Brasil: INSS extends anticipation of the Benefit of Continuous Provision (BPC) and Sickness until October 31

Submitted by mmarquez on
Body (03.07.2020) The federal government issued a decree authorizing the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) to pay prepayments for sickness benefits and the Continuing Benefit Benefit (BPC). The measure, published in an extra section of the Official Gazette (DOU) of this Thursday (2), determines that the advances will be paid until October 31.

measures summary

The federal government issued a decree authorizing the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) to extend the pay prepayments for sickness benefits and the Continuous Cash Benefit Program (Benefício de Prestação Continuada in Portuguese- BPC). The latter is an unconditional cash transfer for the elderly and extremely poor individuals with a disability. The measure, published in an extra section of the Official Gazette (DOU) of this Thursday (2), determines that the advances will be paid until October 31. Before, the measure was valid from April till June 2020. In order to be entitled to the advanced payment, the applicant must comply with the income rules related to the family group, which can be up to a quarter of the minimum wage.

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Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing)

The federal government issued a decree authorizing the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) to pay prepayments for sickness benefits and the Continuing Benefit Benefit (BPC). The measure, published in an extra section of the Official Gazette (DOU) of this Thursday (2), determines that the advances will be paid until October 31.Image removed.Image removed.

The Law No. 13,982 , which deals with the authorization to anticipate the payment , established a deadline of three months, from April to the payment of a minimum wage per month for BPC beneficiaries and sickness. The extension published yesterday aims to prevent the crowding of people for face-to-face assistance at the INSS agencies, due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus (covid-19).

According to the decree, the granting of sickness benefit advance in the amount of a minimum wage (R $ 1,045.00) will take place without medical expertise. To request the benefit, the insured must attach a medical certificate with the application, by declaring responsibility for the document presented, through the My INSS portal or application .

"The medical certificate must be legible and without erasures and must contain the following information: signature and stamp of the doctor, with registration of the Regional Council of Medicine (CRM); information about the disease or the respective numbering of the International Classification of Diseases (CID) ; and estimated period of necessary rest ", informed the INSS.

The INSS also informed that the granting of sickness benefit will continue considering the necessary requirements, such as a grace period, for the insured to be entitled to the benefit. If the amount of sickness benefit due to the insured exceeds a minimum wage, the difference will be paid later in a single installment.

In the case of BPC, the INSS said that the anticipation of the benefit will be paid based on the registration data in the Single Registry of the Federal Government (CadÚnico) and in the Register of Individuals (CPF).

"In addition, in order to be entitled to advance payment, the applicant must comply with the income rules related to the family group, which can be up to a quarter of the minimum wage. It is worth mentioning that the anticipation of the amount mentioned above will end as soon definitive evaluation of the BPC application has been made ", informed the INSS.