Covid19 Monitor database - ALL covid19

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As part of the fight against Coronavirus,AFD donates 368 million to MASAH congo (For the entire 12 administrative regions of the country,communication packages on covid-19 and hygiene materials have been distributed (the cost is over 200 million CFA)) The aid delivered by France is made up of a food kit consisting of,among others,2000 bags of rice,1200 cartons of salted fish,sugar,oil,cans and other share of social mobilization equipment to raise awareness on the respect of barrier gestures in order to break the chain of contamination of Covid-19. To this must be added a… 2020-04-22 Health,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Coronavirus in Azerbaijan: Challenges and reality azerbaijan Cover the tuition fees of students from vulnerable families. 2020-04-27 Family benefits Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Covid-19 in Congo,the government will grant nearly 100,000 poor households 50,000 FCFA as food allowance congo 100 000 families affected by COVID-19 to receive around 50 000 CFA each (food aid plan for the most vulnerable will grant nearly 100,000 poor households 50,000 CFA francs as food allowance) 2020-04-23 Food and nutrition,Cash transfers,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Azerbaijan pays $21.8 to hired employees affected by pandemic azerbaijan In accordance with the action plan approved by the Azerbaijani Cabinet of Ministers,the program of paying a certain part of salaries to the hired employees working in the spheres affected by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is being implemented. 2020-04-26 Employment,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Giorgi Gakharia presented an Anti-crisis Economic Plan georgia The state already helps those families whose social rating score is below 65,000 points. But families with a social rating score between 65,000 and 100,000 were left without attention. We will help such families provided they have many children and minors. However,in conditions of economic hardship,we've decided to help such families in the amount of 600 GEL for six months. In this case approximately,70,000 families - 190,000 citizens of Georgia will benefit. In addition,families whose… 2020-04-01 Family benefits Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Haiti - Economy : The DGI announces new tax relief measures haiti A moratorium had been granted to taxpayers until June 30,2020 to fulfill their obligations with the Directorate General of Taxes (DGI),stating that within this period taxpayers will have to settle the payment of taxes; proceed to the declaration and payment of income tax,without late payment interest or balance sheet fines and pay the Land Contribution of Built Properties (CFPB) 2020-04-16 Contribution collection and compliance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Giorgi Gakharia presented an Anti-crisis Economic Plan georgia Socially vulnerable citizens will receive an additional 600 GEL from the state for the period of six months 2020-04-01 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
ADEM applies simplified procedure for jobseeker registration and application for unemployment benefits luxembourg Luxembourg residents who have lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic are asked to use the online form to speed up the job search notification process. 2020-03-21 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Giorgi Gakharia presented an Anti-crisis Economic Plan georgia The state undertakes to provide citizens who were employed in the informal sector,or considered themselves self-employed,with a one-time assistance of 300 GEL after they are identified by the social assistance services,based on a maximum simplified way of identification. An approximate budget of this measure will be 75 million GEL 2020-04-01 Employment,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Bonuses for employees undergoing professional redeployment luxembourg Change in calculation of bonuses for professionals working in relevant jobs during the crisis. "Under normal circumstances,for employees undergoing professional redeployment who are eligible for a compensatory benefit (indemnité compensatoire),each bonus payment is taken into account in the calculation of the monthly salary and results in a reduction of the compensatory benefit thus cancelling the effect of the bonus payment. In order to avoid this reduction in income,a new regulation… 2020-04-21 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Giorgi Gakharia presented an Anti-crisis Economic Plan georgia All persons who will retain their jobs,and all the companies that will retain jobs will receive a full subsidy of salary payment of up to 750 GEL for the period of six months in terms of income tax payments. According to the Prime Minister,the budget for this assistance is 250 million GEL. "In addition,the same kind of subsidy will be received for the salary of 750 GEL for all retained jobs and remuneration will be up to 1500 GEL. In fact,in this way we are assisting both the citizens of… 2020-04-01 Employment,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Additional measures relating to the COVID-19 situation concerning unemployment benefits for jobseekers luxembourg Due to the extraordinary situation on the labour market triggered by the COVID-19 health crisis,jobseekers registered with ADEM may currently face difficulties in finding a new job. For this reason,the entitlement to unemployment benefit is extended for the duration of the crisis. This applies both to the duration of the regular employment benefit and to any extension period. The period of entitlement to unemployment benefit,which is normally granted for a maximum of 12 months (maximum 24… 2020-04-06 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Giorgi Gakharia presented an Anti-crisis Economic Plan georgia Assisting the citizens in terms of utility bills that was made for 1.2 million citizens; We are talking about water,waste management and electricity bills; In addition,we have subsidized bills for the use of natural gas for more than 670,000 families and have allocated 150 million GEL from the budget from the first day of the crisis 2020-04-01 Housing Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
