Driven to despair — the hidden costs of the gig economy (22.09.2017) Signing up with the likes of Uber or Deliveroo offers flexibility, but the isolation and stress can take their toll (22.09.2017) Signing up with the likes of Uber or Deliveroo offers flexibility, but the isolation and stress can take their toll
Juanita Rodríguez,Gerente de contenidos Digitales, habla del proyecto de ley de Trabajo Autónomo Económicamente Dependiente de autoría del Representante Rodrigo Lara, en la comisión VII del Senado el día 1 de Diciembre de 2016.
Express (01.09.2017) Près d’un employeur sur deux pensent que l’impact de la robotisation et la numérisation se manifestera déjà d’ici trois à cinq ans, indique une enquête effectuée par le groupe de services RH ACERTA auprès de 469 CEO et membres de la direction. (06.06.2017) The trust business is little noticed but huge. Startups deploying blockchain technology threaten to disrupt it, and much else besides (14.08.2017) The digitalization of the economy is considered as a key driver of innovation, economic growth, and societal change. At the same time, it poses a major challenge to the international tax system. - What new business models are made possible by digitization? How can entrepreneurs more quickly implement these models in ways that create widespread benefits for all? The IDE works to define the basic principles and systems to help companies design successful platform strategies and facilitate the digital transformation of work and commerce. Our team of researchers examine how networked platforms— like the ones used by Uber, Airbnb, and eBay—are changing the way companies do business.
Challenges (10.08.2017) "L'économie des plateformes peut donc faire voler en éclats le statut de salarié tel qu'il a été construit tout au long du XXe siècle" estime une étude diffusée par le ministère du Travail.
How many people are in the gig economy? We’re very interested in this question at Nation1099, and, as it happens, it isn’t an easy question to find answers to, especially since the gig economy is growing and changing very fast and people mean many different things by the term. Employment in general is undergoing dramatic changes, often summarized as “the future of work” or Workforce 2.0.
Swiss Re Institute (07.07.2017) We live in a world with increasingly uncertain health outcomes. Individuals from developed economies have been living longer for many decades. However, those gains are beginning to be reversed in some countries, particularly within certain communities. Sensor technology is increasingly being deployed to counter these trends.
New forms of non-standard work in the online platform economy are creating a growing gap between digital innovation and decent work, which by definition includes fair wages, social protection and the right to bargain collectively. While estimates on the growth of on-demand and crowd work vary widely, a mid-term rise in labour market polarization and atypical work might arise. But it is also preventable. So, what can be done practically for online platforms to be a driver of quality jobs?
Moderator: Sarah O’Conner, Correspondent, Financial Times