global challenges
Old-age pensions
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Divided Directions: India's varied roadmap for governance of platform workers

Submitted by pmassetti on

The Financial Express (02.05.2024) India has made remarkable progress in expanding social security through the groundbreaking Code on Social Security-2020 (CoSS 2020), positioning itself as a pioneer in this field. This legislation stands out for its acknowledgment of platform workers and extending universal social security to them. Furthermore, under India’s leadership, the G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration has prioritised the goal of ensuring adequate social protection and decent working conditions for platform workers under the overarching theme of “The Future of Work”.

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Digital plateform workers
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Unemployment benefits are very effective in highly informal labour markets

Submitted by pmassetti on

VoxDev (20.03.24) Evidence from Mauritius shows the consequences of losing a formal job in a labour market characterised by high rates of informal employment are significant. Unemployment benefits help mitigate these effects, while generating only small disincentive effects on labour supply.

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The Gambia Social Registry: A Success Story in Systems Building

Submitted by pmassetti on (23.04.2024) Since its inception, GamSR's data has played a pivotal role in various programs in The Gambia, notably the 'Nafa Quick' initiative, which formed the cornerstone of the Government of The Gambia (GoTG) COVID-19 pandemic response. It swiftly reached 78,422 households in 30 districts, to mitigate the adverse effects of the pandemic on impoverished households. Subsequently, the Nafa (cash transfers) program, aimed at providing cash to the poorest, covered 20 districts and 16,966 households, employing GamSR data for eligibility assessments.

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Data management
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The Future of a Hyper-Aging Society Navigated by Well-Being Technology

Submitted by pmassetti on (17.04.2024) Today, humanity is experiencing a paradigm shift and transitioning to a new era. We live in a world where every person’s well-being – the happiness of the body and mind – is impacted by social environments born of numerous changes, including an aging and increasingly diverse society, changes to how and where we work, and outbreaks of emerging diseases. This changing panorama is raising people’s interest in well-being technology, as well as its value and importance.

Global challenges
Old-age pensions
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Retiring in your 60s is becoming an impossible goal. Is 75 the new 65?

Submitted by pmassetti on (08.04.2024) People are living longer, and daily life is getting more expensive. It may be time to rethink the timeline for leaving the workforce. Handing in your proverbial badge as a sexagenarian has been the goal for many workers around the world: turning 65 would open a golden portal to retirement. Yet increasingly, the idea of stepping away from the workforce in your 60s doesn't seem realistic – or even sensible – for many people, especially now. Some major financial figureheads agree.

Global challenges
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Opinion: Social Protection, a Key Solution for Directing Climate Finance To Poor Small-Scale Farmers

Submitted by pmassetti on (05.04.2024) Climate change is exacerbating inequalities between and within countries, disproportionately affecting poor households in rural areas. In fact, we know that more than half of the resources of the poor – a large part of whom are small-scale farmers – are lost due to climatic hazards. This has negative impacts on the incomes of these people and their ability to meet their essential needs, including food.

Environment and climate change
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