
Social protection response to COVID-19 in rural LAC: social and economic double inclusion

Submitted by pmassetti on

International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG)  (10.02.20222) This One Pager reflects on how to improve social protection systems in Latin America and the Caribbean after the COVID-19 pandemic, analysing how it can ensure food security and social and economic ‘double inclusion’. In particular, it provides a regional overview of the social protection measures to respond to COVID-19 in rural areas, and analyses four country-level examples that show promising features for building back better during the recovery process.

Regions / Country
latin america
Document Type

Accelerating digital cash transfers to the world’s poorest

Submitted by pmassetti on (17.02.2022) The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed an estimated 124 million people into extreme poverty globally, the first increase in extreme poverty in 20 years. To meet the magnitude of this need, governments around the world have dramatically ramped up social protection measures, and in particular cash transfers, which comprised one-third of all COVID-related social protection programs. A staggering 17 percent of the world’s population, or 1.3 billion people, were covered by at least one COVID-related cash payment between 2020 and 2021.

Global challenges
Information and communication technology


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

The Challenges of Targeting Social Protection Programs

Submitted by pmassetti on (10 febrary 2022) In 2020, when the pandemic began, many governments worldwide undertook the task of channeling emergency support to their most vulnerable citizens. This task, made more difficult by the unprecedented public health restrictions implemented in various settings, was fraught with difficulties. This included ensuring that help reached those who needed it the most, and that precious resources did not go to people who did not need support.

Global challenges


Document Type

Spending on social protection rose nearly 270% with pandemic

Submitted by pmassetti on

UN News (07.02.2022) Opening the session, the Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Liu Zhenmin, argued that the pandemic had highlighted the critical role of social policies.  “The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated inequalities, and multiple forms of deprivation”, Mr. Zhenmin said, remembering that many countries reacted by instituting emergency measures.  “One key lesson is the importance of universal access to social protection, to enhance economic and food security, in times of crisis”, he said. 


Document Type

Promoting longer working lives in the digital era

Submitted by pmassetti on

LSE Business Review (11.02.2022)  High automation risk discourages older workers from remaining in employment. In technologically advanced countries such as Finland, generous unemployment benefits to people 59 and over ends up creating a retirement pathway. Simply pushing that age limit back increases the probability that older workers facing higher risk of automation will remain in employment.

Global challenges
Document Type

Families eligible for Italy’s single universal allowance from January

Submitted by pmassetti on (31.12.2021) From Saturday, the single universal child benefit (L’assegno unico e universale) is open for applications and will be distributed from March 1st 2022. The measure forms part of Italy’s overall Budget Law 2022, which has established tax and pension reforms as well as extended some tax breaks for home renovations and help with buying a first home.  The new single allowance replaces a raft of other so-called ‘baby bonuses‘, unifying a series of measures to support families – hence the term ‘unico‘.

Regions / Country
Family benefits
Document Type

Denmark: Family leave reform

Submitted by pmassetti on  (24.01.2022) A large majority of the political parties in parliament have agreed on a new model to equalize family leave benefit entitlements between both parents, adopting almost in its entirety a proposal from the two main social partners. The bill required to amend current family leave legislation was submitted to parliament on December 22, 2021.

Regions / Country
Family benefits


Document Type

The Right Recipe for Reforming Pensions

Submitted by pmassetti on

Project Syndicate (29.12.2021) Even though governments do not provide all pension income in most national systems, they have good reasons to be involved in reform efforts. And one of the best things governments could do is to ensure that workers have the information and financial education they need to make the best decisions about their retirement.

Document Type

Public support for a universal basic income is dependent on the way it is funded

Submitted by pmassetti on (25.01.2022) The concept of a universal basic income has received increased attention since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. But what do the public think about the proposal? Drawing on a new study, Leire Rincón illustrates that a key factor affecting support for a universal basic income is the way it is funded, with more people likely to back the policy if it is funded by increasing taxes for those on higher incomes.

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Extension of coverage
Document Type