
Norway: Measures to avoid unnecessary layoffs

Submitted by pmassetti on ( 13.03.2020) the government has prioritized immediate measures to avoid unnecessary layoffs and bankruptcies in viable companies that face an abrupt fall in income. To that end, the government has today announced the following measures: 

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Coronavirus: How can we help our elderly embrace technology?

Submitted by rruggia on

ITU News  (20:03.2020) In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, the elderly are likely to be a particularly vulnerable population group. Hence, many governments around the world are encouraging “social distancing” as a way to prevent the spread of the virus. The UK National Health Service (NHS) warns that older people are especially vulnerable to loneliness and social isolation – which can have a serious effect on health.

Global challenges
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How the COVID-19 pandemic will affect informal workers. Insights from Kenya

Submitted by gfilhon on (22.03.2020) COVID-19 is going to have a devastating impact on economies. Africa has a particular vulnerability because so many people work in the informal sector. In an interview with Moina Spooner from The Conversation Africa, Njeri Kinyanjui explains how this could unfold for Kenya’s informal labourers and whether there’s anything that can be done to support them.

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Global challenges
Difficult-to-cover groups


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Finland: Sickness allowance on account of an infectious disease provides loss-of-income compensation for persons placed in quarantine

Submitted by rruggia on (02.03.2020) Kela can pay a sickness allowance on account of an infectious diseases to employees who have been ordered to stay away from work in order to prevent the spread of a communicable disease such as the novel coronavirus. The sickness allowance is also available to the provider of a child under the age of 16 who is placed in quarantine, making it impossible for the provider to continue working while the quarantine is in effect.

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Global challenges
Cash sickness benefits


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Subsidio especial por desempleo parcial en Uruguay

Submitted by rruggia on (19.03.2020) El Banco de Previsión Social se encuentra trabajando para implementar el nuevo subsidio especial por desempleo parcial para trabajadores mensuales, dispuesto por el Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. Se informa a las empresas que requieran gestionar el amparo a este régimen que deberán, dentro de los primeros 10 días del mes siguiente de producirse la reducción de días u horas trabajados, enviar al BPS el listado de trabajadores que cumplan las condiciones de derecho. El pago del subsidio se realizará durante el mes siguiente de producida dicha reducción.

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Belgique: des mesures prises pour aider les entreprises

Submitted by mmarquez on (06.03.2020) L’ensemble de ces mesures visent, d’une part, à permettre aux entreprises touchées de mettre leurs salariés en chômage temporaire afin de préserver l’emploi et, d’autre part, à prévoir des modalités d’étalement, de report, de dispense de paiement de cotisations sociales, précomptes et impôts, pour les entreprises et les indépendants. Le chômage temporaire pour force majeure sera prolongé de trois mois, jusqu’au 30 juin 2020. Il pourra également être invoqué dans l’attente de la reconnaissance du statut d’entreprise en difficulté.

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Belgique: Ducarme prend une circulaire pour accorder des facilités aux indépendants

Submitted by mmarquez on (05.03.2020) Le ministre des Indépendants et des PME, Denis Ducarme, a pris une circulaire destinée aux caisses d'assurances sociales et qui vise à simplifier les mécanismes de demande de facilités de paiement pour les cotisations sociales, a-t-il annoncé dans un communiqué.


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France: Liste des mesures pour les entreprises

Submitted by mmarquez on (19.03.2020) Des mesures immédiates de soutien aux entreprises Face à l’épidémie du Coronavirus Covid-19, le Gouvernement met en place des mesures immédiates de soutien aux entreprises:

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Contribution collection and compliance
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Deutschland: Auch im Home-Office unfallversichert

Submitted by mmarquez on (19.03.2020) Aufgrund der aktuellen Corona-Krise ermöglichen viele Arbeitgeber ihren Beschäftigten, von zuhause aus zu arbeiten. Was ist, wenn im häuslichen Umfeld ein Unfall passiert? Wann ist es ein Arbeitsunfall und wann nicht? Grundsätzlich gilt: Ein Unfall infolge einer versicherten Tätigkeit ist ein Arbeitsunfall und steht damit unter dem Schutz der gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung.

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Global challenges
Occupational accidents and diseases
Safety and health at work


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Russia: Decree approving the Interim Rules for processing sick leave certificates, the appointment and payment of temporary disability benefits in case of quarantine

Submitted by mmarquez on (19.03.2020) Citizens who are quarantined after a trip abroad can apply for an electronic sick leave through the Unified Portal of Public Services. The government approved temporary rules for processing sick leave certificates, appointments and sick leave payments during the quarantine period. The document applies to persons who arrived in Russia from countries where cases of new coronavirus infection were registered, as well as to persons living with them.

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Russian Federation
Global challenges
Cash sickness benefits
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