The identified limit for utility and communication costs of the family who apply for targeted assistance will be increased azerbaijan Draft amendments have been made in the Law on State Social Assistance and the Rules for applying,assigning,granting and refusing to receive social assistance. Thus,under the current legislation,the e-system automatically refuses to provide targeted social assistance when the average monthly amount of utility and communication costs per family member exceeds 10% of the approved living wage in the country. The new projects include increasing the threshold. In total,this year increasing the… 2020-04-18 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Giorgi Gakharia presented an Anti-crisis Economic Plan georgia All hired employees who officially worked and lost their jobs,income during the crisis after the declaration of the state of emergency and cannot receive their salaries,will receive assistance from the state in the amount of 1200 GEL (about $376.77) over a period of six months. This means that these people will receive 200 GEL (about $62.79) per month. As of today's data,at least 350,000 citizens of Georgia will be able to receive assistance with the funds available,which amounts to 460,… 2020-04-24 Unemployment,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
President Cyril Ramaphosa: Additional Coronavirus COVID-19 economic and social relief measures south africa To fill the immediate need,the Department of Social Development has partnered with the Solidarity Fund, NGOs and community-based organisations to distribute 250,000 food parcels across the country over the next two weeks. 2020-04-21 Social assistance,Food and nutrition Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Родители на деца до 14 години и самотни родители могат да ползват еднократна помощ от 375 лв. bulgaria The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy is introducing a one-off cash transfer of BGN 375 (EUR 192) to parents of children under 14 who are on unpaid leave for at least 20 days due to inability to work from home during the state of emergency. This assistance will be means tested as the monthly income per family member should not be higher than the minimum wage BGN 610. Other conditions: parents should not have any other income from rents,services or additional contracts,should not receive… 2020-05-02 Family benefits Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
President Cyril Ramaphosa: Additional Coronavirus COVID-19 economic and social relief measures south africa Additional funding of R20 billion will therefore be made available to municipalities for the provision of emergency water supply,increased sanitisation of public transport and facilities,and providing food and shelter for the homeless 2020-04-21 Housing,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Уважаемые получатели пенсий (пособий)! belarus Pensions (admin/adaptation) - On March 25,2020,“Belpochta” (Belarusian Post Office) announced that it provides pensions home-delivery service by post worker because of the coronavirus situation. Pensioners can also pay their communal services when they receive pensions/benefits. 2020-03-25 Old-age pensions Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
President Cyril Ramaphosa: Additional Coronavirus COVID-19 economic and social relief measures south africa We will direct R50 billion towards relieving the plight of those who are most desperately affected by the coronavirus. This means [...] grant beneficiaries will receive an extra R250 per month for the next six months. (child support grant beneficiaries will receive an extra R300 in May and from June to October they will receive an additional R500 each month) 2020-04-21 Social assistance,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Governo angolano toma medidas para permitir pagamento de salários aos funcionários angola Os ordenados do funcionalismo público serão pagos pela Segurança Social,fruto de uma crise de tesouraria sem precedentes,agravada com a instauração do estado de emergência. Analistas não veem,por agora,falta de recursos para pagar salários,mas admitem uma crise com dimensões incalculáveis,se o Estado cancelar programas e contratos ou encerrar algumas instituições. 2020-04-29 Employment,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
President Cyril Ramaphosa: Additional Coronavirus COVID-19 economic and social relief measures south africa We will direct R50 billion towards relieving the plight of those who are most desperately affected by the coronavirus. This means that child support grant beneficiaries will receive an extra R300 in May and from June to October they will receive an additional R500 each month. 2020-04-21 Family benefits,Social assistance,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Poland: First Proposal of Support Measures Due to COVID-19 poland For employers hiring at least 50 employees as at 30 June 2019,the deadline for entering into employee pension plan agreements is to be extended to September 2020. 