Cash sickness benefits
COVID-19: Australia to introduce pandemic leave payment,says Australian PM
Aged care workers across Australia will be given paid pandemic leave
Unpaid pandemic leave and annual leave flexibilities now available
France : Covid 19 - La facture très salée des tests PCR pour la Sécurité sociale (07.09.2020) Le coût des tests généralisés du COVID 19 est très important et la Sécurité sociale est directement impactée.
Gender-sensitive policies as response to COVID-19
UNDP (August 2020) The COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker monitors policy measures enacted by governments worldwide to tackle the COVID-19 crisis, and highlights responses that have integrated a gender lens. It includes national measures that are directly addressing women’s economic and social security, including unpaid care work, the labour market and violence against women. The tracker is coordinated by UNDP with substantive leadership and technical contributions from UN Women.
IMSS anuncia que incapacidad temporal y por maternidad se pueden tramitar en línea
New Zealand: COVID-19 Leave Support Scheme
Ministry of Social Development (18.08.2020) The COVID-19 Leave Support Scheme (used to be 'COVID-19 Essential Workers Leave Support') is available for employers, including sole traders, to pay their employees who can't work. This means your employees: can't come into work because they are in one of the affected groups and Ministry of Health guidelines recommend they stay at home, and can't work from home.
The Leave Support Scheme will be paid at a flat rate of:
Brasil: INSS extends anticipation of the Benefit of Continuous Provision (BPC) and Sickness until October 31 (03.07.2020) The federal government issued a decree authorizing the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) to pay prepayments for sickness benefits and the Continuing Benefit Benefit (BPC). The measure, published in an extra section of the Official Gazette (DOU) of this Thursday (2), determines that the advances will be paid until October 31.
Bolivia: Pruebas de laboratorio necesarias para darse de baja por COVID-19 (28.07.2020) El decreto supremo Nr. 4295 establece un procedimiento excepcional para realizar los trámites de baja laborales, en primera instancia se aceptarán las pruebas de PCR y las pruebas rápidas, pero estas deben ser de instituciones o laboratorios autorizados por el Servicio Departamental de Salud (Sedes) de los diferentes departamentos. Los resultados se comparten con la unidad de recursos humanos del lugar de trabajo y la baja se dará por 14 días.