Kenya: Universal Health Coverage allocated Sh62.3bn in new budget

Submitted by pmassetti on

Capital News (07.04.2022) The government has allocated Sh146.8 billion to cater for health care services in the 2022/2023 budget. Treasury Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yattani says the allocation will go a long way in improving the health care services in the country. “Better health care outcomes depend on the availability, accessibility and capacity of health care workers to deliver quality services anchored on well equipped and provision health care facilities,” he said. Health Care is one of the big four agenda of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s administration. Yattani noted that the government is committed “towards achieving the goal of achieving 100 percent health insurance coverage”. “Key among these initiatives include the free maternity program dubbed linda mama which currently benefits over 1 million mothers annually increasing the total number of health workers in the public and private sector investment in the health infrastructure and development of a digital health platform support effective monitoring of the health sector,” he said.

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