2020-03-25 Pensions Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Covid-19 : Communiqués mauritius As part of its commitment to mitigate the adverse financial impact of the lockdown on economic operators,Government is waiving the fees payable by sellers of vegetables,haberdashery and general merchandise in markets around the island during the curfew period. For those who have already paid,the amount will be deducted in the next instalment due 2020-04-17 Contribution collection and compliance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Azerbaijan Takes Measures To Mitigate COVID-19 Impact On Economy & Social Life By Ilham Karimli April 6,20 azerbaijan Ensure public works participation for 50 thousand new beneficiaries 2020-04-06 Employment,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Support for those affected by Covid-19 united kingdom For the duration of the outbreak,the requirements of the Universal Credit Program will be temporarily relaxed for those who have COVID-19 or are self-isolating according to government advice. People will be able to claim Universal Credit and access advance payments upfront without the current requirement to attend a job Centre if they are advised to self-isolate. 2020-03-11 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Coverage of insurance payments on unemployment to be expanded azerbaijan Expand the coverage of unemployment insurance payments and create proactive appointment mechanism. 2020-04-07 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Universal credit coronavirus increase: how much the benefit is rising,and self-employed worker rules explained united kingdom The UK would raise its main state-paid benefit. The universal credit standard allowance for the next 12 months would increase by 1,000 pounds a year, with the working tax credit basic element rising by the same amount as well. It is expected that the measures will benefit over 4 million of the most vulnerable households. 2020-03-26 Cash transfers,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Azerbaijan prolongs term of unemployment insurance payments azerbaijan Continue to pay insurance payments and stipends during the special quarantine regime for persons whose unemployment insurance payments have expired but are not employed,and students who are in break from vocational training courses. 2020-04-08 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Число бесплатных продуктов для престарелых и инвалидов увеличено Uzbekistan Extension of the duration of the social allowances for low-income families that expire in March-June for 6 months (or until a child reaches age of 2 or 14,depending on a social allowance) (additional USD 60 million). Moreover,Government is about to approve amendments to simplify the application process and relax the income test (by disregarding certain incomes and categories) to determine eligibility to family allowances. 2020-04-03 Family benefits Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Azerbaijani ministry says 82,000 families to receive targeted social assistance azerbaijan As the ministry noted,the support was also provided to low-income families whose term for receiving targeted state social assistance during the special quarantine regime has expired. The term for the provision of this assistance to them has been extended to one month following the end of the quarantine regime. 2020-04-27 Family benefits Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
О ПЕРВООЧЕРЕДНЫХ МЕРАХ ПО СМЯГЧЕНИЮ НЕГАТИВНОГО ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЯ НА ОТРАСЛИ ЭКОНОМИКИ КОРОНАВИРУСНОЙ ПАНДЕМИИ И ГЛОБАЛЬНЫХ КРИЗИСНЫХ ЯВЛЕНИЙ Uzbekistan Prohibition of termination of the employment contract for an employee who is the parent (person,substitute,guardian,trustee) of a child under the age of 14 who is infected with coronavirus infection or placed in quarantine 2020-03-20 Employment,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Coronavirus: CAF automatically pay RSA,APL,AAH and AEEH france Rights to the allowance for disabled adults (AAH) and the education allowance for disabled children (AEEH) which expire will be automatically extended by six months. 2020-03-20 Disability Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Coronavirus: CAF automatically pay RSA,APL,AAH and AEEH france Guarantee payment of benefits by the Family Allowance Funds if the quarterly declaration of resources is not possible. RSA,APL,allowance for disabled adults,education allowance for disabled children,etc. 2020-03-20 Disability Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Coronavirus in France: premiums for caregivers and aid for the most disadvantaged households france A bonus will be paid to agents who face a significant increase in work during the coronavirus crisis,of up to 1,000 euros. The premium will be exempt from taxes and social security contributions. For healthcare staff the premium will be higher: 500 or 1,500 euros. All healthcare staff will receive a 50% increase in their overtime,said the Minister of Health,Olivier Véran. 2020-04-15 Health Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Edouard Philippe annonce une aide de 200 euros pour les jeunes « précaires ou modestes » france Prime Minister Edouard Philippe announced,in front of the senators this Monday,May 4,that aid of 200 euros would be paid to 800,000 “precarious or modest” young people under 25,to support them in this period of pandemic. 2020-05-04 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Coronavirus en France : des primes pour les soignants et des aides pour les ménages les plus défavorisés france An "emergency aid" of 150 euros per family receiving active solidarity income (RSA) or specific solidarity allowance (ASS),to which will be added 100 euros per child will be paid on May 15. Families who do not benefit from the RSA or SSA,but who receive housing assistance,will receive 100 euros per child. Their payment "will be automatic,without any action being necessary" and will concern "more than four million households". 2020-04-15 Family benefits Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Policy Responses to COVID-19 finland Social security contribution waiver/subsidy - Fiscal measures include lower pension contributions through the remainder of 2020. Pension funds may grant,upon application,a postponement up to 3 months for pension premiums paid by employers and self-employed individuals. 2020-04-30 Old-age pensions Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
