
Towards a more gender-equitable COVID-19 response

Submitted by pmassetti on

Modern Diplomacy (31.08.01 ) As the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to ripple across the world, they leave in their wake an upheaval touching all areas of public life. While all have been effected, no segment of the population has been impacted more, and in more varied ways, than women. The pandemic has shown scant regard for women’s socio-economic or marital status, for motherhood, occupation ethnicity or region of origin.

Gender equality


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US: Most Rental Assistant Funds Not Yet Distributed, Figures Show

Submitted by pmassetti on

 The New York Times (25.08.2021) Just $1.7 billion in funds intended to prevent eviction were disbursed in July as the White House braces for a Supreme Court decision that could strike down its eviction moratorium.

Regions / Country
United States


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Digital bodies and digitalised welfare: North-South linkages in the politics of food assistance and social welfare

Submitted by pmassetti on (2021) This paper examines North–South linkages in the politics of contemporary food assistance and social welfare, and in particular the normalisation of poverty and humanitarian crisis caused by increased digitalisation, privatisation and individualisation of aid or welfare. Migrants and displaced populations are considered as extreme cases and we examine how these policies and practices are leading to the growth of a global precariat who are constantly on the edge of survival (or death).

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Information and communication technology
Digital inclusion
Document Type

India And Unemployment: Covid-19 And Its Impact On The Indian Workforce

Submitted by pmassetti on

Forbes India (20.08.2021) Structural weaknesses in the jobs market, amplified by Covid-19, continue to quietly impact many, particularly women and younger workers. Creating sustainable, quality employment opportunities need urgent policy attention and reforms

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The Increase in Social Protection Programs During COVID-19

Submitted by pmassetti on

BORGEN (14.08.2021) In an attempt to protect from economic disaster in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments enacted an unprecedented number of social protection programs. According to the World Bank, Social protection “traditionally consists of labor markets, pensions, social funds and ‘safety nets’.” Although developing countries introduced 1,300+ social protection and jobs programs related to COVID-19, the International Labor Organization (ILO) “estimates 255 million full-time equivalent” job losses in 2020.

Shocks & extreme events


Document Type

Polish government announces new child benefits for families to "create the future of our nation"

Submitted by pmassetti on (17.08.2021) The Polish government has unveiled plans for a new child benefit scheme. It hopes that the policy will provide an “incentive to have more children”, who will “create the future of our nation”. Under the “Family Welfare Capital” scheme approved by the cabinet today, the state will from the start of next year pay families 12,000 zloty (€2,630) for each child after their firstborn between the age of 12 and 36 months. The benefit will be available to all families, regardless of income.

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Family benefits
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Bangladesh: Redesigning social safety net programmes to mitigate Covid-19 impacts

Submitted by pmassetti on (10.08.2021) The Government of Bangladesh has allocated 17.83 per cent of the total budget for fiscal 2021-22 for Social Safety Net Programmes (SSNPs). The coverage is diverse; it includes programmes related to poverty eradication, education, health, infrastructure, disaster management, housing for the poor, amongst many. However, if we take out pensions and honorarium for the non-poor, educational stipends, agricultural subsidies and so on, the actual social safety net allocation comes down to 50 per cent.

Regions / Country
Social policies & programmes


Document Type

Redesigning Canada’s social safety net for the post-pandemic economy

Submitted by pmassetti on (10.08.2021) COVID revealed the shortcomings of Employment Insurance and income-support programs. As the economy rebuilds, now’s the time to examine the system.

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Volvo Cars Family Bond gives all employees 24 weeks paid parental leave - Volvo Cars Global Media Newsroom

Submitted by rruggia on

Volvo Cars is opting in its 40,000+ employees around the globe, in all plants and offices, into a new all-gender, paid parental leave policy as of April 1, 2021. The ‘Family Bond’ policy will give all employees with at least one year’s service a total of 24 weeks of leave at 80 per cent of their base pay by default. The policy applies to either parent and the leave can be taken anytime within the three first years of parenthood.

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Parental leave
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India: Migrant workers cry neglected by the Government. How has the Covid-19 pandemic crisis highlighted the need for social security?

Submitted by pmassetti on

 Inventiva (20.07.2021) India’s pandemic crisis has had its heart-rending consequences on millions of people across informal sectors.

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