Technology and e-health
AVERT (26.10.2017) E-health can play an important role in making services more accessible and person-centred, as well as improving the operations and financial efficiency of health systems.
AVERT (26.10.2017) E-health can play an important role in making services more accessible and person-centred, as well as improving the operations and financial efficiency of health systems. (06.10.2017) This marks a new political commitment at EU level on significant priorities towards ensuring high quality, user-centric digital public services for citizens and seamless cross-border public services for businesses. (12.09.2017) Policy makers in the Global South have discovered digital labour platforms (e.g. Upwork, Freelancer) as a potential source for employment.
SunStar 25.10.2017) The Employees Compensation Commission (ECC) is stepping up its efforts to increase awareness on the programs and services it provides by utilizing an online application as platform to reach more potential recipients.
Sept 2017 - Conseil d'Etat - Les plateformes numériques ne cessent de faire irruption dans la vie quotidienne. Cette « ubérisation » de l'économie se traduit par la substitution progressive des plateformes aux intermédiaires de l'économie traditionnelle mais aussi, au-delà, aux figures instituées qui structurent nos sociétés
(BID/IADB, September 2017) Luego de generar una conmoción parecida a la de un elefante entrando en una cristalería, las plataformas colaborativas como Uber o Airbnb han pasado a ser parte de nuestra vida cotidiana. Millones han utilizado ya este tipo de estructuras digitales para facilitar su vida cotidiana: trasladarse, comprar comida o libros, procurar una pareja y hasta tener a alguien para acompañarle a hacer las compras. Sin embargo, en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) el impacto aun es desigual, lo que genera dudas sobre su progreso y regulación apropiadas.
(GOVUP, July 2017) La plataformización del trabajo es un concepto que, si bien es relativamente reciente, ha irrumpido con fuerza en el mercado laboral a nivel global. Si bien es cierto que nuestro marco normativo dista mucho de otras regulaciones, como la estadounidense, con distintos parámetros de contratación y, en definitiva, de relación laboral. (27.09.2017) Ride-hailing app seeks to overturn ruling on status of UK workers
Accenture 2016 - Digital platform companies are transforming the way we do business by creating vast markets, compelling customer experiences and new ways to innovate. But how will small and traditional companies find success in a platform landscape dominated by digital born companies? This report identifies the critical platform success factors for businesses and policy makers.