President Cyril Ramaphosa: Additional Coronavirus COVID-19 economic and social relief measures south africa R40 billion has been set aside for income support payments for workers whose employers are not able to pay their wages. 2020-04-21 Employment,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Policy Responses to COVID-19 estonia Social security contribution waiver/subsidy - The economic stimulus package includes temporary suspension of second pillar pension scheme payments 2020-04-30 Old-age pensions Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
POLICY RESPONSES TO COVID-19 myanmar 150 first units of electricity consumption for general public,religious and local NGOs (excluding embassy,UN and INGOs) will be exempted from payment until end of April. 2020-04-23 Housing,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
POLICY RESPONSES TO COVID-19 myanmar Starting from April 10th to 19th -- water festival holidays – the government will provide food packages to each low-income household which does not have regular income. These packages include rice (1 Pyi = 2.55718 L),cooking oil (1/2 Viss),salt (1/2 Viss),bean (1 Viss),Onion (1 Viss). (1 viss = 3.6 pounds) 2020-04-23 Food and nutrition,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
BR Nº 77 de 23.04.20,Bulletin of the Republic - I Series mozambique Decreto n.º 22/2020: É concedido o perdão de multas e redução de juros de mora decorrentes da falta de pagamento ou pagamento fora do prazo das contribuições para a segurança social obrigatória,cuja dívida tenha sido constituída até a data da entrada em vigor do presente Decreto. 2020-04-23 Contribution collection and compliance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Premijer Duško Marković predstavio novi Vladin paket mjera ekonomskog oporavka od pandemije korona virusa: Put oporavka neće biti lak,ali ćemo i iz ovoga izaći jači Montenegro Subsidies for wages of employees in quarantine or isolation also for April and May 2020 in the amount of 70% of gross minimum wage for each employee who had to be quarantined or in self-isolation 2020-04-09 Employment,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan canada We are extending the maximum duration of the Work-Sharing program from 38 weeks to 76 weeks for employers affected by COVID-19. This measure will provide income support to employees eligible for Employment Insurance who agree to reduce their normal working hours because of developments beyond the control of their employers. 2020-04-20 Employment,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Premijer Duško Marković predstavio novi Vladin paket mjera ekonomskog oporavka od pandemije korona virusa: Put oporavka neće biti lak,ali ćemo i iz ovoga izaći jači Montenegro Subsidy for wages of employees on paid absence for April and May of 70% of gross minimum wage for each employee who had to stay home to care for a child under 11; 2020-04-09 Employment,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan canada The Temporary 10% Wage Subsidy is a three-month measure that will allow eligible employers to reduce the amount of payroll deduction required to be remitted to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). You are an eligible employer if you: - are a(n): individual (excluding trusts),partnership,non-profit organization,registered charity,or Canadian-controlled private corporation (including a cooperative corporation) eligible for the small business deduction; - have an existing business number and… 2020-04-20 Employment,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Premijer Duško Marković predstavio novi Vladin paket mjera ekonomskog oporavka od pandemije korona virusa: Put oporavka neće biti lak,ali ćemo i iz ovoga izaći jači Montenegro Subsidies for closed businesses for April and May 2020,in the amount of 70% of the minimum wage and 100% of taxes and contributions to the minimum wage for each registered employee in sectors that had to be closed due to measures to contain the pandemic. Subsidies for new employment in the amount of 70% of the gross minimum wage for at least 6 months for entrepreneurs,micro,small and medium-sized companies,who register new employees in April and who were simultaneously registered as… 2020-04-09 Employment,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan canada The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) supports employers that are hardest hit by the pandemic,and protect the jobs Canadians depend on. The subsidy generally covers 75% of an employee's wages – up to $847 per week - for employers of all sizes and across all sectors who have suffered a drop in gross revenues of at least 15% in March,and 30% in April and May. The program will be in place for a 12-week period,from March 15 to June 6,2020. Employers who are eligible for the CEWS are… 2020-04-20 Employment,Cash transfers,Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Premijer Duško Marković predstavio novi Vladin paket mjera ekonomskog oporavka od pandemije korona virusa: Put oporavka neće biti lak,ali ćemo i iz ovoga izaći jači Montenegro Subsidies for vulnerable activities for April and May in the amount of 50% of the gross minimum wage for each registered employee in sectors whose work is at risk due to measures for combating the pandemic. 2020-04-09 Employment,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…